Hello all, some input from a French on GOA's progress.



And why GOA is so slow.

The GM's are said to be doing the translation.

-There are only three of them

-The GMs are coming from the volunteer G T4C GMs: they are pals that got a job through acquaintances

-At least one of the GMs is also a memeber of GOA's Counterstrike team. One of the most regular complaints about them in t4c was "they're never there"..

exemple of French GM behavior: Changing names. They let you 10 SECONDS to select a new one.

The more late translation is Midgard's, and the one in charge, Ixxl, does not have a good record with players.

Plainly put, GOA GMs are not pro, they think they got a cool job and are overwhelmed.

GOA won't release the English licence to Mythic and keep the german and French as proposed elsewhere: all the Germans and Frencg would come to the Mytic servers.

Right now, (no pun intended), half the player base I know of will quit for either Shadowbane or SWG when the game is released. The announcement of 1.48 for the END OF JUNE (Does that mean September after GM holidays???) was the drop that made the glass spill. (French saying, didn't find an english equivalent.

Good day to you all
Yoda Rules!

French official Goa forums top poster.
(retired) :D

Rutger Hauer

Hey nice to see one of our French chums letting us know how they feel about things...

One question does remain though.. why hasn't Kemor or any of the other GOA GM's even attempted to make a reply here on Barrysworld?

GOA are getting a lot of flak at the moment (all their own fault) but instead of trying to quell arguements and flames they've buried their heads in the sand and are hoping for the storm to pass..

Come on GOA do a PR job and answer the tough questions posed by all the Euro players not just the english speaking ones..

Oh and Andromalius a good english saying could be 'straw that broke the camels back'...



One question does remain though.. why hasn't Kemor or any of the other GOA GM's even attempted to make a reply here on Barrysworld

Well, french GMs answering on ANY forums is unheard of.

Thanks for the english saying anyway. :)


> The announcement of 1.48 for the END OF JUNE

Well.. I too lauged a bit. But consider, it seems to be an improvement.

1. They have finally produced a deadline that if far enough to sound realistic.

2. They are obviously imitating Sanya’s famous friday grabbags. That means us players are thrown a bone each week about GOA’s progress. Keep players informed? Well, that is the first step towards it.

3. They are seemingly putting more emphasis on testing.

4. They have acknowledged that the problems with the last patch were serious problems indeed and are doing something to improve the system before 1.48 launches.

Can’t say GOA’s in me list of favourite companies here but I have to admit it sounds as if they are getting better grasp at things they’re supposed to be doing.

I much prefer the news we got to them announcing they gonna launch 1.48 tomorrow and 1.50 two days after that. Now that would be a bad sign.

Perhaps next time, they will even go as far out as to hire people for the translation work ;)



Originally posted by Rutger Hauer

One question does remain though.. why hasn't Kemor or any of the other GOA GM's even attempted to make a reply here on Barrysworld?

They dont reply and try to explain cause everything the players say about them is true.


> Come on GOA do a PR job

Er.. firstly, ain’t no GOA here. Just poor ol’ Kemor.

If it’s true that Kemor and other GM’s are doing GMing, PR work with the gaming community AND the transalation.. I’d rather have him not spending time on these silly forums here.

Getting yelled at by 1000 angry customers is sure to form a negative feedback loop.


old.Belial Daoc

Ask your self why there are 1000 angry customers ?


Well How many times have u seen a GM in game? (where u do who kemor or dev) once is all i can count

As it stands now Shadowbane or SW:G and CoH are looking cool, but also i will go to almost any of the new mmo's on the way, WoW and planetside also look cool

all most anything has to be better than having to put up with GOA, i would move to us but i dont fancy starting again for a 3rd time

well atleast one good thing has come of this, now if i ever see a game being handled by GOA again, i will know to stay well clear.


> Ask your self why there are 1000 angry customers ?

You think you know the one and only answer to that question?

Ain’t that simple. You think it’s all GOA’s fault? Look at US forums. There is almost as much complaining against Mythic as it is against GOA here. Played Diablo II awhile back. Oh boy, was people pissed at Blizzard.

Simple truth is, people are bound to complain, regardless is there is any objective cause to it. Depends on community too. Seen gaming communities where there was practically no complaints whatsoever. Them games didn’t have to be bugfree or anything. Just different people playing them.



GOA are getting a lot of flak at the moment (all their own fault) but instead of trying to quell arguements and flames they've buried their heads in the sand and are hoping for the storm to pass..

Most times I have seen Kemor reply to anything he gets flamed after :p


How did you come to this information Andromalius ?

Just curious. :confused:


Well, for starters, the hardcore gaming community in Paris is quite small. You see the same guys doing RPGs, LARPS, MMORPGs, and so on. You quickly get to kno who does what if you let tour ears on the table whan you leave. ;)

Besides, I'm working for France Telecom Web Hosting Dpt. as a contractor and worked on the www.goa.com website hosting servers for some time.


