Hib rvr (groups)



lol this is not aimed at anyone, why would you care who i invited to my rvr groups? sorry raven what do you know if i play or not? i suggest you just stfu and if you cant get a group its not my problem.

Standing at dl yelling lfg = lazy wankers.

Of course there are a few exceptions, but doing it over and over just annoys ppl, try setting up a group yourself instead of whining here newbies.


if lazy is me because i don't wish to stand outside dl for approximately three hours trying to form a grp which will likely disband the first time we get wiped in emain, then i am guilty as charged. Sorry for wanting to actually play the game and get in rvr, some of us don't have that much time to invest in a computer game and when i log on i want to play not stand in the same spot for sodding hours.


could form a guild rvr np every single night but sometmes i like to group with other hibbies i aint played with or met before.. just a game..

some damn good players out there yelling for grps at times peeps.. and joining a pure(ish) rvr guild aint what everybody wants.

btw.. if u joined a pure rvr guild at lvl 1 were would u be now? lvl 20-21ish? :)

rvr is realm versus realm, need to remember your realm at times and get more guildies lvlled and into rvr. we all pay subs so we should all have fun :)

basic problem in hib is this.. too many tanks, not enough healing

...and not enough peeps in cg ;)

where teh fook is my taxi btw? :)


Originally posted by Tyka
lol this is not aimed at anyone, why would you care who i invited to my rvr groups? sorry raven what do you know if i play or not? i suggest you just stfu and if you cant get a group its not my problem.

i only run in gg's.... shows what you know



But Tyka is actually right... u cant always stand and wait for other to make grps and invite u. dont be afraid to invite other ppl and form a grp yourself. in that way u will hopefuly get friends and ppl u will form future grps with.
But if u aint that kind of person u should maybe consider joining another guild , and just cuz u want good grps doesnt mean u HAVE to join a top rvr guild, there are alot other guilds who does good in rvr aswell.
Wish u best luck

I usually spam ppl on my friendlist when I get online to make grp :p and it works yep, just have to put some effort in it.


Err just don't whine if you can't get a group. It's nobody's business except your own.

If you can't find a group, make one, get to know people and add them to your friends list so you can easily invite them later (and hope they do the same). If you don't have time to make groups then you shouldn't be playing this game as you do need loads of it to make a name :p

RvR doesn't mean shouting at newbies and begging for groups ;)


Re: .

Originally posted by Wot-do

I usually spam ppl on my friendlist when I get online to make grp :p and it works yep, just have to put some effort in it.

ur friendlist? haha, what ive seen its basicly empty, so lies lol.


Originally posted by Marwolaeth
Erm, champs are good in RvR in my experience...And he's not asking to be handed a group on a silver platter, he's explaining his experiences so STFU shrye and get your nose from up tykas arse!

then you have very little rvr experience, every single time a hero would be prefered due to determination


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
If you don't have time to make groups then you shouldn't be playing this game as you do need loads of it to make a name :p

Or just post a somewhat hot pic on the forums, works as well :p


i dont know why people dont understand this.

winning, people like to win, it's a part of human nature..

rvr evolves around certain classes/combinations to win 8v8 or whatever, to make your group as well rounded and optimal as possible.. why? well, to win of course..

why would i take a person i barely know, and just invite him to my group, over anyone else i DO know?

it's not PvE, rvr is not formulaic, in the sense that the same stuff will happen in each fight, so you cant just get anyone from /who <class> 50 and expect to win..

look at it from the other side and you will see the answers you're looking for (or maybe not looking for)..

and as it is with xp, if you ARE a class/spec people dont like to take in groups (as is/was with nightshades/rangers for ages in xp), then the best solution you have is to make your own group with your own effort.

it's not that people have a personal dislike towards you (although this can be the case ;p ), it's probably knowing a person and spec/utility in an rvr situation.


nobody should ever feel like they should have to leave their friends who they levelled with and learnt the game with just so they can get rp's ffs.... rp's mean nothing to me personally.. if they did u would be much, much higher in the champ lists than i am, and u all know that. guilds aint about rp's, they are about a circle of friends.. keep it important peeps.. and treat new members to guilds like new friends..


Originally posted by ilaya
nobody should ever feel like they should have to leave their friends who they levelled with and learnt the game with just so they can get rp's ffs.... rp's mean nothing to me personally.. if they did u would be much, much higher in the champ lists than i am, and u all know that. guilds aint about rp's, they are about a circle of friends.. keep it important peeps.. and treat new members to guilds like new friends..

well said


true ilaya, but you understand i can be your friend, with a level 50 mentalism mentalist, and i would understand that i would contribute precious little to a rvr group that stands a decent chance of winning?

please dont get on this high horse, i am in total agreement that that is the way it SHOULD be.. but fact of the matter is, it is not.. and i dont see people grouping the non-essential classes often, simply because they are friends of other people.

people have fun when they win a good fight, moreso when it's with friends, but if grouping your friend means almost certain defeat then it will quickly become a drag and you'll all look for something else to do sooner rather than later.


When i started to play RvR it was pretty common to stand in DL and express u were looking for a group. Lots of randomized groups were made and whenever there was no second healer, no bard or whatever people used to fill up the group and deceided to make a run anyway.

This basically stopped when pure RvR guilds came along. Even though it's understandable since i do think people who play RvR with eachother often will peform better then people that "just" met it became harder to make random groups since a lot of people don't even bother RvRing with other people then their guildies.

For me the biggest problem issue in grouping with random people is the simple fact so many people drop out after the first kill. I have spent many times making balanced groups in DL, make a run, get killed and see people leave which made me start allover again. This truly sucks!

If u know u can't stay that long, know u are going to join ur guildies soon, are not prepared to make an effort on getting to know ur fellow groupmembers a little on their playingstyle and are the type of person to drop out after 1 kill (because ur pissed off or smt): DON'T JOIN. Or... say upfront u can only make one run and let the groupformer deceide if he wants to take u in or not.

For me this is simple a matter of beeing polite. For some reason people get very selfish when they join a random group and think they can just go and do as they wish without taking into account that the former has spent a lot of time to make the group.

If this attitude changes and people respect the ones who make an effort on forming random RvR groups i think we would all benefit in the end.


Originally posted by Ravenbourne
i only run in gg's.... shows what you know

Why do you take such offense then? btw i did not judge you the same way you did to me, no idea where all this aggro comes from but you obviously have some problems.

Run how the fuck you want, in my books you're an idiot and if that affects you then i suggest you get a life, moron.


Originally posted by ilaya
nobody should ever feel like they should have to leave their friends who they levelled with and learnt the game with just so they can get rp's ffs.... rp's mean nothing to me personally.. if they did u would be much, much higher in the champ lists than i am, and u all know that. guilds aint about rp's, they are about a circle of friends.. keep it important peeps.. and treat new members to guilds like new friends..

Rps mean nothing to me either, but seriously why would anyone want to be in a guild if the rest of guild treats them unfair? People in different guilds have same goals and together they reach them, i dont judge how other guilds operate or how they work together, comparing to some other people here.

Thank you and play the game how you want.


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
So nasty :(
You told me you loved me on MSN..


I sense...................LIIIIIIEEEEESSSSSSSS :D


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Err just don't whine if you can't get a group. It's nobody's business except your own.
hihi :p

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