help me, friar spec :-)



I´ve been wanting to play a friar for some time now. I create him and use /level 20.
I´ve tried some specs on lvl 20 but none really work very well.
How should i spec a friar so he can dodge, parry while he deal ubah dmg?
What RAs should I get first etc etc etc :)

Cheers :)


My advice :flame:

Ench 47-49
Staff 39-44
rejuf 15-18
Rest of ure points in parry

get +11 in both parry and staff on ure armor/jewelry

and as for the ra's if u wana b usefull in rvr first get purge, ip
then the needed pasives dodger 2, moparry1-2, mopain 1-2
con, thoughness the rest u can figure out by the time u got this far ;)


Originally posted by Palanor
I´ve been wanting to play a friar for some time now. I create him and use /level 20.
I´ve tried some specs on lvl 20 but none really work very well.
How should i spec a friar so he can dodge, parry while he deal ubah dmg?
What RAs should I get first etc etc etc :)

Cheers :)

Well imo, like treaza says:

Take enhance to 47+ for the resists u get.
Go 39 staff or 44 for the style u get .. and cap ur dmg with plusses from items
Go around 15+ rejuv even though a lot of ppl would say only go 7 rejuv for max battle friar, but for your grp's sake go 15 rejuv to get a 30% ress which will basically mean u can ress someone and they will still be able to move at normal speed once ressed..

Considering RA's ..

Depends a lot on ur playstyle.
Imo if u play in guildgrps where u know u got good clerics focussed playing u wont need IP to start off with, i went for passives first and holding off on IP... I also took mcl in the situation where i actually needs to rezz a cleric etc

But Mcl, Purge, Dodger2, MOpain2, maybe get toughness and aug con for a lil more HP and later on u can figure out if u still need that IP :p

best of luck on your friar ... :D


Re: Re: help me, friar spec :)

Originally posted by Deletium

Go around 15+ rejuv even though a lot of ppl would say only go 7 rejuv for max battle friar, but for your grp's sake go 15 rejuv to get a 30% ress which will basically mean u can ress someone and they will still be able to move at normal speed once ressed..

im an Battle friar and i got 18 rejuf, thats becouse the base line heals just cost far to much power for an battle friar, battle friar w/o power is an friar w/o end, 18 rejuf gives an real cheap 215 heal. only thing i got for the group r mine elite resists ;)


oh and for mcl, yea its nice if u r planning on doing loads of pve :flame: 20k more rps and i have it :clap: :clap:


rest parry


I.p / Purge / Dodger2 / MCL / Mopain2 / Moparry2 (+all the pre-req's)


Ok, thx all :).
Will will probably tweak it out later :).
But how should i start my spec at 20? :)


15 staff
16 enhance
7 rejuv?

depends a bit on what you like to do i think. If you like to solo keep rejuv low, if with groups, maybe spec rejuv a bit more during the early levels because groups tend to expect you to be a backup healer.


Originally posted by Jiggs
46staff =)

Huh46? surely you mean 44 right? :)

46staff doesnt give u any extra styles . only a lil more ws/dmge and imo those 45-46skill stats can be better spent better elsewhere.

my currecnt spec atm is 44staff / 46ench / 7juve(for the cure's) :p rest parry. i like it . but i prefered my old spec if i were to grp . for the better heal and better rez. but seeing as i solo a lot in rvr is the reason i went the 44staff spec :p


Originally posted by swords
50 rejuve 50 enhance :)

there we got those weard guys for in chain with an shield and mace wich they never use :p


at lvl 50 respec to 50 staff and 30 parry and go solo (you wont get a group anyway)


Originally posted by QuickS
at lvl 50 respec to 50 staff and 30 parry and go solo (you wont get a group anyway)

:help::help::help::help::help: So true, but cant stop trying though :p


at lvl 20 i would say 20 staff, 12 ench, rest either parry or rejuv.
at lvl 50 go 39 staff, the lvl 44 style is a follow up after a style there r beside and a followup to that, then either 45 ench for last dex/qui self buff or 47 ench for last haste buff, and if solo only take 7 rejuv else take 15 rejuv and rest in parry.

For RA's:

purge, ip, aug qui 2, dodger 2, aug dex 2, mopain 2, aug con 2, toughnees.
if u solo alot take moparry b4 aug con!!
and mcl helps alot in grps so if u r sure to get a grp get mcl

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