/me thinks you should update your s3cr3t information at least once a century...


Originally posted by Kemor
/me thinks you should update your s3cr3t information at least once a century...

lol /me thinks you should update your server version to the latest patch at least once a century... :p ;)


Originally posted by Aeiedil

Most times I have seen Kemor reply to anything he gets flamed after :p

It's like you can see into the future! ;)


I didn't think I have been flaming anyone. Besides, I'm under 100 years old so my info might be more accurate than you would want people to think. If GMs talk to people the way Kemor just answered, then you get an idea about Goa CS.

I have no "secret info", since I wrote it there. Do you want screenshots of now DAOC GMs insulting players in t4c when they were GMs there? I can have them in short notice.

Besides, I don't think using 133t slang gives you, Kemor, any upgrade in respectability. I don't know you, but you didn't make a good first impression. In fact your post would tend to make me believe Goa has more133t d3wds as GMs than I thought, and we see the results.

I try to give information and give my opinion. If you don't want that, just tell me not to post and I'll take what you certainly take as whining elsewhere.

Rutger Hauer

Now this is getting silly...

I was hoping that one of the GM's was going to post something positive on this thread so we the paying public could get some straight answers to some straight questions....

Instead we get a rather short, terse answer and to what basically boils down to a personal dig at one of the paying customers from a GM

Hey guys I don't know if theres any history between you two, and to be honest I don't really care, what I do expect though is for the GM's to post answers, or basically join in the discussions as to the best way to speed up the translations, so we can have all the good content the US customers are getting...

On a side note what do any of the moderators think about the current situation regarding patches?... any of you actually play the game?.. are you allowed to criticize GOA, make suggestions etc? or it that a breach of the contract between Barrysworld and GOA? The reason I'm asking is that I've never seen a mod on these boards directly question GOA's lack of customer support
and god forbid if GOA only gave Barrysworld the job if no negative feedback from them was allowed...

I look forward to a more creative response to any/all the questions raised by this thread



Originally posted by Kemor
/me thinks you should update your s3cr3t information at least once a century...

My opinion of you just dropped, make a useful post if ure around on the forums rather than this drivvel?


Originally posted by Ottar
Ain’t that simple. You think it’s all GOA’s fault? Look at US forums. There is almost as much complaining against Mythic as it is against GOA here. Played Diablo II awhile back. Oh boy, was people pissed at Blizzard.

Simple truth is, people are bound to complain, regardless is there is any objective cause to it. Depends on community too. Seen gaming communities where there was practically no complaints whatsoever. Them games didn’t have to be bugfree or anything. Just different people playing them.
Ottar [/B]

I have played on both the us and euro servers, and been following the forums. The complaining on us server boards is mainly focused on gameplay and balance issues, but what we have going for the euro servers is a more primitive issue.

Here we are complaining on not getting the important fixes and improvements in a reasonable time, and of poor communication from the hosting company. These issues will let many european customers feel that they are not getting what they are paying for.


There is almost as much complaining against Mythic as it is against GOA here.

Mythic = heaven compared to goa.

in game customer support wooot, /appeal wooot, patches wooot



Uh huh

Originally posted by Kemor
/me thinks you should update your s3cr3t information at least once a century...

What's that? That hardly is the kind of information or comment we're paying money for.

I for one have not really had anything against GOA up until this point. Sure, a lot of problems have occured on the servers, but that happens. I've played all the major MMORPG's and there are always reasons to not be content.

This here however is something I no longer understand. We have a totally acceptable and well written message containing information which is potentially harmfull to GOA's reputation here. The information may be correct or wrong, I don't really care if it is. I believe people learn, and so will GOA's staff, if there is need to.

Where things go wrong, in my opinion, when the company in question has people such as Kemor, who is at least seemingly their contact to the Customers, being practically totally unavailable to answer any valid questions on these boards that are now closest to official boards out of all the alternatives, since the original GOA boards on camelot-europe.com got shut down. And when he does finally speak up, he shoots out something totally unconstructive and juvinile, as if he was expecting that all the customers would be asthonished by his l33t reply and forget about the whole issue.

I still have not seen any events on the servers. Yes, I've read: They're coming. But here's my concern:

GOA doesn't seem to have enough (competent?) staff to complete ANY of these TASKS:

-At least decent patching times. I thought we were supposed to catch up the US servers, by the time we get 1.48 they'll be at... 1.51, .52, .53? How long then until translations are done again? It's a lot of work, I've read. Hire MORE PEOPLE. It should not be the customers concern if it takes a lot of work. It's your concern, just like keeping us happy should be.

