Hib PL in CM pit is ruining the area for normal lvls



When i leveled RAven i did what a lot of people did i suppose, solo to 10, muire (chaos, great fun), parth farm (chaos, good fun), Sprag den (Chaos, good fun), Triehb (least said about that the better), CM (My god how i hate that place, chaos), Innis (Have to get through loads of agro 1st) Then the most boring place of all Fins. From all this you do learn the basics of RvR, Team work, who does what etc, moving as a group. Pl'ing is a problem, some people even PL at knights in df now, that is really taking the piss tbh. If you have a high lvl char and want another 50 work for it dont just sit there. There are more and more 50's who know nothing about even the basics, a good example was a 50 bard not knowing what or how to twist or indeed what it was.


Leave the level 50 alts to pl in CM, they are all jaded and cynical by then anyway :p

Give me a n00b who thinks a focus pull involves running into the middle and pbing any day! soooo much fun :D

I think 1-20 are some of the most fun levels to play, and hey you can get some good chaotic pulls going with the right nutters in the group. Muires, Parths, Sprag den etc, have died numerous times with numerous chars in numerous places and it still makes me laugh :)

O well just my idea of fun maybes lol!


Originally posted by natasya

I think 1-20 are some of the most fun levels to play, and hey you can get some good chaotic pulls going with the right nutters in the group. Muires, Parths, Sprag den etc, have died numerous times with numerous chars in numerous places and it still makes me laugh :)

I agree ( : I certainly am not the fastest leveler, but I wouldn't know half of the peeps that I play & laugh with now if I hadn't been in hazardous / insane pulling groups before ( ; And with SC at least the fighting over drops has died down in xp groups below lvl 40 too, making it more relaxed ( ; Only thing I dislike are the peeps who think they know everything because they've been through it all before with another char and insist on trying to make you do things exactly like they used to do it. I love it when there's a mad puller in the group (Txispas was extremely insane for that matter... used to call him the mad spaniard cos he always pulled way more & often than anyone thought we could handle... died more than we would in an efficient group, but the fun of it was worth the extra time needed to level :) )

Ow and Aloca I wasn't referring to anyone specifically ( : I do appreciate PL groups, I just think it's being done too much atm. 10 spots in CM all taken by combos of 1 chanter & 1 druid so normal xp groups have no space is just not how the game was intended to be played imho.


Originally posted by Danyan
Chain pulling weeweres in CM with a group doesn't prepare you for RvR in the slightest, so no one is missing out on important skills there.

hate to have been the main tank in that grp - no healing :eek6:



ive had 2 level 50's now one on alb one on hib neither where power lvled they all got there through stupid amounts of time spent camping mobs
frankly PL is a godsend everyone knows theres nothing you can do between thid lvl and 46+ in the way of enjoyment ie RvR and if you dont know this then you aint been playing long enough, the rest of the BG are sketchy at best and you just get your ass handed to you on a platter in rvr when your lower lvl because of the zerg mentality of excalibur
tbh i think if you have a lvl 50 you should be able to xp twice as fast as someone else why the hell should we have to go through the same bull shit of tedious xping camping fins witherwoods and whatever mids kill high lvls for 10 hours a day when we have already done it it is no fun lvling up another char once you hit the higher lvls.
the lvling system is camelot is shite and designed to keep you playing as long as possible on one char with the goal of reaching 50 now say i have a lvl 24 NS and plenty of cash from my main why would i want to camp a spot for a drop when i could buy it and be getting powerlvled

end of the day the main aim of the game for the players is to reach 50 however eventually you are gonna get bored of your char in a big way and gonna want to try something new and the most fun i have found is thidranki lvl and 50

if youre a new player dont get power lvled your missing a hell of a lot of a great game and you will miss a lot as for those ppl with lvl 50 chars well you been there done that got the t-shirt etc might as well get ya next char power lvled


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I thought Vantros was a gurl. And Nol, aren't you a gurl too? You told me you were a bikini modle for hawiian tropics! You saying you lied to me?????
I never lied...I am a fat hairy, male bikini model...nothing wrong with that, it's an equal rights world :D


My best 6 months in this game were level s 35 & 36 ...


btw, fin setup grp with lvl35+ could do leps in CF (nort entrance)

pwns :D


I disagree. Being below level 50 doesn't give you a greater right to a spawn than a level 50. Nor does being level 50 give you a greater right. As long as the mobs aren't grey, everyone has the same right to a spawn as each other. And generally it's first come, first served.

I beg to differ on this one, I think the people who are trying to earn their xp the old fashioned way and do mobs they are supossed to be doing, i.e, something 1fg can take on and get decent xp for, should have more right to it than someone who couldn't DREAM of taking on those mobs at their current lvl i.e. the guy being PLed and his PLer.

It's a need before greed thing, and TBH, being PL is not a NEED but a privaladge.

I never lied...I am a fat hairy, male bikini model...nothing wrong with that, it's an equal rights world

Want to buy: 1 mental image remover, will pay dearly, no price is too high!


Originally posted by -Dreama-
I beg to differ on this one, I think the people who are trying to earn their xp the old fashioned way and do mobs they are supossed to be doing, i.e, something 1fg can take on and get decent xp for, should have more right to it than someone who couldn't DREAM of taking on those mobs at their current lvl i.e. the guy being PLed and his PLer.

It's a need before greed thing, and TBH, being PL is not a NEED but a privaladge.
What's to say they aren't just cash farming? CM is an easy place to farm mobs for money and with SC/Alc god knows we all need it. If they choose to allow people to join their group for xp while farming money what's so wrong with that? Someone has just as much right to farm a mob repeatedly for cash at level 50 as someone below 50 has to farm it for xp.

If we're talking NEED, there's no NEED to go in CM to xp at all - there are plenty of better places for a FG to xp.

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