Harry Potter vibrater


Nala Lionne

Originally posted by sickofit...
But the -Random Funny Joke/Picture/Comic Reply Generator 3000™ is such a handy tool!

You could basically answer every second post made on the DAoC boards with it... :D

Then you'd receive a thoroughly good spanking :whip:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Xarr
lmao nice article :)

and since we're on the subject of harry potter here are some gay fan fiction pieces.. enjoy :x

harry potter gay fan fiction

Then Legolas leaned in and kissed him, his lips fiercely tender against Aragorn's — in response the man wrapped his arms around the elf's waist and drew him closer, and kissed him back, almost bruisingly, passion wrought with pain and the release of emotions too long held within him.

I want those homos DEAD!!

lol... the internet never fails to amaze me...

Aragorn lowered him onto the grass; he would not have Legolas's smooth skin abraded against the sharp splinters of the tree trunk — for tonight, they would both feel only comfort and tenderness, not pain. Legolas lay back, pulling Aragorn down upon him as their mouths met once more in the heat of passion; their bodies moved in perfect articulation, even as Aragorn spread Legolas's legs so that he could move closer, so that in the perfection of this moment they would be as one.

Legolas let out a gasp as Aragorn pushed into him with a firm, smooth stroke — he writhed under him, although he could not move because Aragorn had pinioned his arms, and his legs were pushed backwards and held down with the weight of Aragorn's body as he slid inside him. Aragorn held still for a long moment, buried to the hilt inside Legolas until he could feel the elf relax under him; he whispered fevered words that flowed naturally to his lips, words in the Elvish tongue that made Legolas smile, and laugh breathlessly. One of Aragorn's hands moved to stroke him, and he felt the elf's body jerk under him in response.

Alright... mod that, Brinxie...
Legolas is Aragorns ass bitch ... ROFLMAO!!!!:D


Originally posted by sickofit...
... Harry Potter was written to entertain kids and not young adults (and that was a euphemism, holy cow;))?
Wohooooo! That's what I meant dude, finally someone agrees that it is meant for children... yes... even the books. Mwahaa.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by SFXman

Wohooooo! That's what I meant dude, finally someone agrees that it is meant for children... yes... even the books. Mwahaa.

Who said it was not, ... dude? ;)

Big Kahoona man over and out.


Well I have seen many people my age (+/- 18) and many adults who have read this damn stuff.

Uncle Sick(tm)

... it's fantasy. And a good read actually.

It's a matter of taste, I guess. A lot of 'grown-ups' still read the weekly Mickey Mouse comic book. I don't. Do I think it's uncool?

There is worse... like LotR gay fan fiction. ;)

old.The McScrooges

Gay gay LotR fiction

That gay pr0n was gay.

No mention of rings or anything. One ring to bind them takes on new meaning. <school boy chuckle>

Orin Askhammare

I read the books and enjoyed them. Sure, I can name many books that I like better and cater to adults, but I didn't find anything wrong with the Harry Potter books.

Overhyped? Sure. Trash? No way.

Also the later books get a lot darker and somewhat more mature than the earlier ones. Next one quite likely more so. The people defending the books aren't saying it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but putting them down because they are "children's books" is a little shortsighted. But still tastes vary and that's a good thing :)

Nala Lionne

Re: Gay gay LotR fiction

Originally posted by old.The McScrooges
That gay pr0n was gay.

No mention of rings or anything. One ring to bind them takes on new meaning. <school boy chuckle>


<tumbleweed rolling past>



old.The McScrooges

I never said I was funny.

Childish yes, funny no.


Originally posted by old.The McScrooges
I never said I was funny.

Childish yes, funny no.

<repeats in a mocking tone> Childish yes, funny no.

Ahar, being childish IS fun :D

I miss the childish insults of 10 year olds ....

"You are stupid"
"I know you are, you said you are, but what. am. I??!?"

GARHAR! :eek:

old.The McScrooges

I know a post that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.
I know a post that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.
I know a post that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.
I know a post that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.



Originally posted by old.The McScrooges
I know a post that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.
I know a post that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.
I know a post that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.
I know a post that will get on your nerves, get on your nerves.


Arhhhh, the voices!! :O

Uncle Sick(tm)

This thread is getting worse by the minute :D

I would give it a rating of ... R



I´m 21 and like the Harry Potter books ;)

oh and is those broomsticks sold in amazon.co.uk ? afaik amazon.com doesnt ship outside the states :(

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