Hib PL in CM pit is ruining the area for normal lvls



wudnt know,, always to full for me to PL :p

Non Baf mobs - crap xp neway


Not really taking the spot, more like taking the people... really hard to get a good expgroup sub-fins going as everyone is PLing their alts nowdays :(


I totally agree on you obli and i said the same thing aswell today.

I logged my bard this morning to get a group and all spots where camped by powerlevellers. CM used to be very nice for full groups and nowadays it seems to be the place for people that only have the goal: to get to 50 asap.

I get requests to powerlevel people a lot and i keep telling people that i don't do that cause i think it sucks (it's even worse then buffbots imho). To help someone a level up ok.... but to camp spots that were made to provide good xp and drops for full groups.... well i guess the people that are powerlevelling others have been powerlevelled themselves... else they would have known...

I wish Mythic/GOA would get the leveldifference cap back as it was... since they changed it it has gotten much worse.


I agree, the amount of PL groups in CM has gotten out of hand. Everywhere you go there's a lvl 50 chanter with a lvl 20-50 druid on him and a lowbie or 2. I appreciate the people PL'ing guildies etc, but I much prefer a real xp group.


PL char = gimp player

dont think they learn to handle their char while watching the enchanter doing focus pulls ...

btw, focus pulls does not work at amg.



albs and mids tend to cast some more spells than weevers and abysmals yeh :p


Originally posted by old.Laryssa
btw, focus pulls does not work at amg.


Bet it does!... have you tried it?
Every time I run there I get about a 20 pull BAF on me :D

Anyway, back to the topic... no, it's a very good thing!

How many of you starting a new character could honestly say they would enjoy killing water beetles yet again? With the possible exception of the blackthorn levels, xping in hib, pre spraggon's den, is the dullest time you can have in the realm (even worse than fins, and anyone who xp'd with me at fins will know that says a lot! :p). Any way to get past these levels quickly is fantastic imo.

For the people wanting to xp, I don't see it as a great problem either. As the xp turns from great to okish when the plvl'd person passes level 20 or so, the introduction of these free level 20/30 chars next patch will probably mean you see a lot less of this, so there should be more of an opportunity for genuine groups to get down there. Having said that, once you're at the level where you're too high for the grovers in the cavern beside it, you're good enough to go to sherroe hills etc, which is a far more pleasant experience.

It kinda annoys me when someone says something along the lines of PL player = gimp player. Most plvl'd people will be people that already have high level chars. In PvE there's not a great difference between tanking as a hero than it is tanking as a nightshade, healing as a druid or healing as a bard, casting a nuke or casting a mezz. Sure there are subtle differences between the classes, but as AI in this game is pretty much non existant, it doesn't take a genius to figure out these differences. Someone plvl'd but paying attention > someone who has leveled their character and isn't. If you're talking about gimp in the world of RvR, I can't see it making a big difference either. RvR experience does not come from pulling the same mobs 1000's of times over.

Maybe I just think this because I was lucky enough to get my new NS plvl'd there from 6-20, but in a realm that is PvE rather than RvR heavy, getting people characters that they would actually want to run out to the frontier to attack / defend with is something to be encouraged.


Originally posted by old.Laryssa
PL char = gimp player

dont think they learn to handle their char while watching the enchanter doing focus pulls ...

btw, focus pulls does not work at amg.


Are u sure focus-pulls don't work at AMG? i've seen no evidence that it doesn't work :)

Iimagine the sight, send the compatriot thru the AMG gates and pull it back u have 5 FG albs hitting on it:cheers:

Seriously tho, focuspulling/powerlvling is bittersweet, very nice when you're the one being powerlvl'd, and very very frustrating when you're struggling with an ordinary group to find a good exp-spot and 2 ppl occupy the entire spawnspot.



We used Vantros of Wizard to body pulls abys for us...focus pulls are for gurls...


There's one thing that really concerns me about this PLing:
CM-pit, namely abysmals, is hibernias main drop-spots for hgih-lvl alchemy-drops ( http://www.midnightsojourn.com/drops.html ), and I really don't want to imagine how many PLers are just not aware of what those drops are and happily sell them for 0 copper over and over again, instead of giving them to their friendly neighborhood alchemist :(


Originally posted by iziz

It kinda annoys me when someone says something along the lines of PL player = gimp player. Most plvl'd people will be people that already have high level chars.

I would like to see a plvl shade doing his first PA after he is used to play a caster class.

with gimp player i meant that the player is not USED TO PLAY his char properly.


Originally posted by old.Nol

We used Vantros of Wizard to body pulls abys for us...focus pulls are for gurls...

They bodypull anything btw.


