Hib Casters you the one with the little fella

  • Thread starter Madonion Slicer
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Madonion Slicer

WOW, i assuming they are called Enchanters but WOW can you guys take down any class?

I am not afraid to say it i am uber buffed in Thid and able to beat any melee class one v one 80% of the time, but you guys kick my ass constantly unless i catch you unaware and i dont really see away to take you down.

1. I speed in, mezz the little guy bang your nuking me, i am not close enough to DD or Stun, if i run you nuke me to death or mez on the pets will end and your both nuking me.

2 I speed in, Mez you now i got a crazy assed little fella nuking the crap out of me even with buffs 4-5 nukes i am dead.

only way i have been able to kill you is that you not seen me coming and i drop you fast the little guys only gets one or two nukes in before you die.

And whats more you nuke through walls, i have been on the wall of the keep, and nuked i have jumped down and run all the way to the backside of the keep and your still getting me.

Whats this character like in PvE?

This is not a whine, this is more of a WOW, forget NS/SB or Runie this is my new fear in the BG1 if i see a Hib Caster with a little fella, i will now show much more respect.

AND yes before you say someone did get OWned


Yup, it's true, the Enchanter is a well known powerful class, I capped mine in Thid in no time, and now you'll hear me whine cos my Eld is dead meat all the time to SB's, which the Chanter had no trouble with.
Speed/Stun/powerful pbaoe/DMG add, and a very tough tank pet.


low level mana chanters are very easy kill. Mez chanter, qc mez pet. Treat chanter with your own and introduce him to your debufs and nukes. If he gets a jump, pet on chanter, qc mez on pet. Proceed as in first scenario.
While they dont have proper heat debuf and stun is short any sorc/sm can do with them whatever he wants.


Chanters been overpowered past few patches :m00:
and im saying that from hib side :)


Well, so far i can only say that spiritmasters are overpowered at low levels. A lot of fancy buttons with nasty effects to press. (I specially enjoy my mez button :) )

Madonion Slicer

But spiritmaster pets from what i have seen are melee with no range like the Albion Simi except for maybe the odd proc stun/mez, these Hib ones will kick your ass and quick unless you can mez or stun it then get close enough to kill.

As a Minstrel there is no class i can't handle, this is not an i am uber statment i mean as in i have many tools to get in/out of any situation, run/hide/fight/mez .

But these chanters are something to be feared, maybe it is also that they have 3 power relics to back them up.

as for using insta mez, you might not of notice but no albion class has that!

i do have a ae mez that takes 5sec to cast and does a /victory, just so everyone in the land knows exaclty what i am doing.

Nope for the moment i will continue to kill all mids/hibs as often and a quick as i can, but when i see a chanter i will be alittle more aware.


Heh, so far i acted like gimped sorc without ae mez, but it worked perfectly fine. And my melee pet interrupts as good as chanter pet, as well as procs stun, which is quite nice since i get best effect standing right on the head of my opponent.

And aye, well-played mini is the opponent to fear.

PS. No one has insta-mez in bg1. Best mez in it is qc mez - leaving competition for fastest Zzzz to SM/light eldrich/sorc.

Madonion Slicer

ah did not know that about insta not being in BG1, he he does not make me feel any better now means have been suckered into a casterable mezz, at least with insta i cant avoid it.

As you can see in the sig i have a Cabbie and so far have found the Simi to be pretty crap in Melee, and the ones i have seen in Thid how been simple cannon fodder.

OH and the other thing about the little fella's is they look exaclty like a Hib Caster, so in the heat of a fight your think jesus there are loads of Hib caster, and also if the player dresses in blue and plays a luri you cant tell them apart.

The thing is has a patch made them uber, i mean i been playing the BG1 since it came in and never noticed these to be a threat.


Well, i dont think that someone can be killed by pet, only by accident. Though its a nice source of interrupts and distraction.
I made a mistake - skalds have short range/duration insta-mez (single target). With stun on mini its pretty even - though mini just have to press two buttons instead of one.
And about disguise - hibs dont have biggest cheat ever - large size trolls. One troll model can accomodate safely a large number of kobolds to mend, cast spells and generally have a good time :)


Originally posted by old.Sko
Well, i dont think that someone can be killed by pet, only by accident. Though its a nice source of interrupts and distraction.
I made a mistake - skalds have short range/duration insta-mez (single target). With stun on mini its pretty even - though mini just have to press two buttons instead of one.
And about disguise - hibs dont have biggest cheat ever - large size trolls. One troll model can accomodate safely a large number of kobolds to mend, cast spells and generally have a good time :)

Sheesh. In my time in Thidranki I have seen LOADS of people die to pets, mainly because they think like you do. "Oh, I got a pet on me, pets suck, I'll be okay"....wrong.