-Customer Support. I personally needed support a few weeks back and used rightnow, and used email after getting tired of waiting. After 2 weeks the problem mysteriously disappeared, but during this time I was NEVER contacted by GOA. 2 weeks is a lot of time to wait for an answer when you have your gametime running.

-General communication with Customers. They update the website when servers are going down now. That's good. Otherwise, how many updates on progress do we see? They're weeks apart. It's really not that much of a job to write a few lines, a weekly report is NOT that much to ask. Sure, do US players get weekly reports? I don't know. But they have the newest patch, events, /appeal etc, they have a well running and up-to-date game on their hands. They don't need updates on progress as much.

They have more or less failed on all of these points, so they must understand that at least in my mind that raises a valid concern: Where will they find the time to script us events and make the gaming experience better for us, when it is clear and obvious that even more patches and then the expansion are on the way.

I'd so much love to state here that this was not meant to be a whine, but reading backwards, it's pretty much what this is. But I truly don't feel I'm complaining for nothing and I believe that for the money they are earning we should get better service. If nothing else, please keep us up-to-date on things going on better, and answer some of the better question people ask here on the forums. If you have time for a reply such as this on this thread, I'd personally imagine you could do something actually usefull even with a short time such as that.

Thank you,


For my two peneth worth.

1 - GOA might be slow on releasing the patches but at least they are doing them enmass, we do not have to suffer the 1.46 / 1.47 steps to reach 1.48.

2 - At least you are playing it. There have been / are many games (single player) that have been delayed many time (e.g Unreal 2) without any reasons been given. If you want the perfect game then stop paying for your subscription and wait till all the bugs have been fixed.

I personaly have very few problems with the game, yes when in Keltoi and I use a befuddle it is quite anoying when the mob blisfully runs trough the wall into another room, my pet follows and half the bloody grems in the world seem to spawn there. (Hit sprint and run for the exit :) ).

On the whole the game is Fun and at the end of the day it is only a game.


ok so you know. our guild, expedient demise in the midgard realm on prydwen took part in a event last week.

There was a massive battle at askheim (among other stuff), which was v. cool. Probably about 20-25 players got involved and it was good fun.

This was the first event I'd heard of myself but I was very glad I was involved ini it. :D


Originally posted by Rutger Hauer
On a side note what do any of the moderators think about the current situation regarding patches?... any of you actually play the game?.. are you allowed to criticize GOA, make suggestions etc? or it that a breach of the contract between Barrysworld and GOA? The reason I'm asking is that I've never seen a mod on these boards directly question GOA's lack of customer support
and god forbid if GOA only gave Barrysworld the job if no negative feedback from them was allowed...

I look forward to a more creative response to any/all the questions raised by this thread


Myself, and afaik Damini (though I'm sure she'll speak for herself when she reads the thread :) ) are here in more an adminstrative role than to try and represent or rally the community etc. There's no restrictions on what we can say as long as it's obviously resonably constructive. Although personally I don't see there's any point in me adding to the GOA critisism. I think it's plain to see they're fully *aware* of the problems with patches, CS etc. GOA have had ample time to react and I can't believe that the French powers that be don't know exactly how the community feels and have done since near release. Whether they choose to take those feeling into account and act on them, verus the time and money it would take, is where I think it breaks down.

Regarding the forums, afaik there isn't any contract. BW hosting them was a gesture of good will and obviously mutially beneficial with BW getting more people on the site and GOA getting somewhere stable for DAoC boards. Although (as nice as it would be to get paid for this ;) ) I don't work for or represent BW so I could be wrong in that.

Also, I had to stop playing a while ago because of wrist problems after playing intensively since USA beta, switching to DAoC end beta and onwards. So no, I'm not actively playing atm although I do log on now and then to see how people are etc.


Originally posted by ElDiablo

lol /me thinks you should update your server version to the latest patch at least once a century... :p ;)

Nice one :D


Originally posted by Andromalius

I have no "secret info", since I wrote it there. Do you want screenshots of now DAOC GMs insulting players in t4c when they were GMs there? I can have them in short notice.

Would love to see them :D

(With Subtitles of course)



Nice name, Andromalius :) (Been awhile since I read INS)


I've had some dealings with Kemor in the past. Albeit the conversation was short, I got the feeling that he does care about what's going on. Still I do not think he can do much about simply not having enough people for the job, which seems the main problem to me. And after receiving almost nothing except constant bashing he should be allowed to make a short cynical remark once in a while.

I totally agree that life could be better on the Euro-Servers, but if you are that easily offended by such a comment, I think you are taking the "go flame goa"-thing too serious.


As some flamer discovered at the end of GOA-boards, the english GMs at least aren't all french...
Zargar is danish if I'm not mistaken, or at least writes fluently danish ;)
Still feel that Kemor's post was a bit useless...
I guess even GMs can have bad days :rolleyes:

old.Gombur Glodson

hmm im danish myself, didnt have any clue about zargar being danish

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