CM has taken a turn for the worse recently, pit-wise. Although there are way too many level 1-20 people sitting down, afk, while some level 50 focus pulls, I don't think this is stopping people from making regular xp groups in cm ....... as it's very rarely, if ever, people of the 30-40 range (which u need) that are in the pl groups. The problem with making regular xp groups in cm is the same as in innis ....... or indeed anything after about level 30. I think there just aren't enough people who are willing to put the effort into xp groups any more. I've tried so often to get my bard above level 39 down in innis, but it's just impossible. There are too many people trying to solo their way to a reasonable fins group level in cm. You can see this very clearly by the amount of solo'ers in cm and the sudden magical appearence of LOADS of innis level characters that suddenly appear when DF is open.
Personally I dont think its the pl'ers in cm that causes the problem, but more to do with way too many people who can't be arsed to make or join groups in regular xp groups to CM, Bog of cullen, sheeore, ez, cf, etc. No one likes the idea of having to go through the slog to 50 again ...... and yeah guild xp groups are great when you can get em ....... but this is still a game that's supposed to be fun and I for one miss the good old random xp group making and killing!
The best thing that could happen to hib is if the fins were removed from the game imo.


yup they do i seen a drunken vantros pull about 30 meloncoly fairys and we nearly all died

as for pl i help my sister pl her char sometimes in cm pit but she only goes there when the exp groups have died down and not many places are been cameped


They'd just find another similar camp if fins were removed. :p
I don't see the big deal TBH. CM pit is like the worst XP for a full group you can have. There's no BAF at all, which just sucks. The low-aggro, no-baf spawns are perfect for soloers but sucky for groups. Most groups would be better off pulling groovers on the ramp than mobs in the pit.


Originally posted by iziz
How many of you starting a new character could honestly say they would enjoy killing water beetles yet again? With the possible exception of the blackthorn levels, xping in hib, pre spraggon's den, is the dullest time you can have in the realm (even worse than fins, and anyone who xp'd with me at fins will know that says a lot! :p). Any way to get past these levels quickly is fantastic imo.

There are other places to xp besides waterbeetles or blackthorns. Have u tried the new SI mobs? Besides: dull is a subjective thing. Maybe you find it dull, but some people see getting a char leveled to 50 is part of the game aswell. Personally i think the amount of time you need to get to 20 isn't a big deal.

For the people wanting to xp, I don't see it as a great problem either. As the xp turns from great to okish when the plvl'd person passes level 20 or so, the introduction of these free level 20/30 chars next patch will probably mean you see a lot less of this, so there should be more of an opportunity for genuine groups to get down there. Having said that, once you're at the level where you're too high for the grovers in the cavern beside it, you're good enough to go to sherroe hills etc, which is a far more pleasant experience.

I agree with you on this part.

It kinda annoys me when someone says something along the lines of PL player = gimp player. Most plvl'd people will be people that already have high level chars.

That's the sad part... having allready a high level char yourself and camping spots that are suppose to be for full groups. Selfish imho. If you want to powerlevel people fine... but do it at places you know you want bother normal xp groups or leave when a full group wants to start pulling there.

Someone plvl'd but paying attention > someone who has leveled their character and isn't. If you're talking about gimp in the world of RvR, I can't see it making a big difference either. RvR experience does not come from pulling the same mobs 1000's of times over.

I disagree with you on that one... people paying attention when they get powerleveled? Lol... i bet most people go afk spamming an occasional heal. Besides: i strongly doubt these powerlevellers visit any BG in their rush to 50 (they prob. rather stick a high level RvR group to get 150 pts for their first RA).

And i think you actually do learn a lot from xping in a normal group. Stuff like: how to handle in chaos, how to protect your support classes/mages, different roles for some chars (tanking/healing warden, offensive/defensive tanks, healer/cc bards) are also used in RvR. So no... a pl paying attention wouldnt not beat a normal levelling char.

Maybe I just think this because I was lucky enough to get my new NS plvl'd there from 6-20, but in a realm that is PvE rather than RvR heavy, getting people characters that they would actually want to run out to the frontier to attack / defend with is something to be encouraged.

I think the leveling part and (long) durability of it is made like it is for a reason, namely beeing an important exercise for RvR and a part of the game. I personally don't think PL'ers are an asset to this (any) realm simply because these people won't take the time to level their char normally and play the game like it is suppose to be played.


Originally posted by Danyan
They'd just find another similar camp if fins were removed. :p
I don't see the big deal TBH. CM pit is like the worst XP for a full group you can have. There's no BAF at all, which just sucks. The low-aggro, no-baf spawns are perfect for soloers but sucky for groups. Most groups would be better off pulling groovers on the ramp than mobs in the pit.

aye agreed

the pit is for sloers above is for xpers and after above isnt enough innis is the place to go


As much as I hate to agree with a mod :p, Ch@meleon said one thing in particular that is spot on...
I think there just aren't enough people who are willing to put the effort into xp groups any more.

And the reason for that is because so many of the xp spots *are* dull. Yes dull is subjective, but personally having had 20+ chars go through the water beetle stages, they are incredibly boring. For instance, visiting the parth farm is another low level area I'd rather miss...