All pets in Thidranki are evil. They either stop you casting, or chip away at your hp and let other people nuke you into oblivion.

What alot of people don't seem to realise in Thidranki is just how good pets are. Kill them (or mezz), and their owners are pretty vulnerable. Especially chanters.

Pets are kos.


What i do as a minstrel:

1) Hide and wait till chanter runs past you (with a little luck he wont see ya)

2) speed after him, then mezz the chanter.

3) Pet attacks. /ignore and run up to chanter and start hitting, with sword and DDs. As soon as caster tries quickcast, use stun to interupt ----> dead chanter with you about 50% of HP left. i have 467 HP unbuffed, and the pet never gets me below 20% HP before chanter is dead, so i dont know what youre doing wrong ;)

This is how things go with enchanters about 75% of the time, if they are alone. I have no problems when killing lone casters (usually) but tanks are a different story, maybe its cus im slash :p


any semi-decent theurgist could do just as good as a chanter tho (imo). quickcast an air-pet and let it stun your attacker while you run off to a safespot and start spamming some pets (earth/air/ice .. whatever really).

Only advantage chantes has over theus really is that their pet is always there, so they don't have to be as quick on the Quickcast :)


most casters don't have a face macro

so when they start casting, simply walk over them and /sticck again

"Target is not in sight"

Remember this once with my skald, being chased by a theurg and a minstrel...

mezzed the minstrel, first dd interupts theurg, first hammer swing gets absorbed by BT, mez stops his qc, second hammer hit hits true, 2nd dd interupts again (qc is cancelled after a mez), if still alive, the last hammer swing finishes the caster.

Shame the minstrel ran away


Originally posted by SilverHood
most casters don't have a face macro

That's the 1st thing I do, when I make a new char. It's damn handy - even in PvE.


ehm chanters is easy, just PA them :)

Edit : Spelling (hey i was drunk dammit ;) )


What really pisses me off there - mentalists with ae dot ;)


Stick pet to enemy. Sprint away knowing the opponent is snared by an overpowered pet. Masses of fun I'm sure :rolleyes:
Well overdue a nerf imo.


I have a lvl 24 saracen pole armsman, and i remember owning the shit out of a Skald and a Zerker (I was solo) skald had me mezzed, then the zerker dude went into cuddly mode, killed him in 3hits, then went onto the skald, killed him in 3 hits, game over for both of em, they didnt get me past 50% hp....

As for that i have 661 hps unbuffed, somehow i think i like the plate armour ;)

The only char i do fear is the Enchanter, man i hate them, i can kill any single char solo, or even 3vs1 for that matter, but enchanters just own the shit out of me... any other casters are easy stuff..


Never had problems with chanters when I'm hunting them on my minstrel. Stealth up, mez pet, dd/mez chanter. Casually stroll up to chanter while dds recharge. dd chanter, hit with sword. If he tries to cast stun him. :p Even in thid minstrel mez lasts easily long enough to kill a caster, the shorter stun makes thing a bit more tricky, but the chanter can only stun you, he can't mez or root and stun only buys 1-2 pbaes (probably one with the wonderful interrupt code :p)


Originally posted by Danyan
(probably one with the wonderful interrupt code :p)

<watches danyan's annoying celt mentalist die due to the wonderfull interupt code :D>

it's far from wonderful if your a caster danyan :p, you should know that :m00:


I get it plenty on my minstrel Charonel. :p
"Troll01 is howling with victory on the other side of the milegate and your song is interrupted!" :p
My ment never dies from it... I'm dead before I have a chance to worry about being interrupted. :p


Hib BG is great:

I played quite a lot this weekend and i saw about

1 Hero
1 Warden
1 Champ (Hello Swedish, dead again?)
1 Bard
1 Eldritch
10 Mentalists (I'm the only light menta it seems)

And about 200 Chanters.

Keep taking is not an option with this ;)

Madonion Slicer

So it would seem that Enchanters are the new black and SB/NS are so last week :D

Ah well my Minstrel capped now so aleast Enchanters wont be troubling me for a good while to come


Amazes me how so many people ignore me when I run up to them and start pbing like mad whilst they keep bashing at the tanks instead :D

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