Hey, GoA, heres an idea...


The Real Redi

assuming youve been beavering away in your little bat-cave, hunting down the "perp" of this crime, i would assume you'll get 'im eventually whether we hear about it or not, so...

why not offer him a job?

If he got in, he sure as hell could stop others using that same route, and as a brucey bonus, you would have one less h4xx0rz trying to make your public holidays a nightmare (and ours)

I might not like the ethics of hacking, and i might not like the misery it causes people like us, but when it comes to common sense, i'm all for it...

The Real Redi

funnily enough, yus :)

mainly cos im too sick of PCs to hack 'em, and im too old for nude work ;)

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