CM pit is not great xp at high levels, for the reasons listed by a number of others here, however it is good xp for are people who want to avoid the low levels, probably to make it as far as the bgs. Fun comes from chaos... such as pulling a bunch of mobs in DF which would not be considered 'safe xp', and winning, or maybe getting scouted in Sherroe (or is it Sheeroe, I can never remember the spelling) while mid pull.

I think I should clarify what I meant in my previous post. As plvling in CM generally is up to bg level, that is the time frame I was referring to when talking about 'gimped' characters etc. People still have the bgs and levels 24-50, to 'learn' the little they need to adjust from one class to another. The game dynamics don't change, and from previous high level chars you know what other classes can do. I still can't see how someone plvl'd through the boring elements of the low levels can make them a gimp.

Yes I have tried the xp areas in SI, and while they're great for kill tasking, they're nothing special. Like in the normal zones, the fun comes from the chaos... xping in confined areas where you are forced to fight rather than just running away if things get hairy. If you 'overpull' and run in DF / Sherroe / Tur Suil (best dungeon in the game imo :D), you will die... however, if you fight and win, it's the best feeling you can get while xping. That is why people don't go to innis any more for pookas, that is why people flock to DF to level when it opens, and that is why people plvl themselves past the early levels where there is nothing of interest, when compared to the higher levels.

plvling in CM doesn't bother 'normal' groups because there is nothing for normal groups there. It's just conceived to be a great xp spot because it's good for a high level chanter to focus pull.

If you think I'm talking tripe, about 30-60 mins after the next time hibs get DF, do a /who falls 30 40 and a /who mine and see for yourself.


We used Vantros of Wizard to body pulls abys for us...focus pulls are for gurls...

I thought Vantros was a gurl. And Nol, aren't you a gurl too? You told me you were a bikini modle for hawiian tropics! You saying you lied to me?????

As for the CM thing, I'd have to agree with the fact that it's over run by PLers. Personally, I think some people have the wrong attitude, if a group of 'normal CM lvl' people come down, I think the PLers should be kind enough to step away. PL is a privalage, not a right, and I think the people who are earning their xp should get the spot. This being said, I am myself a product of CM PLing. As for PL chars being gimp chars, DAMN RIGHT!!! Just look at me, I still don't know which button mezz is!


Originally posted by old.Laryssa
I would like to see a plvl shade doing his first PA after he is used to play a caster class.

with gimp player i meant that the player is not USED TO PLAY his char properly.

I'd like to see a shade who soloed to 50 pull off his first PA in RvR. It will most likely be far from perfect. No doubt he knows how to do it, but pulling is a combination of skill and luck, PvE <-> RvR, big difference. Everyone needs to adapt.

what i'm trying to say is that if you have some experience and PL a second char to 50 you know the basics. after that its just a matter of getting the 'feel' of your char. This can be done at anylvl imo. Practice makes perfect, wether you start practicing at lvl 1 or at lvl 50.

Saying a PLed player cant play makes me :puke:
Do they have less experience? yes. Can they keep up after a little rvr experience? most definetly.


Chain pulling weeweres in CM with a group doesn't prepare you for RvR in the slightest, so no one is missing out on important skills there.


Originally posted by -Dreama-
As for the CM thing, I'd have to agree with the fact that it's over run by PLers. Personally, I think some people have the wrong attitude, if a group of 'normal CM lvl' people come down, I think the PLers should be kind enough to step away. PL is a privalage, not a right, and I think the people who are earning their xp should get the spot. This being said, I am myself a product of CM PLing. As for PL chars being gimp chars, DAMN RIGHT!!! Just look at me, I still don't know which button mezz is!
I disagree. Being below level 50 doesn't give you a greater right to a spawn than a level 50. Nor does being level 50 give you a greater right. As long as the mobs aren't grey, everyone has the same right to a spawn as each other. And generally it's first come, first served.


I dont see anything wrong with PL. Damn, ive been in this game for a year now.. exp exp exp.. it aint fun the first 20 lvls anymore.

Besides, when down there farming cash, why not pl someone at the same time?

Though as someone said, if a regular grp comes and ask for the spawn you should move.


Originally posted by old.Laryssa
I would like to see a plvl shade doing his first PA after he is used to play a caster class.

so u learn that at lvl50 instead of at 21 whats the diff?
and well PA'ing a running/moving player is a but different then a mob standing still anyways..


Originally posted by Ensceptifica
I agree, the amount of PL groups in CM has gotten out of hand. Everywhere you go there's a lvl 50 chanter with a lvl 20-50 druid on him and a lowbie or 2. I appreciate the people PL'ing guildies etc, but I much prefer a real xp group.

You not refering to me are you? :)
I mostly do Hulks/knights so dont drag me in here :)

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