Heavy Rain


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Got it today .. rather good story and such for the first hour or so at least ... controls and game play much different from others i have played

Quite refreshing :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 20, 2004
played it for about an hr last night found the first glitch will have to start again as it has messed up.hopefully this won't happen again


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Just finished my first playthrough, couldn't put it down once it got in to the full swing of things. It's not a full spoiler as such, but i suggest you don't read it until after your first playthrough...

When you find out who the killer is it had the same affect as the twist in Fight Club, the Sixth Sense or OldBoy...i was like 'Holy shit!'


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Just completed this after playing it all last night and most of today.
The story took a couple of hours to really grab me, then after that it was hard to put down.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Guys, this is good to read. I downloaded the playable demo from PS Store the other day and I was absolutely gripped. It's very different control wise from everything else. The controls feel a little bit "slow", but I feel that's a good thing as the story and scenes reveal themselves at a pace that causes suspense and a little bit of fear. I also love the excellent Film Noir feel, my surround sound system really does the rain justice :).


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Started it earlier, after the first part where not much happens it's very good, loving the innovation.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
What ending did others get?

Mine was (Heavy spoilers)

Ethan and Madison found the kid and saved him, killing Scott. Ethan survived and didnt kill anyone and they lived happily ever after. Jayden quit the force. Lauren was pissed off.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
What ending did others get?

Extreme spoiler alert

Ethan saved Shaun, Jayden killed Scott, got clean and got promoted, Lauren drowned, Madison left and still has bad nightmares.

How different can the endings be? I mean can the identity of the killer change?


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Nah nothing that major. I've heard there are 18 various endings. Any of the characters can be diem which will have repercussions on what happens in the end. Shaun might die, Ethan might go to jail, Shelby might get away. Lots of things can happen.
And with all that, i'm tempted to keep this and replay it instead of selling. Anyone tried the DLC?


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
I'm enjoying the story but - as a game? Very poor. Having to select different buttons on the pisspoor PS3 controller in some predetermined and pretty random order is not much of a game. It's Dragonslair for the 21st century.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Ethan and Jayden died tho ethan saved the kid first, lauran i think it was killed scott after he got away cause he killed all the kids. The nasty policeman put on Jaydens glasses and saw him. Madison wrote a book called heavy rain and did book signings when there was a man there saying she needed a bigger challenge. Guess that might be a sequel.

Mine was a sad ending :'(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I passed all of the trials and Ethan lived, saved the boy. Norman had a fight with Scott, who fell to his death. The ending scenes showed Norman on a TV chat show as some kinda hero, though later he was hallucinating (seeing A.R.I. rendered tanks on his desk while not wearing A.R.I., even though I never took any tripto). Madison was in her apartment having the same nightmare. Ethan and his kid bought a nice house and were happy. Lauren spat on Scott's grave.

Brilliant game. One of the few 'choice' games where choices actually do make a big difference. I talked to my brother and it was like he almost played a different game than I did.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Well that was annoying. Character fighting for their life and I couldn't do diddly to help them. Unfortunately, much too late to help them, I realise that shaking the controller around like a loon had detached the lead from the USB socket.


The story is good, but I'm still not sure it counts as a game.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The story is good, but I'm still not sure it counts as a game.

Why does the "game" classification matter? At all? Twice you've said it now, and I can't work out where the problem is.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Why does the "game" classification matter? At all? Twice you've said it now, and I can't work out where the problem is.

Because you only have control over your character in the latitude given by the game designer. It is a variety of scenes that can play out a few different ways based on how accurate you are with pressing a random selection of buttons on the (shitty) PS3 controller.

There is very little leeway in how things will go, you are simply presented with the next page in the story. I like the story, but the gameplay is odd at best and, at worse, well not even a game as such.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Because you only have control over your character in the latitude given by the game designer.

Didn't you just describe every game that ever existed?

It is a variety of scenes that can play out a few different ways based on how accurate you are with pressing a random selection of buttons on the (shitty) PS3 controller.

That's a whole lot of text just to say you don't like the PS3 controller -_- rather irrelevant

There is very little leeway in how things will go, you are simply presented with the next page in the story. I like the story, but the gameplay is odd at best and, at worse, well not even a game as such.

Again, what does the word "game" matter? If we describe it as Interactive Drama (as QD themselves do), is that better? Is the issue resolved? Can you kindly fuck off now?


