Hib Takes Merlins staff :D


Sharp Thing

Originally posted by IsrafaelCF

Define most wankers. Go on, how many other CF members do you have a problem with.

Some people like to put forward their opinions. Don't tar one guild because you dislike 2, count them, 2 of their members.
didnt accuse u, just made a remark.


Albs stop the whining, they won, gg :clap: gratz....

/me whispers something 'bout getting it back


Originally posted by Sharp Thing

didnt accuse u, just made a remark.

I know you didn't accuse me personally, but I'm sorry this comment -

btw did anyone notice that karam, old.m000, and most wankers come from celestial Fury

Does NOT look like it was just aimed at karam and mistar.

Sorry if I'm getting a bit pissy, it's just CF has a lot of damn good people in it and I don't like people accusing my guild of being comprised of "wankers"


Originally posted by razorboy
Albs stop the whining, they won, gg :clap: gratz....

/me whispers something 'bout getting it back

Heh, I wasn't whining, I just found it amusing that it looked like mid and hib were working together


this post has provided me a lot of comedy
i thank you

Wahh my pixels are better than your pixels!

tee hee

and btw server cap is 3500 and primetime is ALWAYS 6pm-12pm


What I don't understand is we all pay our hard earned cash to GOA to play this game, go through 30ish days of complete annoyance in PvE so we can get to RvR, then whine and moan when we take each others relics. Am I missing the point, or isn't this what the Entire game is all about (taking relics, not whining btw :p ) ?

Grats btw Hibs :clap:


accually I play only so I'll get an excuz to whine and flame..


Grats on a nice and fast executed raid, there was no way we could have stopped you in time, well we might have had a slim chance if all albs immeditately stopped xping and came to HW but that was it. Lyonesse is 15 minutes away from sauvage and snowdownia castle is 20-25 minutes away from lyonesse. 2 full groups of albs made it to Hadrians wall before the rellic went through but we got ganked from behind by a large force of hibs. Only reason the 2 groups got there intime is because our chars were still logged in excalibur or close to it afer yesterdays mid attack on excalibur. And to the mids, well bad luck guys, you hit excali at a time when 40+ albs were passing excalibur on their way to hadrians wall. When we then heard there were mids incoming on excalibur we set up our defenses there. But all in all congrats on a job well done.


Grats Hibs, very nice raid indeed, just hope you guys can stay up till 3am in all the following weeks watching for the Albs :p

Originally posted by Zilly
Any Alb that suggests that 4pm on a Sunday afternoon is not primetime for taking a relic are talking out of their arse.
Agreed, 3-10ish is primetime on a sunday.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by IsrafaelCF

Does NOT look like it was just aimed at karam and mistar.

Sorry if I'm getting a bit pissy, it's just CF has a lot of damn good people in it and I don't like people accusing my guild of being comprised of "wankers"
wel, personally i wouldnt want ppl like this in my guild tho, but it aint mine so....

but honestly, dont you get embarresd by their behaviour somtimes?


Taking the discussion to PMs, sharp. Check them.


:clap: Well done Hibbies!
:p So sorry for your defeat Middies (well, not really)

I must say, if that wasn't organized then my god what luck! Middies attacking excal not even 3 minutes after the relic went nutrel, hmmm, I smell a rat :p

Anyways, thanks to the Albs who bothered to show up and defend excal, and SHAME SHAME SHAME on the ones still in lyonesse xping I mean really people, that is just bad.


Grats to the hibs. :clap:

And to the mids, a lot of the people coming to defend snowdonia didnt make it in time so when we got reports of mids as well they just headed straight for Excal :)


Well done fellow hibbies, sounded like a great raid!

