Guilds names, where did yours come from?



Ok i promise this is the last of the guild threads but i think its interesting how some guild names were chosen :)

I am of The 30, which is a name taken out of the David Gemmel Drenai trilogy. In our guild structure we have ranks lost, seeker, ascendant, ascended, chapter officers (4 chapters in our guild depending on your class which chapter your are in), and the keeper (GM). (ascended rank can only contain 30 ppl at any one time) A short story to let u know a bit more about The 30 is:

The dark age was approaching, the spine of england was broken, Arthur was lost, it was a time of great uncertainty in the land.Merlin looked up, the blood stained knight sat before him exhausted. Merlin mused how a man who could walk amongst giants, slay without compunction, and strive to survive on the battlefield could be so lost.

"It is a time of darkness now my friend, my time walking this land is nigh"

"but Merlin..", Palomides faltered,

"It is time for men to rise, for amongst the many weak and corrupt who will follow us there will be bravery, there will be men who should stride giant again on the battlefield, and yet there will be those greater still, and there shall be those that are lost, and those which will ascend to greatness", Merlin paused. Anxious that Palomides was still concious, for his wounds were grave.

"Every cycle of life there shall be another, but first there shall be one. That one will be the Keeper, and so shall the Keeper lead. The Keeper must always be, and may never ascend to the true greatness.

The lost shall seek the keeper, and they shall strive through life and death re-born towards the greatness of ascendancy. In ascendance there shall be 30, The 30. These 30 shall be the greatest amongst men, forged of spirit, of death, of love of kinship, of hate, of fear, of bravery.

To guide those looking for ascendancy form four chapters, guide them, lead them encourage them to find the way, the path thru death to ascendancy.

Palomides, you are the first keeper".

Merlin paused, watching as Palomides drifted into unconciousness, he looked at Herne, gathering his hunt on the far hills, he knew his time here was short. After a short while, Palomides stirred.

"But how will I know them, where will I find these men of greatness", Palomides asked.

"they will come"

Merlin rose, and walked away, leaving Palomides beside the battle field with a heavy burden.


Wyleia Mythweaver
50th Sorc of The 30


when we split of from the bigger guild, we wanted something that not only sounded cool, had norse mythology in it, but also had a suitable emblem available..... hence "Call of Heimdal" was born.... sure you've seen our emblem out there

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by SilverHood
when we split of from the bigger guild, we wanted something that not only sounded cool, had norse mythology in it, but also had a suitable emblem available..... hence "Call of Heimdal" was born.... sure you've seen our emblem out there

You also had Sigurd... bwhahaha



Shadow Brothers.....Was made on the US, im just incharge atm :)



Head Tart (My Number 1 and Number 2 Officers)
Tarts (Officers)
Brother (Full Members)
Sister (Full Members for the Female characters out there)
Shade (Basic joining rank)

Camelot is a silly place :)

Generic Poster

OT: Is the David Gemmel triology any good?

I've feen a fair few of his books on the shelf, but I've avoided them thus far ;)


For the OT bit: Yeah, David Gemmell books are quite good. They are pretty easy going and most have more or less the same plot - reject kid becomes a hero and fights the evil lord, etc. But he has an style that keeps you reading. Give one a try - if you like it then you'll probably like all of 'em.

My guild, The Fallen, gets it name chiefly from the fact that we tend to get killed quite a lot. Call it heroics or stupidity, but if we can try and save a fellow alb from a Middy zerg, then we'll be there.

Plebo Lazarus
Merc, lvl44


im not sure about mine but using my knowledge of latin i think Virtute Et Armis means either

Virtue of arms
Virtue and arms

or sommat like that

go figure :)


:D Absolutley no thought what so ever went into our guild name.

