Help with account plz!




I cannot seem to be able to log on to my account from the camelot-europe . com site. After getting tons of invalid passord messages I discovered that I can only type in lowercase letters into the fields but the pass has UPPERCASE letters in it as well...

Has anyone had the same prob and can you help me please?

Thanks a lot!

AND AS A SIDENOTE: I would like to say that GOA is a big crowd of f*ckups imho! Not only have I messed with the afromentioned problem all day long unable to log on butone small thing missing in it- THE MANUAL!!! Which to my knowledge should hold the codes. Now the only reason I haven't jumped onto a bus to take me to france is that I owned a previous copy of DAOC (but the disk broke) and was able to use my old key! And I cannot do a thing cause my retailer suggested I had taken the manual out myself which of course is a load of crap but I can see his point! And I really don't belive thay took it out in the shop since it's quite respectable place so the only reason I can think of is that some genius FORGOT to add manual to one box!!! :mad:


Originally posted by eon-7

I cannot seem to be able to log on to my account from the camelot-europe . com site. After getting tons of invalid passord messages I discovered that I can only type in lowercase letters into the fields but the pass has UPPERCASE letters in it as well...

How can you see that you can only type in uppercase ? You only see ********* imo.

Tryed a Copy/paste then ? Aka typ your pw in notepad and paste it in on the website ?


I assume they'ra all lowercase because the name section doesn't allow uppercase letters. I've tried pasting but it doesn't help and when I paste uppercase letters on the name section they still come up lowercase :-\


Firstly your account login only has lower case letters. Usually it's your initial followed by your surname followed by a number - so for example jsmith0.
Your password may have a mix of upper and lower case but it looks as if you're putting in the wrong info here.

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