Im surprised the Albs havnt started moaning about the raid being at the same time as the Golf........instead of the footie.... :p


Thnx for collecting all 3 in one place - see u soon :D

Zag Barr

Grats to Hibernia. Well planed and executed raid :clap: :clap:

Too bad I logged on a few minutes to late. The only Hib I got to see/kill was a poor green Firby close to HMG in HW. Relic had already passed when I got there :(

I am actually kind of releaved now. It's almost impossible to protect Myridin against a well excuted raid. And protecting two relic keeps and repairing all those doors gets straining as well.

Only thing I don't really understand is Midgards glee. Now they take +20% melee damage from Albs, who's forces contain mainly of melleers - and they take +20% spell damage from Hibernia, who's forces contain mostly of casters.

I really dont know what makes them so happy :confused:


They are happy cuz we albs one less relic. From my view point it's Mids hate Albs, Albs hate Mids, and we all tolerate the hippies :p

Zag Barr

Well that relic did nothing for Albion - no bonus. You don't get any malus any more, for not having a certain relic type - hence no bonus for having your own.

Only thing it prevented, was Hibs getting +10% more spell damage ... which surely hurts the Mids as much as the Albs ... I thought ...


Originally posted by K0nah
Thnx for collecting all 3 in one place - see u soon :D

I doubt it...all firbies will be tucked up in bed when you come calling Konah ;)

Well Done and /respect Hibs...welcome to "primetime" relic taking



lol i find it funny how ppl keep telling alb ppl to stop complaning and whining, er read the post we arent its m000000 who is only one bitchin dunno why it was a fair raid in most respects.
no wonder alb has a bad rep and btw if u keep dissin us for late night raids then we'll just keep doin em cos its funny reading the forums although i still dont consider midnight 1 am GMT late as server is still over 1k ppl

last point do we have to have these threads whenever a relic is taken, now i know its a novelty for hibs but albs and mids well its a regualr occurence
i know we all like a good flame for the most part there friendly jibes at each other but gets dulling whining at sub and killgorde about relics all the time


Grats Hibbs!!!

You may be ugly as hell, but atleast you can do primetime raids...

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Edited -> Faulthy info

And our strength relic? Considering all the whining on Mid ganking our realm should be able to get the most realm abilities. Hope i got 50 by that time.

Cu in a month ;)

And Gratz to Hibernia, we hoped you were gonna be our distraction when we spotted you but it seems the albs like middie meat better :(


Grats, well done hibbs. You got us in half-primetime, cant see why anyone cares about primetime or not :p

You won this raid, well done & thx for the great fights in HW (love fighting somewere else than emain) :)

Nice to see midgar raiding excal again, gl next time :)

note: it was allmost primetime, lots of albs exping about 100 of them in lyonesse, takes them 10 -15min to get to Casle sauvage or Snowdonia Fortress (border keep) and then another 5min to reach Power relic. Dont know if they even cared about the relic anyway. ( /who all showed ~700)

You raided fast, like your suppose to do. Good work! :clap:

No power relic for me :(


I don't know much about what happened, I logged on about 10 mins before the Hibs captured it.

But bloody well done hippies :D


Can someone lend me a Luri to stroke, they're just sooo cute. :)


Logged on, /relic = neutral, ride on horse, in middle of the way hib got the relic... hell was wondering wtf only 200 on a Sunday afternoon in hib with /who all :)


Nice Job Hibs.

Nice to see Midgaard are now officially the loosers on Excalibur, well for now :)

Albion has all 3 strenght relics and Hibernia all 3 power relics, that leaves midgaard with.... 0.

But at least they did a nice try on Excalibur right after we lost the power relic.

i got 600 rps on 10 minutes :)


Aussie I was refering to mr m00 and the other albs who directly talked about cross-teaming


Well done all Hibbies and especially Nova and his CF mates! Well organized raid - much fun taking part in it - and even more reading this forum and to see theres at least some Albs that can still use their brains :clap:


Hope to see those raids on the strength relics soon ;)


Like anyone's likely 2 beleive a word u say. Mids ariving with rams was I'm sure just a coincidence.

Likely anyone's gonna give a rat's ass bout your opinions!!

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