


Originally posted by congin
Well DF merchants are killable and everyone who pays to play this game have the rights to kill everything that they are able to kill right? It's just shit to ban ppl for killing gray mobs...

Didn't know hibs had so "open" view on griefing...


They can't make up their own things they only do things others have done and try to make it their actions justified. If you really like fucking up others enjoyment then go play CS with an aimbot...


Killing mobs isn't against coc.

Griefing is.

Mercilessly killing DF merchants and mithra mobs when they were specifically asked to stop is griefing.

WTG goa!


if killing DF merchant's is against the CoC cuz it's greifing i could have got like 50 ppl banned for noumerous reasons...

if they ban ppl for killing a mob that is killable, then why don't just make it impossible to kill?


Originally posted by congin
if killing DF merchant's is against the CoC cuz it's greifing i could have got like 50 ppl banned for noumerous reasons...

if they ban ppl for killing a mob that is killable, then why don't just make it impossible to kill?
From the 1.60 patch notes:

- The imp merchants of Darkness Falls will no longer aggro on characters from the realm they sell items for. They are also not attackable by the realm they sell items for. Players can still attack other realms merchants, but doing so will ruin their faction with their own merchants and not allow them to purchase items until they raise their faction. As a side effect of this change, none of these merchants will be killable at all on the PvE or PvP servers.

Problem solved.


Originally posted by Arthwyr

LOL and when would that be after you cleaned keltoi ?

Oooh, repeated offense. This will be juicy :F


Congin, you certainly didn't have the pleasure yet not being able to buy what you want 'cause some tosser kills some merchants over and over.

Such a behaviour is completely in line with the definition of "griefing" in the CoC and more important, the CoC exists for the very reason the game allows you to do things which actually can ruin the gameplay experience of others and hence abuse of it should be forbidden.

The point is that some people abused the possibility of killing the DF merchants to "grief" others.


Originally posted by congin
Well DF merchants are killable and everyone who pays to play this game have the rights to kill everything that they are able to kill right? It's just shit to ban ppl for killing gray mobs...

LoL, I would think that people would have enough brain to go to places where they xp/moneyfarm/whatever.

But someone on Excal/alb does not know to grow a brain and they decide to go and kill greycon mobs (Stopping quite a few players steady xp for while) Just because they want to be funny (but they are lame and they know it)

So. A message to <Chaos Theory>: Go jump in the river, I can push if you'd like.


I love the way people keep referring back to the Darkwolves - no body knew about them until we payed homage by killing the Df marchants - notice how we never denied we were copying them.

it was a mark or respect


Originally posted by ToKE
I love the way people keep referring back to the Darkwolves - no body knew about them until we payed homage by killing the Df marchants - notice how we never denied we were copying them.

it was a mark or respect

No, everyone already knew about them from the threads posted on these boards, VN boards, etc, etc. Exactly the same places as you read about them and then copied the sad gits.

And it's not 'paying homage', it's 'not having a brain to think of your own sad ideas'.

And it's not 'a mark of respect', it's a lack of respect for other people playing on your server.


Toke = PWNED! :clap:

Most ppl here knew - I knew from BW threads, you go figure...


they also did the weegiantkiller thing which was AGES ago


I assume that the text in the vote box didn´t use to say "albs are stuck up bastards?" but rather explain that they where banned because of griefing"

oh incidentally I mailed screenies of them to go and reported them for harrashment reply was

"they are killing killable mobs, nothing wrong with that"

I updated question with

"and the 3 guys on the screenies asking them to stop so they can use the merchants services are NOT being harrashed" tagged it as a "don't need a reply" but I can in all honesty say that if I was part of them being banned, I feel damn good about it.

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