Hello any tips for a newbie sb in bg 1



Just playing about with my sb (Fey) in bg 1 if you got any tips i would like the hear them. O and Tos pls dont hit me agian with that staff


always !! yes always stand on yoor own!! far far away from other sb' s !! :D

moohahha :)

this would reely help me out :)

i thankyoo :)

so much fun to be had as a sb/stealth class, ...just go make a coffee and sit and watch, can be enthralling :) :p heh

aayr"addicted stealther watcher"beech


Don't attack any scout wearing black armour and a green cloak. ;)


Stay where they cross the water and perf them. :>


Hehe Fey ;)

one Tip.. stay away from Friars :clap:



dont try teh alb zerg unless they camping or u have a will to die.

Kill Abrownie cos she an uber gimp wiv out her bow :D

Dont kill hibs or i will rip you to peices.

Dont try Necro solo they have alot more hp than u might think.



Originally posted by iodine
Kill Abrownie cos she an uber gimp wiv out her bow :D

Oh yes, and I know it too. Actually managed to hit a hunter for 15 damage with my sword before. :D

Just let me use the bow..... then I'm not so gimped. ;)

Trouble is, only a few more RPs until cap. :(

I'll be back with another scout soon.


what spec?

if its a critblade i could tell you some good tips, but it mostly comes down to playing it often.

always check the tree would be a good start.
The Tree is the one to the right of the MB as you arrive from the MPK, the closest of the two.
It is the best place to observe the alb zerg who usually sit near the MB and travel up the road to camp the pk or chase random mids etc.

this is where i watch for straglers or vunerable casters who stray too far from the zerg and can be killed quickly so i have time to leg it.

second good tip is never use the roads...EVER.

a third would be never use bridges unless you want to kill someone on it then jump off the side and get to safety (this is a risky move with an alb zerg but you can get away in time)

next good tip would be learn what enemy classes are, no good going for what looks like a wizard and finding out its a friar...

never attack anythinjg in a zerg unless the zerg is spread out and you can kill something in one hit and run.

Sprint is your friend.

Be patient and willing to wait for a kill, camping albs will get bored and move off individually after time has passed through boredom so all you have to do is be able to last longer than them wihtout a kill :)

when attacking a solo player sometimes backstab 2 is better than perf. a tank class for example as you can get away and kite him if you want to try and drop him.

last but not least there is always be on your guard. you never know when someone could spot you and attack, or whether an enemy stealther will come into view.



Well studie carefully these tips from sword, there are some vital ones in them :)
To add to swords tips : Go out there and have phun :)

Greets Shadowa


almost. i just have to move into a new house, hook up the broadband and log on for a week.
then i can get busy practising /level 20 :)


thanks for the info i think im getting the hang of it now but still get owned some time. well not far from cap cya you all in bg hope to see you in bg2 if you wanna take it to the next lvl


Honed - BIG AXE!!!

Just hit everything with a fecking big axe like wot i do - doh. Yah don't need brains to be a sb in BG0 - just a fecking big axe - yeah. Luvs my fecking big axe i do!!

Hey - gotta bone to pick with some - stand still godamn it. How can i hit yu with my fecking big axe if yu gonna run around all the time. Spoiling my fun (sulks).

(SC'd and Buffed to the eyeballs - oh yeah and a fecking big axe!)


fecking great big axe-fine
buffbot- Skill???



Wot is this so called skill all you dosey infs talk about? Honed is there to take out you so called skilled infs and he is doing so all the time. Infact he is taking out armsmen and pallies face to face. Thoughtless sod he is - brainless, yet he is annihilating everything he meets one on one. He ain't lost one on one ever i don't think on anything!

SC- yep
Fecking big axe - yep
2 other back up axes - yep
Buffs - yup
Skill - nah - braindead.

Just make sure yu are aware of the above if you want to engage him. Moving onto BG1 now to see how he fares there. Why is he buffed? Will tell you why cos the other classes i normally play are runies and the sheer amount of infs in BG spoil my fun playing the class. So if yu infs are about when i play my runie then he goes into storage and a fully 24 aug shammied buffed sc'd Honed is gonna come looking for you so you better be ready!

Skill? - yeah sure - see how skill fares against Honed. You gonna need a lot of it.


A few tips
1- Attack the pet against cabbies and Chanter attack the pet first- the real power comes from the pet, most of the spells cabbies and chanters cast are harmless.
2- Necros - attack the shade instead of the pet- if your lucky your hit its weak spot instantly killing the necro and AOEing killing 5 or 6 exping albs in salisbury plains. Think of them as deathstars and your luke skywalker.
3- Albs are normaly very friendly, feel free to unstealth and start emoting, we move a good emote with a middy stealther.
4- Michael Jackson- if you see this smooth criminal run like hell- you are no match for his dark powers.
5- As a shadowblade your one of the strongest characters in the game, invade the hib portal keep and kill the elfs as they port- or even port back to hibernia and kill there dragon, sleep with the elf maidans.


Originally posted by old.Bubble
A few tips
1- Attack the pet against cabbies and Chanter attack the pet first- the real power comes from the pet, most of the spells cabbies and chanters cast are harmless.
2- Necros - attack the shade instead of the pet- if your lucky your hit its weak spot instantly killing the necro and AOEing killing 5 or 6 exping albs in salisbury plains. Think of them as deathstars and your luke skywalker.
3- Albs are normaly very friendly, feel free to unstealth and start emoting, we move a good emote with a middy stealther.
4- Michael Jackson- if you see this smooth criminal run like hell- you are no match for his dark powers.
5- As a shadowblade your one of the strongest characters in the game, invade the hib portal keep and kill the elfs as they port- or even port back to hibernia and kill there dragon, sleep with the elf maidans.

Lol nice 1


Re: Skill?

Originally posted by nerfdom
Wot is this so called skill all you dosey infs talk about?

look at my sig...my infiltrator is on Excalibur...
now look a little further down...there we go :)

oh and you kinda proved my point about the skill thing.
buffbot in Bg's = sad, very very sad.
back in the day you didnt need buffs or scing or none of that to kick ass. only skill could achieve that. (or a zerg :) )

aah well. i hope you have fun soloing the alb zerg with your l33t skilz and crazy takticz.

and LOL @ Bubble :p

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