Haddanother little go


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 13, 2004
Thugs. bet u didnt show rest of that armsman movie cause u were on 1% and had bleed. bet u died to that xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
CstasY said:
Omfg you are such a thick twat, I treated this whole thing as a joke at first, but now I'm starting to think you're putting on an act? Nobody and I mean NOBODY can be as retarded as you are. You never take into account what anyone says, you just pass it off and reply by using more of your endless shit films which nobody actually gives a fuck about. Just fucking face it, its a GAME, and at the end of the day, you dont need to make a new thread everytime you win a fight in the game.

You make me more pissed off than anyone else has ever done in DAoC, and the main thing isnt the content that you post about, its that you never listen.

I mean wtf? Where has that come from? You are proved wrong at something and you just ignore it and carry on, and it happens.. again... and again... and again.. and again, and you just change the subject with another of your shitty films where you kill a complete newb by taking advantage of the bad game mechanics. Just fucking grow a brain, admitt you're wrong for once and stfu with your inane threads.

I speak for the majority of FH here when I say, nobody cares about your sad little life, and your sad little "OMFG I ROCK MEGAMEIGHTS" films.

+1 :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
For Christ's sake Thugs when you gonna realise that NO-ONE and I mean NOT A FUCKING SINGLE person is impressed by you?
Its not big and its NOT FUCKING CLEVER.
Do you hear me?

At this point I'm off to spam Mythic with posts to put an immunity timer on poisons. The VAST majority of steathers wont mind or notice and when its introduced you are fucked.
Maybe then you will stop posting on these boards with your inept and confused sense of what skill is.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Hehe right

Wot yu are trying to say is that you can't fight like me ain't it Rookie. Prob tried to but just can't.

Oh dear slagged me off cos I was 'uber' buffed PKJ now I killing BUFFED Friars and BUFFED Ogre armsmen whilst UNBUFFED. Oh I didn't resort to using a potion too. Mmm tis sure odd ain't it!

Skill? Ok everyone fight like me then. That Friar was running through like no tomorrow but unlike you I know how to counteract it.

Anyone heard of a UNBUFFED SB killing BUFFED SC'D FRIARS AND ARMSMEN before with no perf start off, just pure melee? Nah.

Proved you all wrong so many times and yet you still won't accept the fact that I is too good for you lot.

Own upto it Rookie and I might pass on some tips for you. I gotta free one infact. If you see my sb's name then log and stay logged cos best not to embarass yourself dieing buffed to an unbuffed player ain't it.

Good tip that for loads infact.

Thugs. bet u didnt show rest of that armsman movie cause u were on 1% and had bleed. bet u died to that xD

Eh nope I didn't. Bleed stopped. Even so I could have popped a potion if I needed to - sorry you wrong again.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004

Friars were given selfbuffs to bring them up to par with other, unbuffed chars.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Thugs said:
Wot yu are trying to say is that you can't fight like me ain't it Rookie. Prob tried to but just can't.

Please stop telling people what they mean in their posts. You do it all the time, and its very annoying, because 9/10 of the time you dont have a fucking clue.

What you are trying to say is... What you really mean is... When you climb into bed with a nice warm women, after a hard days work, you are really thinking about how amazing my run-through technique is..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Thugs said:
Skill? Ok everyone fight like me then. That Friar was running through like no tomorrow but unlike you I know how to counteract it.

Anyone heard of a UNBUFFED SB killing BUFFED SC'D FRIARS

downloaded the video because you think so much of yourself, and the friar is clearly lagging when you run through him. and because you suck so bad, you expect friars to run around without buffing themselves?
jesus you are a frickin twat.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

That was as good a Friar as you are likely to meet. He was damn good.


Eh, nope I did it once to start the fight off after that was all the Friars doing so there you go. As I say the guy was good.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Thugs said:
That was as good a Friar as you are likely to meet. He was damn good.


Eh, nope I did it once to start the fight off after that was all the Friars doing so there you go. As I say the guy was good.
i care....


