CstasY said:Omfg you are such a thick twat, I treated this whole thing as a joke at first, but now I'm starting to think you're putting on an act? Nobody and I mean NOBODY can be as retarded as you are. You never take into account what anyone says, you just pass it off and reply by using more of your endless shit films which nobody actually gives a fuck about. Just fucking face it, its a GAME, and at the end of the day, you dont need to make a new thread everytime you win a fight in the game.
You make me more pissed off than anyone else has ever done in DAoC, and the main thing isnt the content that you post about, its that you never listen.
I mean wtf? Where has that come from? You are proved wrong at something and you just ignore it and carry on, and it happens.. again... and again... and again.. and again, and you just change the subject with another of your shitty films where you kill a complete newb by taking advantage of the bad game mechanics. Just fucking grow a brain, admitt you're wrong for once and stfu with your inane threads.
I speak for the majority of FH here when I say, nobody cares about your sad little life, and your sad little "OMFG I ROCK MEGAMEIGHTS" films.
Thugs. bet u didnt show rest of that armsman movie cause u were on 1% and had bleed. bet u died to that xD
Thugs said:Wot yu are trying to say is that you can't fight like me ain't it Rookie. Prob tried to but just can't.
Thugs said:Skill? Ok everyone fight like me then. That Friar was running through like no tomorrow but unlike you I know how to counteract it.
Anyone heard of a UNBUFFED SB killing BUFFED SC'D FRIARS
i care....Thugs said:That was as good a Friar as you are likely to meet. He was damn good.
Eh, nope I did it once to start the fight off after that was all the Friars doing so there you go. As I say the guy was good.
omg your my idol.... MARRY ME THUGS!!!Thugs said:M8y do you ever read these posts I make?
Here is you beloved Wakanda about 5 mins after I took the 2 of you on. Knew he would be where I found him and killed him even though the Cabba was helping at the end.
WAKANDA SOLO FIGHT (with cabba add at end - piff)
If you don't believe it ask the silly inf.
An inconnu inf took me? Eh? Hell if he did where is the bloody picture?
Stop this nonsense.
Here is the bloody fight against you and Wakanda - both at the same bloody time cos you damn shits never run solo.
Shut the hell up m8 cos the proof is above that you are talking utter rubbish. As lots of you Albs have done before!
Thugs said:That is you being solo'd. The cabba finished me off.
As for that post of kills on me shows you are nearly always grouped and are ready to finish me off which doesn't reflect well on you now does it.
Tis you lot that are hardly ever solo not me cos I am ALWAYS solo and ungrouped.
FYI frair selfbuffs > cleric buffs in thidranki, and if you count in the selfbuffs, friar got more buffs than a cleric can give, so foad meighty :/Thugs said:True but cleric buffs are more potent. Far more infact just like our shaman buffs boost beyond self buffs.
Lakashnik said:i thought it was only possible to get 4rps from solo killing some1??
Thugs said:No idea how he managed to get that but funny how he only shows the lower part of the screen innit. Wonder wot it says above that.