Hi all and thx for all the grats.
Since I am not to fond of the flamefeast in here I am not a regular reader anymore, and alot less a poster, but had to register now to thank you all.
Since many of you dont know me that well, I thought I would give a short life story of Guten the green kobbie.
When I started I was really confused, but I was very lucky because a friend gave me 2g so I could get some equipment. That was a huge amount for me, so of course I didnt spend it all.
Luckily you dont lose xp at the first 5 levels, or I would never have been lvl 5 I think. Then I got my bow, but I could not afford to buy arrows, so I started doing fletching missions to get some more money. So did missions to get arrows and go out and try to kill. Most of the time I died and died....
True I was not good, but I kept in there and soon I could make the best kinds of arrows, and I learned some more skills and somehow I even raised in level. Around lvl 30 I was so skilled and managed to kill good enough to actually start making money from killing mobs.
Of course I had not heard about templates in these days, but I used what actually dropped from mobs and what I got from the epic quests.
Being persistant I slowly reached lvl 50 most of the time solo, but also sometimes trying to be main tank for a group. I am glad there is no counter for how many times you have died, because I would cry if I could see it.
After 70 days! of playtime I finally managed to ding 50. I did it on my very beloved Bone Eater Oracles in Yggdra. (Old Frontier) I am sure many stealtehrs and fg has gotten several realm levels for killing me there. I levelled on the same mobs all way from lvl 40 to lvl 50.
But it also happened that I managed to kill someone. In those days you didnt need to be perfectly templated and such, so I was very close to rr5 and I was lgm fletcher at that same time.
In old frontier I was almost never in Emain, but instead I did all my fighting in Odins, and there wasnt a keep fight that I missed.
I continued like this all the way to rr7. Solo and unbuffed!! Then it started to get too hard, so I decided it was time to get a buffbot.
I also once in a while was part of the GREEN ZERG, and that was great fun.
I have always loved my guild Fellowship of Midgard.
That is the only guild I have ever been in and I have stuck to it for better or worse and have always loved all the kind members in there.
For RR8 and RR9 it went alot faster, since then I played alot with my friends in Norseman of Midgard, and we were a towertaking and farming group.
I am sure alot of albs have been pissed off at us alot, but it has been great fun. Fools bow is a must for a hunter
What will happen now I dont know. Maybe it is time to get me a hastebot as well and a new template.
I have been part through all the nerfs of the hunter, but I have never changed my skillpoints. I take pride in having a spec that holds to any nerfs. Sure it is not an optimal spec for anything, but I manage alright in most situations.
It took me 260 days played to reach rr10, so I guess I am not a leet rp machine, but I sure love this game
To me this game is designed as a war between 3 realms, and each realm should do their best together to beat the others. The main purpose is to kill the other realm. To me it is not about who is killing and who is not.
I think it would be a better game if they removed all rude emotes and only kept the nice ones.
Love you all and see you out there
I hope you feel the love I send out with my arrows just like Amor.
I hardly ever moan on here tbh but everytime im fighting someone, and i get shot from behind... 40% of the time its you!
If you see a 1vs1, then try not to add please!!
Grats on a nice realm rank anyway!
Regards Blitz.
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