Raven said:LW has better positionals and 2 different damage types (slash and crush) my spec is 50 LW 42 shield 39 parry 6 blades. As a guard or BG bot defence is the most important so i would spec parry rather than having extra 1h, you arent going to be using your 1h for damage so why spec in it? slam/block isnt effected by your blades skill regardless of what people think the only reason to spec "high" in blades is for pve.
Kaun_IA said:is there eny real dmg diffrence between the CS and LW??
i know LW back style is op, but does LW really outdmg spear allso??
Boni said:I use spear on my hero, but otherwise strongly agree with ravens points about parry vs 1h dmg. Ive never felt the need for more than 6 in blades, parry may not be the most usefull or group based skill in the world, but its better than speccing in a damage type you really dont use.
Boni said:In theory they give roughly the same damage, same dps and similar speeds.
Having said that, I think crafted spears can be 0.1 slower, making them more damaging, though thats usualy not important when artifact or ml10 drops offer procs that more than compensate for their quicker speeds.