8 guys from Yorkshire, White Rose

easy in it


Tidus Morgahna
Gm White Rose


There could be some good wars going on if some other's made Red rose in a Different realm :)



Hmmm so that's where T30 got their name. Always wondered :)

TDS was formed in the game Legend of Mir. We were originally in New Dawn and at one point I was co-leader. But unfortuanately Aneu (the GM) was very inmature and had a tendancy to ignore the guild and piss people off. So I, along with Choppy, HJH, Harry Potter (and wife Skooby), and other people that were just annoyed and thought we could do better, left New Dawn and formed The Dragon Senate. There were no dragons in Mir at the time and at the time I hated the name, but I would grow to love it much later.

We chose to be a senate, a guild with 4 leaders so that no one person had ultimate say and we got along pretty well for quite a while. I was co-leader of TDS along with 3 other people and was very happy. Then there was a big fight and I left the guild. My love for the game left the day I left TDS.

Then my friends from TDS told me of DAOC and so I signed up for the beta along with them. It was love at first sight! It was a few days later that we brought the name of The Dragon Senate with us, and so we began our journey of friendship. The original senators were Harry Potter (What), Choppy, Kyrah (me), and HJH(Lakarell). By the time retail rolled around I chose to purchase the euro version. I had finally found a circle of friends I trusted and loved and as far as I was concerned, I would never find such a bond of family and friendship in any other guild. (I still feel that way)

We have gone thru many changes as a guild must do to grow with the members, but many of the original members are still with us. We have also made many new brothers and sisters and it is with pride that I say I am a member and co-leader.

We are currently going thru a structure change to better suit the changing needs of our guild members, but the basic idea remains.

4 Senators (1 gm in name only)
ministers (numbers change as needs change, but are in charge of such things as finance, hunts, rvr, etc)
senior members (for our members who have been with us for more than 6 months...mostly our original members)

Indeed it is interesting to hear the stories of others :)


think Order of bahamut is the only guild with rank buffbot (has no right to speak in guildchat :))

Roo Stercogburn

Lol Blain :clap:

Fedaykin is not a Norse name.

It's from the Dune books by Frank Herbert.

The Fedaykin were the elite warriors assigned to Paul Atreides as a bodyguard by the Fremen on the planet Arrakis.

Basically they were the biggest psychos on the planet.

There were 3 and a half of us involved at the start: Myself, Nicodemus and Hound sitting around the Bindstone in Vasudheim discussing what to do, with Blackdeath bouncing around semi visible here and there just because he'd just happened to wander by and ended up chatting.

The name was actually Hound's idea originally and we voted on it - I voted against because it wasn't actually a Norse-type name. The vote went against me and with hindsight this was actually a good thing because I'm really happy with the name now :)

It was hard then to get the guild started - we didn't have enough peeps and some friends helped us out with alts. Ironically, some of those alts became mains and some that only temporarily joined us to get us started then left ended up coming back later as full fledged members.

Our ranks are mostly taken from Dune: Red Hand, Fremen, Mentat, Kwisatz Haderach etc, but unofficially Blackdeath is known as the Lord High Executioner of Fedaykin.


I`m surpried there are not more Holy Grail related guilds?,as it was a big part of Arthurian legend,Joseph of Arethamia and all that ,plus the well of the chalice which is found in Glastonbury I think.

I know the knights templar are grail related,my history is a bit hazy but I think they were an army from the religious crusades,
whose mission was to find the grail.

I will probably be corrected now lol:)


Read Troryn's story in the In-char board to find out why we´re Merlin's Kin ;)

Generic Poster

There are two guilds I'd like to hear more about, Dark Wombles and Seven. Is it true, Seven are only allowed to have seven members online, at any one time?!


Trelawney Hope

/em salute Wyleia

Of course - i'd been wondering where i'd seen 'The 30' from.

The David Gemmel books bring back good memories - Thanks for reminding them to me...

/em goes off to rummage in ye old cellar of long forgotten books...


Trelawney Hope


Originally posted by Generic Poster
There are two guilds I'd like to hear more about, Dark Wombles and Seven. Is it true, Seven are only allowed to have seven members online, at any one time?!


Well Seven is one of our allies and from what i was told about their name.. look at some of their members: Grumpie, Sneezie, Snowwhite, Happie....

