has the patch made this game any better?




infact i reckon its made it more boring. went into df yesterday night, had a battle of about 20 a side 4 times in about 10 mins against hibs, and it didnt even slightly amuse me. df really isnt any fun to be honest, whats so good about it, killing monsters with the ai of a goldfish, over and over and over and over again until you have enough seals (i thought a seal was an animal), to buy some armour or weapon with tacky looking effects on it.

df might breathe some life into the game for lower lvl people, but at 50, as i've said many a time before, i've seen it all before. and its all DULL!

oh and the epics, oh dear god they're boring. i got the first part "find some bloke in sauvage", so i logged instantly thinking how little i could be bothered walking all the way from cotswold to sauvage.

so lets summarise. the latest patch has done nothing particularly new to the game, just extended whats already there, and made it even MORE boring (if possible).


This is the second post you have moaned about Daoc , then you say you dont have time to waste about the game. So you spend your time here making the boards shit for people that still enjoy the game



Awaits the first post from IsrafaelCF telling everyone how lame they are for biting at karams sad trolls and telling anyone who will listen karam is really a misunderstood, thoroughly decent bloke who isn''t a muppet at all.

Karam and IsrafaelCF, the Laurel and Hardy of daoc.

I thought you had gone Karam? Please, go now and with some dignity and stopping telling everyone who shit x,y and z is. Its not, you are.



The amazing chesnor

Behold his uncanny predictive powers!

I think some decent moderation is whats needed on these forums need otherwise they will just degenerate into the usual bucket of shite that consists 99.99% of all other forums, everybody is entitled to there veiw, but when forums become the pantotime of;

'Daoc is dull and poo'

'Oh no it isn't'

Repeat for 130 posts, drift into personal insults.

Then again you will just get the winers moaning nobody is letting them have there say.


Ok, now just let this thread go..
Karam won't read your replies with an open mind anyhow..
Read my sig, it contains a quote from Karam, so you see there's no use to reply to someone who is trying to have some fun on others expence..

mkay.. now I'll go back out into the sun again.. it's great, you should try it :cool:


Dont tell em that

I was planning to go out but with the likes of tranquil suggesting the Daoc forum freeks go outside I feel its safer I stay in and try to be funny and vaguely misinformed.

errrm Hibs are rubbish

Right off to look for Midget porn


SOrry but im kinda agreeing with Karam slightly here,

DF has kinda ruined the game for me,,
I finish work at 8pm GMT and by the time I get on all ppl wanna do is go take keeps to open DF, so we head on and take keeps open up DF and by that time I gotta log coz its late (needs some sleep for work :p )
SO as I see it if this doesnt calm down soon (doubt it will) then im gonna quit as I cant play a game I wanna play


Re: The amazing chesnor

Originally posted by grimnr0

'Daoc is dull and poo'

'Oh no it isn't'

Repeat for 130 posts, drift into personal insults.

Hmm...how about we have a cross realm co-operation policy on leaving Karam's threads unread? Starve him of the attention he craves, maybe? I know it won't happen because everyone enjoys watching him make a complete pillock of himself, but its worth consideration ;)

Constructive critisim of the game is fine by me, but posting inane dross (although it is amusing in a pathetic kind of way) is a waste of server space.

And things will calm down as balance is found, N07ABL3, although the game has been altered significantly.


why moan and bitch!

Who cares if u dont like the game!
I dont like boybands but I dont go on there hompage and say how lame and shit they are, I know some do and I think karam and 1337 boy here do!


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Karam and IsrafaelCF, the Laurel and Hardy of daoc.

Can I be Laurel? I like being hit. Makes me shiver.

To be honest - Darkness falls and the patch has made a big difference - I'm enjoying the game more. I've played my main more over the past few days than I have over the past few weeks combined. I was comtemplating quitting also - but this has breathed new life into the game for me.

I originally posted flaming those who bit because it was amusing. It's losing the appeal apart from when someone irritates me, and I have a go. I can't even be bothered to do it now, however.

Think what the hell you want. Karam makes these posts out of boredom, just to provoke a reaction. People react. I know him out of camelot, and I know what he's really like.

Shrug. You can start bitching now.


Been looking forward to patch 1.49 because i could get my epic armor! Then i finished all the quests in like 2 hours or so.

Went to df got 30 diamond seals in 3 hours, bought some jewels i needed and started looking for hibs and mids. Didn't find any so went to emain. Only 3 stealthers in emain. Very boring...

So i liked df the first 2 hours cos it was new. Now it's just boring and if you finally find an enemy it's too laggie to fight them.

I want the usually emain rvring back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

Well as you're a person who's incapable of having fun, it's obvious from the start that this game will bore you regardless of what the patches bring.


Who is this cock knocker he never has anything good to say?


Karam, try something different instead of flaming on this forum everytime there's a new patch. There's 4 character slots and 2 servers for english speaking people. MAKE A NEW CHARACTER.