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
he he just to point out that 2day thugs has had many a death... and i mean many many many deaths as weaklin. most of them wernt 1on1s admitted. altho somewer as close.. he goes on in 1 post about not attacking puss casters etc... thats prettty much all he went for today... except for my lvl 22 infil ofc... he killed me im not denying it i got owned i didnt even hit him once but doesnt surprise me being lvl 22 i expect it... but what makes me chuckle is how just after i died another infil goes by the name of wakanda broke cover and slaughterd the stupid fuckwit! ha was hilarious made me chuckle a whole lot. i know he had just finished me off but tbh if hes so god damn amazing i would thought he could handled it... (he tried to do runthroughs to)
also another thing hes not gonna post about is how he died in a 1vs1 2night against an inconnu infil. sure the infil was buffed but im surprised him being the self proclaimed king of thid didnt beat him. he even popped a pot in the middle of the fight.. the infil told me he took a screeny and i asked him to post it on here... dunno if he did/will i can all but hope.
so mr.self proclaimed king of thid i am now proclaiming u by majority vote of people on freddyshouse who go to thid (and the 1s who dont ofc, cos every1 hates fucktards like u) supreme overlord fucktardius ball sucker of thid. WELL DONE :clap:
round of applause :kissit:

anyway thats all i got to say on matter for now.
and on a side not my scout capped in thid today :( so im playing a loverly smite cleric for laughs instead.. goes by the name of hugglesformyfriends :wub:
so i look 4ward to trying to kill and being killed by all u guys in near future
p.s. i sure u will come and get me some time to thugs.. ya know the mighty sb killing the mighty buffed cleric who wears nothing but the free armor @ the start and who isnt meant to be a fighter anyway... im sure that will impress all the ladies!!! i will be waiting for u....


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

M8y do you ever read these posts I make?

Here is you beloved Wakanda about 5 mins after I took the 2 of you on. Knew he would be where I found him and killed him even though the Cabba was helping at the end.

WAKANDA SOLO FIGHT (with cabba add at end - piff)


If you don't believe it ask the silly inf.

An inconnu inf took me? Eh? Hell if he did where is the bloody picture?

Stop this nonsense.

Here is the bloody fight against you and Wakanda - both at the same bloody time cos you damn shits never run solo.


Shut the hell up m8 cos the proof is above that you are talking utter rubbish. As lots of you Albs have done before!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Thugs said:
M8y do you ever read these posts I make?

Here is you beloved Wakanda about 5 mins after I took the 2 of you on. Knew he would be where I found him and killed him even though the Cabba was helping at the end.

WAKANDA SOLO FIGHT (with cabba add at end - piff)


If you don't believe it ask the silly inf.

An inconnu inf took me? Eh? Hell if he did where is the bloody picture?

Stop this nonsense.

Here is the bloody fight against you and Wakanda - both at the same bloody time cos you damn shits never run solo.


Shut the hell up m8 cos the proof is above that you are talking utter rubbish. As lots of you Albs have done before!
omg your my idol.... MARRY ME THUGS!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I was thinking of having T-Shirts or maybe a Duvet made. What you think?


Yeah, you might argue that i added. True skill however is in selecting your target, killing, and not getting caught. Something you seem to be lacking.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Hehe - nice try.

Hell I died loads tonight. Am bound to. Always have done buffed or no. But the only 'real' fights are the one vs one fights. What you have posted there is rediculous.

I die and come back not like a lot of you lot. You die and that is the last you show for that night in a lot of cases.

M8y i am running unbuffed against overwhelming odds am bound to die. Never said I was invincible. No-one can say that.

Lots of times though I have killed my target before dropping or my poison takes em out after I die - main thing.

I run solo to look for likely solo targets but hell you Albs can't spell the word 'solo' as far as can see.

Solo = playing on your own - get it?

Can understand nearly everyone apart from stealthers running in groups but hell I ain't seen many lone stealthers either. Albs are chickens bar for a very few lets face it. Sbs in a lotta cases run solo all the time.

By the way wot is this 'uber' infs name of yours? Name please.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2004
Thugs, Take heed, you syphilitic spawn of Satan, may you be chased across the desert by sex-starved camels. :-D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I have watched you play. Out of all the times i encountered you, only 1 was away from MPK. Solo? No, you may not be grouped, but you are certainly never alone sitting on the banks.
You complain about Alb stealth groups? No, you will probably find that 9.9 times out of 10 its just a plain simple add. If there happens to be 8 infehs waiting at the bottom of mpk for you, then you will get 8 adds. Doesnt mean they are grouped.

