Guild Officer's Lament



With the start of Cammlann, and the importance of guilds on that server, there’s going to be a massive growth in new guilds. Having been an officer in a number of guilds in a number of games, including this one, I’ve had a fair amount of experience of the different personality types which make up the player community. We all have different elements in our characters, and people slip from one category to another, but most have a dominant characteristic. So, for anyone out there thinking of starting a guild, or any existing officers who just need to feel someone understands, this is an officer’s guide to guild members.


These people in real life are probably social workers, nurses or primary school teachers. They exist to help, they want no recognition, they make your life easier. You love these people. You want to have their babies. There are about 5 of them in every thousand players. If you get one, hold them, love them, caress them, never let them go.

Classes - They tend to play group-friendly support characters – healers, bladeturns, defensive tanks.

Loyalty – they will never leave. They’re likely to be the people carrying on the guild name even after it’s disbanded.

Most likely to say – “Would you like me to do that interview for you ?” “I’ve sorted out the rams for the raid. When do you want them ?”

Least likely to say – “Sod this, I’m off.”


The core of your guild. Probably the majority unless you’re unlucky. These people say little, get on with their business and don’t bother you. They turn up at guild events, although sometimes you’re not quite sure why, as they don’t actually SAY anything. Chances are that the first time you notice some of them is when you recruit them, and the last time is, errr…, there isn’t another time. These people just want a strife-free gaming experience. As long as the ship is steady, they’ll stay. But if the atmosphere turns sour, they’re likely to jump on any departing bandwagon.

Classes - They spread across all classes, but you’ll find a lot of these folks in your solid tank force.

Loyalty – they will not leave unless pushed.

Most likely to say – “---“

Least likely to say – “Hi folks, anyone fancy a good chat while we level ?”


These are your blokes-down-the-pub. Their existence is defined by a non-specific feeling of discontent. Never entirely absent, but never strong enough to actually make them get off their arse and do something about it. They’re not dangerous in small numbers, and like many blokes down the pub, can be amusing and good company. But get enough of them together and guild morale drops faster than a whore’s pants. The key with these people is that they need to be in a guild in order to have something to moan at. They’ll actually be quite upset if the guild they moan about ends, because then they have to find another to join and moan about.

Classes - Grumblers can be any class, but take a close look at your casters in particular; ever wondered why people who choose to play characters with cloth armour then seem to moan so much about dying quickly in melee ? You’ve found a grumbler.

Loyalty – Surprisingly high. Every now and again, one will persuade himself to leave. When he finds that he can’t moan at himself in isolation, he’s likely to want to return.

Most likely to say – “Yeah, I know we got all three relics and killed the dragon in one day, but we could have done it faster.”

Least likely to say – “Thanks for that, I really enjoyed it”

Drama Queens

These people should have been given more hugs by their mothers. They crave your attention. They need to be central. They are, without doubt, the most annoying members of your organisation. They’re the ones who always have something to say, even when there’s nothing worth saying. Have a guild meeting or event and you can guarantee that the drama queen will find a way of taking centre stage. As there’s nothing worse in their eyes than being ignored, they will even invent conflict to get more attention. These people love to be victims. As an officer, you may not even know them, but you can be sure that they’re already convinced you hate them/love them/think about them hourly. They’re likely to wear garish outfits to draw attention to themselves – you can be sure that these people WILL have glowing weapons. They like nothing better than to hint repeatedly that they’re thinking of leaving, in the hope of getting people to beg them to stay. For once in life, the old adage is true : ignore them and they will go away.

Classes - Obvious candidates are extrovert characters – skalds, bards, minstrels. Also likely to play very rare classes.

Loyalty – depends entirely on the level of attention.

Most likely to say – Anything. Anything at all. Loudly. Repeatedly.

Least likely to say – “I don’t have an opinion on that”


These people think they’re playing an offline game with NPCs. They believe the whole purpose of your guild is to serve their every need. You can spot these types easily. They’re the ones who will complain endlessly that they can’t get a guild group for levelling, and then literally minutes after they hit 50, complain endlessly that they can’t get a guild group for RvR. Their idea of hardship is waiting 30 seconds for anything. Their idea of socializing is standing in a crowd yelling “lfg”. They have never actually done anything for other people in their whole gaming existence. In DAoC they are likely to get to level 50 without making any friends at all. After all, why would they make friends with NPCs ? They’re also those most likely to spit the dummy if anything doesn’t go according to plan. It’s hard to despise these people, because hell, we all remember what it was like being an angry 13-year-old. But get too many, and they’ll start to influence your rank&file.