(us number guilds gotta stick together :)



Our name, Beowulf´s Legion comes from the Norse hero, Beowulf, and in honor of his fights with Grendel.

This quote is used to describe him at our website:

"The monster strove to escape. Beowulf stepped closer. That famous monster suddenly wanted to disappear into the fens. He realized the power of those hands, the wrathful grip he was in."


is guilds homepage.
Kalevala is Finnish national epic.
not maybe correct person to answer this but before i was member of this guild, follow how guild was doing, and what was idea of this guild.
is some story about this epic, and more links.
it is written or first edition made in 1835.
Lord of the ring has some elements from this book.

Don Rosa :) famous artist behind disney´s Donald duck has made even own small saga about this

one famous picture from kalevala, Kalevala painting by Akseli Gallen-Kallela: Lemminkäinen's Mother, 1897



Disciples of Aldur comes from The Belgariad books by David Eddings.

Although i prefer DoA as standing for Dead on Arrival.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
There are two guilds I'd like to hear more about, Dark Wombles and Seven. Is it true, Seven are only allowed to have seven members online, at any one time?!

I used to do quite a bit of live action role-playing back in my school days. Normally we ended up playing on Wimbledon common. My mother tended to call this "Going wombling" in her often derisory way.
When a bunch of us were planning to move from Diablo II to DAOC and form a guild we ended up chatting about live-action role-playing (mainly as there was a rubber mace lying on the floor nearby) and this story came up. Aurian liked the name wombles and we decided to use it. I added the Dark bit as it sounded a little silly.


Originally posted by Marcus75
Our name, Beowulf´s Legion comes from the Norse hero, Beowulf, and in honor of his fights with Grendel.

This quote is used to describe him at our website:

"The monster strove to escape. Beowulf stepped closer. That famous monster suddenly wanted to disappear into the fens. He realized the power of those hands, the wrathful grip he was in."

Um according to my "Legends" book. Beowulf was a briton. SPY! :D


Originally posted by old.Jadow

Um according to my "Legends" book. Beowulf was a briton. SPY! :D

Beowulf , written in Old English sometime before the tenth century A.D., describes the adventures of a great Scandinavian warrior of the sixth century. A rich fabric of fact and fancy, Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic in British literature. Beowulf exists in only one manuscript. This copy survived both the wholesale destruction of religious artifacts during the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII and a disastrous fire which destroyed the library of Sir Robert Bruce Cotton (1571-1631).

- Pathfinder -

Servants of the Lake, oh dear :m00: Me, Bobo Revz and Danyan basically came up with the concept in the BETA, after some brainstorming on IRC. As I recall, me and Revz voted for it to block Bo's Knights of Darkness and other nonsense :p

At the time we felt it looked fairly good, as opposed to most guilds at the time, it had a clear connection with Albion etc.


This is the bio from Morticia ..sevens guild leader

Seven was formed by a small group of real life friends , having become hooked on DAOC by playing it on the US servers for a while, we were happy to hear that Mythic were creating European servers, making it possible for us all to be playing within the same time zone....

The original players were Revoemag ( lvl 50 minstrel) , Hootsmon (lvl 40 armsman) , Corniche ( lvl 38 friar) Ordan ( lvl 39 paladin ) , Galirath ( lvl 38 wizard ) and Madmike (lvl 25 armsman)..We all played on I-graine ... and loved it .....

Hmmm ... what to create was the first challenge... we all wanted to try something different ... Revo decided to start a 2nd account straight off... and Earth ( theurg) and Grim ( sorc) were born...Hoots, tired of killing,... decided to test his nurturing side and became Daemon (cleric ) , Ordan , having been a pala, and fed up of being the death magnet , decided to try saving life, instead of sacrifice... he became Bones (cleric), I was Corniche , friars were popular chars to play in the US , and played well, were an asset in a group... a point semingly missed on prydwen , sad to say..decided to go all out killing and became Morticia

I believe the Seven came from Snowwhite (Morticias alt) and the seven dwarfs or something. Ill try to find out. I hope we have more that 7 peeps online at once or its hard to claim keeps.


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