Edit. I never claimed to be 'uber' im an average unbuffed solo infiltrator. You did beat me in a one on one after you lagged through my opener. Wakanda is my name.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Never mind that crap - WOT IS THE NAME OF YOUR INF! Come on now don't be scared. Just so happens I prob have already killed you one on one is all.


Anyways bed time. Hope I get up in the morning and read the name of your inf posted here.

Fat chance!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
already edited my previous post after reading your edit. I have nothing to prove. I go to thid for fun. I dont claim to be anything im not either.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
lol i soloed him with my 21 eld. Ive fought harder lvl 20 smite clerics.

But of course hes gonna deny this


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Frogster (Wakanda inf)

Wot the hell are you on about? We have solo'd and I won.


That is you being solo'd. The cabba finished me off.

As for that post of kills on me shows you are nearly always grouped and are ready to finish me off which doesn't reflect well on you now does it.

Tis you lot that are hardly ever solo not me cos I am ALWAYS solo and ungrouped.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
i have to say...
well done killing my friar... I was using my self buffs ONLY and they are put there to bring the friar class up so they stand a chance against other unbuffed enemies.
alltho less running through next time we have a 1vs1.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Friar fight was a good one but I only ran through the once after that twas you doing it not me.

By the way do you normally get taken by sbs - unbuffed? Just wondering.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
Thugs said:
That is you being solo'd. The cabba finished me off.

As for that post of kills on me shows you are nearly always grouped and are ready to finish me off which doesn't reflect well on you now does it.

Tis you lot that are hardly ever solo not me cos I am ALWAYS solo and ungrouped.

u go on and on and on and on and on and on about being solo and how ur a real man..... no because ur solo doesnt make u a real man... it makes u stupid. if ur grouped u stand a better chance of winning and staying alive... surely that would be better than being solo and dieing? or am i wrong... cos really i would much prefer to live than die.. altho if this was real life... i might encourage u to solo... ya know... darwin.... remove ur self from the gene pool please!
also me and wakanda wernt grouped. i didnt even know he was near me. and the other point u ignored was how u went for mainly casters or lower lvls today being real big and manly there btw! and before you go on at me about being a pussy and grouping all the time just like to point out how little i have grouped. my scout solo'd most of the time in thid grouping with other scouts for assists once in awhile. so i must be a real man! hurrah hurrah im a real man! or wait.. do i have to solo forever to be a man... ah well i spose that i can be a boy and not a man. boys get to have all the fun anyway.

and im trying to find the inconnu inf for the pic. but its hard trying to find 1 guy who obviously isnt going to be on all the time.
btw if u all take a nice close look @ frogsters pic right at the very top... u can see that he kills weakling and is awarded 4rps... i thought it was only possible to get 4rps from solo killing some1??


May 14, 2004
Thugs said:
True but cleric buffs are more potent. Far more infact just like our shaman buffs boost beyond self buffs.
FYI frair selfbuffs > cleric buffs in thidranki, and if you count in the selfbuffs, friar got more buffs than a cleric can give, so foad meighty :/


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
4 rps

No idea how he managed to get that but funny how he only shows the lower part of the screen innit. Wonder wot it says above that.

Only time I met Wakanda solo (forra while until cabba showed) was when I beat him - job done. Why go on about it now I dunno.

The other times he was running with that cabba (half ogre) who I attacked also. You should have seen the buffs that dropped off that one - a lot. Shearer or someone.

Caught Wakanda solo and he dies even though the cabba wasn't far off. Couldn't save him intime though - pity.


As for only attacking casters they were the only things I could find that were attackable as there were no other targets cos you all grouped. I mean a full group of albs and still the stealthers run with them? Honestly SBs are always buggering off and soloing even though they have a hell offa hard time against infs. How come then infs very rarely solo?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
Thugs said:
No idea how he managed to get that but funny how he only shows the lower part of the screen innit. Wonder wot it says above that.

Think the reason for that is not to make a 5 mile long scroll thread of endless combat info.
Besides, 4 RPs on a kill kind of speaks for itself.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Does it hell. Not when I more than likely was getting mezzed and casted upon m8.

Killed him one on one in a more or less fair fight. Wot the hell more do you want?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 24, 2004
If you were being casted upon he wouldn´t have gotten 4 RPs.
And if you were mezzed, you most likely would have been meleed (if mincer mez) or nuked (if sorc mezzz) as followup.

Enough said.

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