Has NTL gone wacky?

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Jeeze N3wbie

try to give someone a hand and get it thrown in your face..

what kind of an idiot are you??

re read what was said before you go off on the I'm right and you'll always tell me I'm wrong! rant..

get over yourself NTL isn't out to get you... you are not important to us in anyway... yes if you get a problem then we'll try and fix it but thats it...

you wanted proof I gave it to.. hell even your own info said what I said...

if you learned to read reports correctly you'll see what I've said true.. (undoubtly you'll start say oh thats so typical NTL tells me that I'm wrong!! you ever consider that you might be wrong?? could you swallow your pride for a moment there kitty cat?? could you?? for me?? Hmm??)

whats going through Mid - 3 got to do with it??? if you actually knew anything about routing not just picked up a tracer program that gave you information that you have no idea what it means then you would know why that is an important piece of infromation!!

when people like you get through and start mouthing off about how you know everything about everything to do with routing then yes your gonna get peoples backs up... as in this case..

can you tell me the difference between a base router node and a hyper node?? can you tell what a redirector does?? do you know what a super core is and what it does?? do you know what a configuration file is an what it does to your Cable modem??

really what do you know to be mouthing off about the info that is given to you??

or do you just have the one program that gives you your results??

in this case.. YES you are wrong accept it and grow up and stop whining on "NTL hates me, NTL tell's me I'm wrong all the time" people are wrong it happens hell I've been wrong myself before now...

you know what the worst part is.. I really tryied to help you to get the problem resolved and all you can do it throw it back at me..

thats really disapointing.


you talk like that and then you wonder why everyone thinks customer service is a load of shit? :sleeping:

notice anything different?




you pushed and pushed until you got that responce..

and from an award winning customer service (5 years running), it sounds like your talking out your ass.. ;)

I'm not doing customer service now.. I'm talking to a snot nose punk with a stick up his ass..

all that proves is that at that moment in time there was a spike..

prove it's constant... prove that it's happening more than once...

thats whats needed not your ideas of what is happening on the server...

learn about real networking before you come back to me blathering about your "no nothings"...


why do i need to prove it constant when a whole area was effected for a week? maybe you didnt look at them propley, your saying my router was change, no it wasnt, i said i was routed a different way and i was, but according to you, im not. :sleeping: award winning customer serive? when you talk like that? not like its a proper job anyway, is it? all you do is follow what some help desk software tells you to say. :sleeping:

edit: and FFS its not lag, its packetloss.



I'm getting flack from someone that still lives with his mother about a proper job??

and what do you do that is so intensive then?? Hmmm??

and network engineer isn't a proper job??

what do you live in la la land??

I can talk how ever I want.. I'm not doing tech support now.. :lol:

I have done it though and I can tell you that nobody on the floor has any kind of help desk software..

all the info is things that they've learned..

and it seems like that's a capacity that you don't have..

and it seems that you know nothing.. Lag is due to packet loss and also high ping they are all connected you utter moron...

your saying my router was change, no it wasnt, i said i was routed a different way and i was

really... you wanna not check that again..

I have said all through it that you router is Mid - 3...

at most the problem was for a day (37 hours to be precise) not a week, it did occur on patch day but these things happen.

prove that you know what your talking about before coming back saying "its not lag, its packetloss"



:sleeping: your gonna keep talking bullshit even if i show you actual evidence that your blatantly wrong, so may aswell let this thread die, same shit different day :sleeping:


what does hop 2 say again? Mid-3 or is that Mid-2? :eek: and the problem wasnt for 37 hours. Thrusday untill Sunday is 96 hours. :clap: thick as pig shit arnt yah. either your thinking of a totally different problem or your in denial, for your sake i hope your just a little bit wrong and thinking or something else, other wise your just gonna make a total twat out of your self with every post you make say this and that when evidence is proving you wrong everytime. and packetloss makes your ping high? are you connected straight to the backbone at home and get pings of 1ms all the time? the pic shows an average or 27, that is good imo so what are you talking about?:m00:

and this is with tracert in DOS before you start all the crap about "why the same program all the time"

C:\WINDOWS>tracert www.goa.com

Tracing route to www.goa.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms
2 9 ms 8 ms 11 ms midd-t2cam1-b-v106.inet.ntl.com [
3 8 ms 8 ms 12 ms mid-t2core-b-ge-wan61.inet.ntl.com [213.106.237.
4 8 ms 6 ms 7 ms mid-t2core-a-v99.inet.ntl.com []
5 9 ms 28 ms 14 ms lee-bb-a-so-130-0.inet.ntl.com []
6 14 ms 15 ms 13 ms pop-bb-b-so-100-0.inet.ntl.com []

hi Mid-2 router!
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