Hello all, some input from a French on GOA's progress.



Well Gombur, someone was cursing GOA in danish and Zargar went in, edited the post and wrote a warning in danish :)

Made me laugh a bit really :)


nice to know though, that will make sure that they won´t put any "vikings with horned helmets" and so on in the realms ;)


No comment, as a comment.

I think Kemor may be caught between a rock and a hard place.

GOA track record so far indicates a policy of "no comment" and no comment back either, thank you very much.

All this says is they are frightened of their customer base, and don't want to see what their customers are telling them. They want the money, but customers and product are such an unfortunate "inconvenience". Culturally so European. Delivering what people pay for (normally through the nose) is such a HARD, and INCONVENIENT thing to do. The highest possible quality product, at the lowest possible price, isn't just foreign in concept, it is totally ALIEN to them! The lowest possible quality, at the highest possible price, is a European endemic, ffs! That whole European Corporate culture, is bound to clash with a concept of something we the users understand as a 24/7 virtual reality. If it can't hack it in life, how the hell can it hack it online?

Welcome to the Global Economy??

Reality interferes so, so much, with the lives of people that think they are so, so cool (it is a sunny day, I NEED to be driving my Porsche like all the other cool people, so GO AWAY and LEAVE ME ALONE!). So ignore reality, it is their only option, and present the illusion of going through the motions of addressing the issues. For a time it works, but nothing, or too little, actually gets done . . Then when reality rears its ugly head again, dump responsibilty onto a scapegoat or two (pay them well with a useful job title to be available for the chop when needed), which buys a little more time at the feeding trough. Always, it is someone else's fault, and only a fool holds their hands up and admits responsibility for anything. The only real spanner that ever gets thrown in the works, is accidentally employing someone that is competent (yeah, believe it . .). After a bit, reality eventually jumps up with a terminal bite, and they wonder what the hell hit them.

Probably Kemor and others are under very strict instruction to say nothing. Much easier for him/them to be the patsy then too. If customer support is failing, then the guys with the job title Customer Support must be responsible. Change them, everything is nice again. See we listen, we have done our bit. Yeah great, all that changes is the guy that cops the flack next time.

Been there, got that T-Shirt so many times you just wouldn't believe. The only way to fight back and survive, is to keep complete records of all instructions that you are given, and follow those instructions to the letter, and make as many records of yourself following those instructions as possible. Unfortunately those instructions are normally so incompetent, that failure is guaranteed anyway, but at least you have your back covered and have a chance of getting another job.

Ignore the problems, and they will eventually go away. No paying customers, no income, nothing to solve, no problems, no job. No game.


Mythic must be ripping their hair out . .



"/me thinks you should update your s3cr3t information at least once a century..."

Is it just me or does Kemor sound like a 14 year-old dork with zits and a coke&pizza by the pc?
Im betting yall that all 5 employees of GOA is playing some game in windowed mode and doing translation on the side. (Theyre probably playing US Daoc)

There is one cure for the cancer, and that is Mythic firing GOA from this "job" they got, and get some decent working folks to start anew.

Im just wondering if the expansion is comming at the same time to the US and here (not when daoc2 comes), if not I WILL make like a banana and split.


I've been working for a big german videogame magazine, and we had (and still have) a board too. Everytime the next issue hits the stores, people start threads about it. After some more or less reasonable comments, the big ranting starts why this game got that rating and oh how incompetent the editors are and how much better the board-users could have done the job. When I was new to the mag, I tried answering. I tried to explain our point of view – and all I got was flame, flame, flame. There is no point arguing with your customer base via a board, for you will get 80% flames and maybe 20% reasonable things. Of these 20% most stuff has been talked over and over already and you are well aware of, yet can't do much against it for whatever reason (mostly the reluctance of your boss to invest more money). It's the same here. If I was at GOA, I would read these boards, but I would almost never bother to answer. Whining-threads here are so repetitive.


I can honestly say I like this game. But if things dont pick up soon I will move to Shadowbane or Star Wars Galaxy for definate.

GOA wear spurs and say " Yeee Haaa " alot as is common for cowboys.


I think he's trying to say they're all cowboys (People who screw you over)


Originally posted by Andromalius
-At least one of the GMs is also a memeber of GOA's Counterstrike team. One of the most regular complaints about them in t4c was "they're never there"..
lol.... no wonder they are slow at patching when they are h4x0r1ng in CS :D
exemple of French GM behavior: Changing names. They let you 10 SECONDS to select a new one.
Yoda Rules!
I must totally agree :D :D :D


I think that Kemor is doing his best, but i mean, u cant take out epic-mobs without some good groups and organisation ;)


Kemor is in-game pretty damn much, at least last week he was. He is also a nice guy and talks to you :)

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Hufner
Well Gombur, someone was cursing GOA in danish and Zargar went in, edited the post and wrote a warning in danish :)

Made me laugh a bit really :)

Here on BW or on the old boards?? would love to read it


yep, he have helped me out 3-4times personal. so all my flames is not at Kemor - just the translators :)

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