Guild Officer's Lament



Originally posted by Generic Poster
Some interesting distinctions made there, but I would say support classes(Cleric/healer/druid) are not limited to 'Helpers'.

Infact a fair number of clerics are complete twats who only choose the class for an easy levelling experience.

It's like real-life stereotypes, they do exist, but not everyone fits into a set category.

All A are B

does not imply
All B are A

e.g. all tangerines are orange does not mean that all orange things are tangerines ... ok ok pedants not all tangerines are orange but you get the point.

In otherwords

just because he says that all (or in this case 'most') "Helper" types play support classes, doesn't mean that he's trying to imply that most support classes are played by "Helpers"


Originally posted by daphatfriar
Err im more - Drunken Member:

One who rarely does anything useful in RvR due to alcohol getiing in way of reactions.

Turns to up to all guild events with wrong level character 10 minutes too late. Immediatley gets lost in Fronteir and dies on said event. Is AFK "having a fag" when the guild finally finds me and tries to res me.

Buffs NPCs outside the telekeep instead of guildmates then falls off wall inside potral keep and has to be ressed.

Spends more time leering at Norse and Lurikeen girls than actually hitting any of them.


Is capable of pulling anything purple in 6s merely by jumping and up and down cos I am bored.

Heals and buffs seemingly at random.

Will attemp to solo anything "It looked at me funny" being enough of a reason.

In /Gu

Will spam mistyped crap and random off-colour jokes.

Randomly distribute contents of vault to anyone who will accept it regardless of how inappropriate the items are.

Is the only character in the guild capable of 6 deaths on one Legion trip. On special occasions will attempt to solo Legion.


i don't know why, but i started giggling uncontrolably when i read that :)

could it be that TwOg hasbeen amused?!


Originally posted by daphatfriar

Turns to up to all guild events with wrong level character 10 minutes too late. Immediatley gets lost in Fronteir and dies on said event. Is AFK "having a fag" when the guild finally finds me and tries to res me.

Buffs NPCs outside the telekeep instead of guildmates then falls off wall inside potral keep and has to be ressed.

lmao :)

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