Healer with mostly AUG

Wee Soulkeeper

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Hows Aug 49, Mend 22 and Pac 5 for a battle healer???

just wondering because I wanna make my healer a little bit diffrent :)

or are this a totally /&(¤/&¤ up??


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
If you wanna rvr aswell, get spreadheal :)

Most high-aug healers go 44aug 31mending, but the most common aug spec is 37aug 39mend.

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
That's my spec wee soulkeeper, and I love it!!! :D
no probs getting in rvr groups, everybody loves my red resists and my nigh-invulnerability due to self buffs :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Nigh-invulnerability due to your self buffs? Please. Your survivability is in fact equal or lower than most healers who are buffed with BB buffs (which is par for the course in RvR). Your self str/con buff and the shaman str/con buff both cap out at the same value after ToA +buff bonuses (or MotArcane), and most healers have higher mend and thus better instas.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
That's my spec wee soulkeeper, and I love it!!! :D
no probs getting in rvr groups, everybody loves my red resists and my nigh-invulnerability due to self buffs :D
But what happens when they realise you heal for x? :p

Higher mend brings more utility to you as a healer, therefore, go at least 30 mending. Preferebly 39, since the pac healer in group already has the lowest sh there is ;)

Wee Soulkeeper

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Thanks for the tip all :)

Question to Ingafgrinn Macabre: How good are the dmg-shield and the dmg-mod??

Next question that comes to my mind are... Any FULL Mend specced Healers out there?? Does it work?? Does people love your heals??


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
I have yet to be in a group with a full mend healer, but speccing full mend kinda leaves you short on secondary line (40 mend, 36 pac for instant ae mezz and semi good CC, 100% ress, 2nd SH etc). If you spec 48+ (think last SH is on 49?) you will lack the utility of the secondary line and altho healing for loads (and run out of power very very very fast) you dont bring the utility that today's healers need to compete in rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 22, 2004
My advice is avoid 49 Aug unless you have a respec stone to hand. Before TOA (and my break) I was 50 Pac (I like trying oddball specs!) in a small SM group with a 40 mend healer always backing me up. It worked well at the time, but on return I decided I needed a change so went 49 Aug (not really expecting to RvR on that char).

The last 2 days i've been running Mau faction quests and found I can reliably tank 1 orange without instas, 2 orange/1red with instas. In RvR tanks love red celerity, yellow haste and the whole group love red resists but when the mend healer gets interupted you're in big trouble because keeping him alive will be hard let alone the rest of the group. I could see a use if you were in a group with 2 mend healers but add the required skald/shaman that only leaves 3 slots for damage dealers, not too good imo.

The damage shield and damage add really aren't as good as they look, they add anything from 20-80ish per swing (each) averaging mid 40s (dont know why I get such huge variance).

As a result i'm now looking ASAP at another respec to 39/37/4 MAP, spread 2, 16% resists and hopefully enough Aug to still kill yellows should be my final spec.

Kettil Einherjer

Fledgling Freddie
May 29, 2004
Wee why don't you just ask me, or Eiron for that matter.. Eiron is 49 aug.

tbh with 22 mending you can heal quite decent with 25% bonus to healing and wild healing 2-3, however you don't have spread heal so it's harder, a bit more old school healing =)

Good thing with 49 aug is:

A: you can actually Solo in RvR =)
B: Everyone want's you for PvE farming sessions etc
C: you got your own speed for when you wanna go places ;)

Anyway good luck choosing =) don't be afraid of trying inconventional specs.. people will frown at them but it might be the best spec for you anyway, look at me. i was the first 50 BA bd and im still loving it..

however.. now BA seems to become more comon and I might go to 50 darkness ( wich i once tried and liked aswell)

anyway see ya ingame ;)


Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
That's my spec wee soulkeeper, and I love it!!! :D
no probs getting in rvr groups, everybody loves my red resists and my nigh-invulnerability due to self buffs :D

"invulnerability due to self buffs" ??? did i miss something?? BB buffs gives anyone the same "invulnerability"

Actually a regular healer last longer then u since he got instas

WTF are u playing with then have to be complete morons.

Or maybe ur jus messing with someone whos asking for advice? Kinda pathetic in that case

Yeah ur red resist is great and the fact that ur healing power is like 0 is great too


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Etzel said:
As a result i'm now looking ASAP at another respec to 39/37/4 MAP, spread 2, 16% resists and hopefully enough Aug to still kill yellows should be my final spec.
My healur Siiri has this spec and according to my experience theres no problems to kill yellows or oranges without using instas on that spec.
With instas up you can take more at same time if you just have SC'ed suit with some ablas, lifetaps and/or heal procs on it. Some kind of offensive proc (LT/DoT) on hammer helps too.;)
With HF you can pretty nicely solo for example Umbrood warriors without using instas.

Tho healer is not a solo spec for exping or farming anything because killing those mobs without weapon styles is extremely slow, no matter how high aug you have specced.:rolleyes:

My main target was to make my healer hard as possible to kill. Healers will never be a dmg dealer of any kind (tho grpmates are sometimes calling me tank in PvE). Therefore it's important to have some kind of groupfriendly mend spec too (Healer is for healing:fluffle: ). The main reason I got this high aug is yellowcon resists, celerity and good baseline buffs, tho in RvR there's not so many situations you can really use cele.
Thats because of range/casting time. Usually I'm so busy for healing, backup CC'ing or kiting enemy assist train that theres no chance to use cele. Still. whenever it can be used it's really nice boost for melee and bad news for enemies.;)

Wee Soulkeeper

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Kettil Einherjer said:
Wee why don't you just ask me, or Eiron for that matter.. Eiron is 49 aug.

I know my friend but it´s fun to see what other players think :-D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
There are many different specs and thoughts about aug healers. Running with 32 mend, 43 aug and 6 pac on mine and love it. wouldn't give it up for any reason at all..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Its true that you can do quite ok on healing with some toa bonus and 22 mend - but no spreadheal completely screws you over, well, and the rest of your grp - its hard enough to keep up with dmgoutput as it is, and not needing LoS is essential in any kind of standoff, or just when fighting on a hill or such.

Its also true that tanks love yellow haste and red celerity - a 44 aug healer has that as well though - and we love red haste from a bot even more.

Its your char and if you feel strongly for 49 aug then by all means go ahead, just be aware of the limitations attached :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
I have an aug healer, that was originally made to bot, but the guild found themselves a little short on healing for a bit so went 44/31/4 with her and tbh don't regret this at all. With this still got red celerity, 9.8(?)damage shield, and yellow haste, but have SH and better insta's. Also when i do have to play her she's a lot of fun as she's not just a one trick pony.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004

i just went mend30 aug37 pac25 2 get use 2 it b4 nf is out
with some points in mof the ressist rate in pac line should work ok.

any1 have some thoughts on that?

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