Help - Who is the strongest solo class PvE



Originally posted by oblivion_6

Lol how come i cant :( what diamond mobs and what con are they too u?

I can just bout take cambions but they dont drop diamonds :(

Spiders in particular. All diamond mobs are high red-purp to a 50. My inf is RR7 with a shitload of RAs, the only problem I tend to have is running out of endurance before they die, so I sometimes need endurance BP stones. It's not fast by any means, loads of downtime, especially if I had to fire IP. But I can still solo them.

As for my theurg, it takes a full power bar spamming pets on them, sometimes MCL, again loads of downtime, but I can still solo them.

Edit: Oh, I've also solo'd Inquisitors with my Inf while buffed :D


Originally posted by arwen

Is he serious about being over level 50 or is 50 the cap?

Level 51 is the effective level for a character who is level 50 and has reached Realm Rank 5 or higher. Level 52 doesnt exist, except in people's dreams :D


I can take reds in DF for Diamonds with prolly the least downtime of any class however I'd rather group as it's more fun :)


Make a stealther class, its hard to get 50 but its worth it when you are 50.

it sounds like you are new to the game and dont know so much about RvR but thats what you are going to do when you hit 50 :)

Not many 50's do PvE..

.. but thats just how i think ( hate PvE very much bah! )


So the answer is...

Theurgist, or Paladin, or Scout, or Cabalist, or Armsman, or Sorceror (post-40), or Minstrel (really?!), or Friar, or Infiltrator, or Wizard (pre-35).

Or put another way, anything except Mercenary and Cleric.

And someone can probably make a good case for a smite cleric.

So, not a Merc then




Not really sure what mobs there is in albion, but if you have one third of the trees we have in hib, then a fire wis would rock solo pve :D

The "best" solo character in this game is a light enchanter, but thats not a albion class :D

Of albion classes i have played...

Friar > theurg solo
Friar > minstrel solo
Theurg > friar rvr solo
Friar > minstrel rvr solo

Case of close to none downtime and high effectivity against quite alot of mobs, i would say friar is the far best solo class of the ones i have tried...
Its needless to say that pure meleers, like armsmen, dont solo very well, due to end regen and heavy life downtime, as well as not having the damage effictivity of a mage. However, if you want to level FAST, which prolly brings you quite alot of cash itself, then armswoman would prolly be way to go. Any basic group needs three tanks, and you will always be favored, so if you want to play one i would pick this one first :)

Never tried a cabbalist, but i guess i should soon, with all the praise you give them :D Until now, the alb classes have been the most fun to play at all, sucks i dont know albion as a realm (and WHAT i know of albion is huuuge, boring and looong rides :D)
Might be cabbies beats friars solo if they are anything like enchanters, but they do NOT beat a chanter :DD

I soloed 9-44 basicly, some groups now and then but rarely quite as effective :D (and if you have a 50 light enc...your not really skint i assure you. To solo for firebrands = ownage :)


and btw

Level 51 = level 50 with rr5+

Level 52 is not regular yet, but will prolly be rr10 and 50,5 when someone gets crasy enough to get that :DD


If you mean 1 mob at a time with no time limits id say thergs or anything else with a big fat pet, if you mean hunting and exping by soloing palys are best for that since we can pretty much get away with contstant battles with twisting our chants even moreso now we have the UBER SEXUAL endurance chant, can you say SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM SLAM. BOOMSHANKA :D


pallys...or not

My enchanter took one the worst 16 yellow/oranges on a mana bar :D

Now thats effective soloing mkay :D
Paladins need ages to kill things :D


Cabalists can solo Epic mobs in lb
enough said


My enchanter took one the worst 16 yellow/oranges on a mana bar
My caba takes 16 yellow with 2 casts of ae DoT :) pygmes :clap:

I think a sorc would struggle vs cailleach guard without the confuse bug? i saw a sorc try it and the telamon died quite early but the cailleach guard kept warping north.


Theurgists are good if you want to kill a high level mob who has a lot of friends about. Other than that because mana regen is a pathetic joke in this game you'll have a lot of downtime.
Speccing air with a theurgist will greatly increase your mob killing power.

Paladins seem to be able to solo multiple blues indefinatly (least the one I met in barrows was)

My friar has very little downtime (if any) while soloing yellows but I'm only 24 with that char so i dont know about higher lvls.

Repent Reloaded

from what I've read Necro's will be the most powerful solo pve class in albion, but u gotta wait a month be4 u can try those out, (new class in SI) <--- just incase you didnt know :)
good luck m8


Some of the fastest soloing I ever saw was an uber twinked scout.

However, since scout is hell to play and u spend a lot of time getting arrows;

Cabalist, theurgist are definately good choices for soloing.
If you can find undead mobs all the way to 50 you can solo them with wind-spec theurg like it was nothing. I take yellows in 3 nukes max (roughly 10 sec).


Ditch alb and come to hib instead! :clap:

play any hib mage...all very good solo :D


On the subject of see hidden... I have to agree.
A lot of SBs have it but I don't honestly think enough to even call it a nerf to minstrel stealth anymore, let alone scouts with camo.
Besides, SBs are soft and squishy :p
Only time it pisses me off is with grouping SBs like Venomis who lead their zergettes right onto you.
I'm a little worried that many more assassins will have SH when they lose IP and find themselves with 24pts spare. I think they'd be fools to take it over 8pts of passives, but, well... I think a lot of em anyway. :rolleyes:


Definatly Deathsight Necromancer
Got mine in around 5d played :)


Friar for alb hands down for solo melee, necro for the caster side will solo faster than anything else

solo in av city with the friar rocks levels 46-50, was getting 50-60 mill a kill with no down time :clap:

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