Classes – The defining feature of an Island is that he will whine enormously about a situation which other players would love to be in. So it’s no surprise that you’ll find a lot amongst your stealthing classes.

Loyalty – none at all. The Guild is there to serve them, not the other way around. They’ll join another guild without hesitation if they think it’ll give them 5% more XP or RPs.

Most likely to say – “This guild is crap. I logged on 1 minute ago and I still haven’t been offered an uber group to do [fill in immediate priority here]. I’m off to join Nolby Pride.”

Least likely to say – “I’m thinking of setting up a group to help others XP. Anyone care to join me ?”


These are the scorpions in your slippers. They are not nice people. This is why they can never manage their own successful guild. They are consumed with jealousy of those who can. Rest assured that their intention is to bring YOU down, and if the guild goes too, that’s just collateral damage. They will never seek open conflict, preferring to work in the shadows, inventing complaints and cultivating an audience of discontent. Every time a member doesn’t get exactly what they want from you, no matter how unreasonable, the Snake will appear at their shoulder, whispering sympathy - even if the day before they were sympathetic to someone who wanted the exact opposite. A sign that a Snake is at work is when you realise that a group of your people are starting to act separately to the rest of the Guild. By this time, you’re in trouble. When they Snake thinks they have the support they need, they will strike. This will not take the form of a direct complaint by the Snake, but rather the Snake “representing the views” of a disenchanted group. Many Guilds have been brought down by these people. Knowing that their back-stabbing and hypocrisy means that they can never effectively run a Guild themselves is no consolation if you’re watching them from the rubble of your own ruined organisation. Do not try to reason or make friends with these people. The whole point is that their grievances are invented in order to damage you. As long as you are an officer, you’ll be the enemy. Root these people out and remove them. They are cancer.

Classes – if only they were so easy to spot.

Loyalty – None whatsoever.

Most likely to say (quietly) – “I just wanted to say that I though it was really unfair that the officers wouldn’t powerlevel your character for you while you went on holiday. I’ve always thought a good guild should do that.”

Least likely to say – “Our officers do a damn fine job in difficult circumstances”

To all Guild officers everywhere – don’t let the buggers get you down.


Man, wich server do you play on? i would like to recruit you to my guild :) that was brilliant :)


Nice one :D

You can have combos too though, of say Helpers/Drama Queens. These are the people that spam /gu, have macro shouts during xping (movie quotes and the like), but if you ask them to help they drop whatever they are doing and help you.

I think my guild is small enough to avoid the more unpleasant types. We consist mainly of Helpers/Grumblers and Drama Queens :)

EDIT: Cross Post with Cerebus... He is in my guild, he is one of the ones I referred to :)


:clap: I could see myself as a drama-queen to
Nice thread :)

They like nothing better than to hint repeatedly that they’re thinking of leaving, in the hope of getting people to beg them to stay <-----ME!! :D .


Really Lian? Thanks a lot, I'm gonna leave the guild for that:eek:


I suspect Camlann will have a particularly low population of helpers and a high population of snakes and islands compaired to a normal server. The nature of PvP doesn't lend itself to people going out of their way to help people.


Originally posted by [Cerebus]
Really Lian? Thanks a lot, I'm gonna leave the guild for that:eek:

Well you and Kurr mainly :)


Well I logged in Cam as an Alb and the first person I saw buffed me with a dmg add, when they started casting I thought they were attacking me LOL!!


I'm definatly a hybrid grumbler/drama queen, and i'l bet ya most of my guild will agree with me ;)

Still, great analysis. I'l have to remember to watch out for anyone being nice and sympathising with me :)


Never before have truer words been spoken.
This henceforth known as The Bible :D



Do you study Psychology?

i think you just described every personality....


Great summary :)

I can't see any personalities missing..


umm... is this Bible ONLY about normal people ? I really, really cant say i find myself in there.

can you like... mix the Helper one with the Rank&File one... then add schizofrenia ? I think it should represent me in about 80%.