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
Ive its half as good as Farenheit then it will be brilliant (forgetting about gfx and based on the story)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The first hour is really boring but glad I stuck with it, I'm now 2 hours or so into it :p


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Is the issue resolved? Can you kindly fuck off now?

No, I still don't think it qualifies as a game. Freedom of movement and action is too limited to be a game. Its a cartoon where you get to press some buttons. Good story though.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
No, I still don't think it qualifies as a game. Freedom of movement and action is too limited to be a game. Its a cartoon where you get to press some buttons. Good story though.

lol did you even read what ST^ said?


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Again, what does the word "game" matter? If we describe it as Interactive Drama (as QD themselves do), is that better? Is the issue resolved? Can you kindly fuck off now?

i.e.: if we all agree that it is not a game and is instead something else, then your complaint about it not qualifying as a game is meaningless.

To which you replied:

No, I still don't think it qualifies as a game. Freedom of movement and action is too limited to be a game. Its a cartoon where you get to press some buttons. Good story though.

Even though we had just established that it was not trying to qualify as a game.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
If its not a game then why are people calling it "a brilliant game" earlier in the thread? It is marketed as a video game in videogame shops. Hopefully it will be the start of a new kind of interactive experience ... but it would need to be improved to make it more mainstream.


Failed the electric trial and didn't kill the guy in another trial but Ethan lived and saved the boy. Norman had a fight with Scott, who fell to his death.

The ending scenes showed Norman on a TV chat show as some kind of hero, though later he was hallucinating (seeing A.R.I. rendered tanks on his desk while not wearing A.R.I., even though he had flushed his tripto). Madison and Ethan bought a nice place and were happy, living with the now dried out sprog. Lauren spat on Scott's grave.

It was indeed a "wtf" moment finding out Scott was the killer, but it would have been nice to have it explained why Ethan was wandering around collecting origami figures in the middle of the night in his schizo moments.


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
If its not a game then why are people calling it "a brilliant game" earlier in the thread? It is marketed as a video game in videogame shops. Hopefully it will be the start of a new kind of interactive experience ... but it would need to be improved to make it more mainstream.


Failed the electric trial and didn't kill the guy in another trial but Ethan lived and saved the boy. Norman had a fight with Scott, who fell to his death.

The ending scenes showed Norman on a TV chat show as some kind of hero, though later he was hallucinating (seeing A.R.I. rendered tanks on his desk while not wearing A.R.I., even though he had flushed his tripto). Madison and Ethan bought a nice place and were happy, living with the now dried out sprog. Lauren spat on Scott's grave.

It was indeed a "wtf" moment finding out Scott was the killer, but it would have been nice to have it explained why Ethan was wandering around collecting origami figures in the middle of the night in his schizo moments.

Think of it as more of a movie where you can change the outcome of it constantly, so you can watch the movie again and basically watch a completely different film

Thats what Farenheit was like, im sure this is better


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Except you have very few choices where you might affect the way the story turns out. Most of the alterations people have experienced are because they failed to press the required buttons in the required order correctly enough.

That isn't interactive drama, or gaming for that matter. It's a poor execution of what is a good idea.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Except you have very few choices where you might affect the way the story turns out. Most of the alterations people have experienced are because they failed to press the required buttons in the required order correctly enough.

That isn't interactive drama, or gaming for that matter. It's a poor execution of what is a good idea.

How many times did you complete it before coming to that conclusion? I'm seeing people who had vastly different endings from mine, and I can't even fathom how they got it to happen.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Playing it the second time was great, got to play plenty of scenes i'd not done before and try things in different ways.

First time for finger chopping i did it the sensible way, one quick chop and some disinfectant, second time i went for the wood saw and red hot iron for disinfectant. Had to hack at it twice, was really grim and awesome :D

I personally never had a problem with pressing the required buttons, sometimes it'd be annoying if i accidently released a button midway through a long sequence but that's about it. If you had problems why didn't you change the difficulty?

And ps3 controller > xbox controller. Although there's no point arguing or criticising because it's all down to personal preference.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Except you have very few choices where you might affect the way the story turns out. Most of the alterations people have experienced are because they failed to press the required buttons in the required order correctly enough.

That isn't interactive drama, or gaming for that matter. It's a poor execution of what is a good idea.

But that's exactly the choice, you can choose not to press the buttons...you don't have to do every little interaction that appears on screen - so it's not because they 'failed', there were many things i chose not to do.

You've clearly failed to identify exactly what this is (not a game, not an interactive drama), so how do you know it's execution is poor?

In short, you're an idiot.

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