Many people get a little more enjoyment out of the game by trying different characters, new challanges et al. I have 4 chrs on Alb pry and 4 on Hib excal. If I get bored with one, I go to a different character, which involves a different way of playing. I wish there was 3 servers TBH cos then I could make some characters on Mid as well.

If you do happen to have 8 chrs at 50th, (very unlikely) and still think the games not worth it, try deleting all the characters on one server and trying a new realm. Shocking, I know after alll the time invested, but a few players have tried that.

If, of course, you'd rather stick to your one level 50 chr and continue to complain on the forum, you deserve no sympathy. Pity, maybe, but no sympathy.


Originally posted by Solarius
Karam, try something different instead of flaming on this forum everytime there's a new patch. There's 4 character slots and 2 servers for english speaking people. MAKE A NEW CHARACTER.

i only read that much of your post because the rest is obviously shite as the first paragraph was. i flame every time theres a new patch? how many patches have we had??? 2?

only 2 people have actually read my post and thought "i agree with karam, and im not afraid to say so". the rest of you instantly see me saying something bad about the game, and feel you have to protect it like a child, so you immediatly start flaming as much as possible to take the attention away from the point of the post.

and chesnor, get that CRAP little picture off your posts, the thing in a bowler hat, every time i look at your posts i think im talking to a fucking bank manager. (and you suck)


Originally posted by old.Mobstomper
This is the second post you have moaned about Daoc , then you say you dont have time to waste about the game. So you spend your time here making the boards shit for people that still enjoy the game


Mobstomper, Noone cares about your point of view, Especially when you tell people to


Noone is going to take you seriously, In the words of Cartman

Shut up dude, your being totaly immature

:m00: :m00: :m00:


Originally posted by old.Ailelun

Mobstomper, Noone cares about your point of view, Especially when you tell people to

Noone is going to take you seriously, In the words of Cartman

:m00: :m00: :m00:

<looks at mobstomper>




Originally posted by Karam_gruul
i only read that much of your post because the rest is obviously shite as the first paragraph was. i flame every time theres a new patch? how many patches have we had??? 2?

If you only read this much, then why bother? Go away, play a different game and leave this forum for players that want to play.

You say that the patch may have breathed some life into the game for lower levelled ppl, but at 50th its still dull. So read my post again and you'll see that i've suggested you try making a new lwer level character and experience it.

But, of course I imagine you'll just flame about how dull the game is and that you don't want to bether abut all that (assuming you actually do read this and my last post properly! You complain that I 'Just flame you as much as possible', and yet you never bothered to actually read the content of my post!)

In fact, I'm not even sure why I'm bothering to reply to that post. Except maybe that I'm trying to help someone who's so disallusioned with the game, he cant even brng himself to quit!


Like Germans the Stupid are everywhere. If u don't like it quit I did ;p


Originally posted by old.0xygen
Like Germans the Stupid are everywhere. If u don't like it quit I did ;p

im actually part german. roxxor.


and the actual quote is, like german TOURISTS the stupid are everywhere.


You still here? I thought you'd have gone by now.


Can't wait till the day you stop playing this game.


Sigh, Okay So The Guy Makes A Few Stupid Posts, Well maybe more than A few. But I agree with some of the points he made in this paste, which I dont think alot of people can deny. And you take it as a wide open chance to get some immature insults in on him. Shame on You..


karam gooooo awayyyyy ;)

you're shite at a game which you don't enjoy playing............ = play another game ! :) (and stop irritating us on the forums pls)

lamus Yuatja

Yeah Karam, you said you where leaving DAoC due to it being as you call it "boring".
Yes all games at some time get boring but for most it hasnt....for those of who it does...they leave and say a nice bye, bye and move on.
You have said your byes, and said ur view on this game being boring...whats done is done.......now bugger off!


Originally posted by old.chesnor
Awaits the first post from IsrafaelCF telling everyone how lame they are for biting at karams sad trolls and telling anyone who will listen karam is really a misunderstood, thoroughly decent bloke who isn''t a muppet at all.

Karam and IsrafaelCF, the Laurel and Hardy of daoc.

I thought you had gone Karam? Please, go now and with some dignity and stopping telling everyone who shit x,y and z is. Its not, you are.


V good and cant agree more <thinks isral should go clean his brown nose , if the games so bad and you have no time karam easy FUCK OFF


Originally posted by N07ABL3
SOrry but im kinda agreeing with Karam slightly here,

DF has kinda ruined the game for me,,
I finish work at 8pm GMT and by the time I get on all ppl wanna do is go take keeps to open DF, so we head on and take keeps open up DF and by that time I gotta log coz its late (needs some sleep for work :p )
SO as I see it if this doesnt calm down soon (doubt it will) then im gonna quit as I cant play a game I wanna play

wait, give it time df is new ppl want to chedck it out in time ppl we be like bah been df done that lets go do ewhatever it will just be another place to xp not THE place to xp/rvr imho its just chaos atm couse ppl want to check it out, can't blame them for that

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