Originally posted by Pixie.Pebr

Define "normal" :D

Yeh, after all, look at Pixie and Sicko gettin it on, that aint normal, specially if ya throw Turamber into the pot as well. :p


Originally posted by Carnelian

Yeh, after all, look at Pixie and Sicko gettin it on, that aint normal, specially if ya throw Turamber into the pot as well. :p

What? :(
I am normal... in my special own kinda way...

*snorts some pixiedust*


Hrm Drama Queen, Helper and Grumbler in lesser or greater portions depending on mood :)


Lianuchta claims I am a helper.......IMO......... that shows how damn good I am at being a snake :p


Chilly Dawg (The Merry Men) -

Random Muppet

Every so often a guild is unfortunate/fortunate enough to have a random muppet. These guys have more mood swings than a playground and can never be 100% relied on to do anything. One day he could be a Helper, the next a Drama Queen, the next an Island. You never know. They generally don't upset the guild but once a fortnight, the Random Muppet will motivelessly spam alliance chat with rubbish.

Class - Random (usually has all 4 slots full and cycles through them on an hourly basis)

Loyalty - Very very loyal as they usually are too thick skinned to take offence to anyone.

Most likely to say - "SPAM!!!!!!!!!" in /as

Least likely to say - "I'm gonna get this bugger to lvl 50 if it kills me!"

We all wub you Chilly :D


Rodders, a wonderful, insightful, absolutely on the money guide to the people who play the game.


Im between Helper and Rank&File somewhere. Sometimes I help, sometimes I go do my own thing by myself.

You forgot a type :-

Pack your bags youre about to go on a guilt trip

Class - possibly something underpowered / hard to play / or best of all vital to a guilds success to give the best leverage
Loyalty - depends on things like whether the day has a Y in it
Most likely to say - "If I dont get some help now Im quitting this guild"
Least likely to say - "Thank you"


Err im more - Drunken Member:

One who rarely does anything useful in RvR due to alcohol getiing in way of reactions.

Turns to up to all guild events with wrong level character 10 minutes too late. Immediatley gets lost in Fronteir and dies on said event. Is AFK "having a fag" when the guild finally finds me and tries to res me.

Buffs NPCs outside the telekeep instead of guildmates then falls off wall inside potral keep and has to be ressed.

Spends more time leering at Norse and Lurikeen girls than actually hitting any of them.


Is capable of pulling anything purple in 6s merely by jumping and up and down cos I am bored.

Heals and buffs seemingly at random.

Will attemp to solo anything "It looked at me funny" being enough of a reason.

In /Gu

Will spam mistyped crap and random off-colour jokes.

Randomly distribute contents of vault to anyone who will accept it regardless of how inappropriate the items are.

Is the only character in the guild capable of 6 deaths on one Legion trip. On special occasions will attempt to solo Legion.



Originally posted by old.Kerosene
Chilly Dawg (The Merry Men) -

Random Muppet

Every so often a guild is unfortunate/fortunate enough to have a random muppet. These guys have more mood swings than a playground and can never be 100% relied on to do anything. One day he could be a Helper, the next a Drama Queen, the next an Island. You never know. They generally don't upset the guild but once a fortnight, the Random Muppet will motivelessly spam alliance chat with rubbish.

Class - Random (usually has all 4 slots full and cycles through them on an hourly basis)

Loyalty - Very very loyal as they usually are too thick skinned to take offence to anyone.

Most likely to say - "SPAM!!!!!!!!!" in /as

Least likely to say - "I'm gonna get this bugger to lvl 50 if it kills me!"

We all wub you Chilly :D

That is most certainly me, especially the spam bit. I'm sure anyone thats been in an RvR group which me when i'm feeling chatty will know

(My latest expliots include making train noises while we're trying to get to MMG via the rediculous route everyone takes and asking the person leading the zerg to hold my hand when it gets dark... yeah, they didn't find it funny either :))

Generic Poster

Some interesting distinctions made there, but I would say support classes(Cleric/healer/druid) are not limited to 'Helpers'.

Infact a fair number of clerics are complete twats who only choose the class for an easy levelling experience.

It's like real-life stereotypes, they do exist, but not everyone fits into a set category.

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