Guild emblem Duplicate



There are a few confusing strips out there. Savage Conclave have a clash with (please help) is it Mighty Chronicle Union of Might. Please forgive me if you are not the guild with same emblem and colours. SC have a different cloak design but you easily get confused when you see the same colours and emblem.

Lots of people are going grey and white and lots of people seem to have use the snakes against crossed sword. I have yet to see the treehugger emblem. I thought I did but then again I may have been dreaming. Does anyone use the dead tree?


What we need is a emblem creator,so we can make oure own emblems,dont know if it would be hard to make,but i really dont think so.


You are not quite right enigma, Savage Conclave have this white and grey color scheme, with a round snake in the middle.
The only other guild which looks like that is jormungandr (cant remember how to spell it), they have the same colors and the snake, so from a distance its looks the same, but when you get closer you can see the colors arent mixed the same way.
Its true that Mighty Chronicles and Union of Might, both have the swords with the snake.

Glyph Ancient, 50th thane of Savage Conclave
Kedaya ElfMangler, 28th hunter of Savage Conclave


well lot of emblems r a like.. look at how amazons copied ours :D just with a slightly lighter blue! ffs warders was the first to get emblem on pryd after release :D


lets just hope mythic makes some more emblem u can choose from!


to make own it would have to work like sprays in halflife, when you see someones guild for first time it downloads the emblem(spray) then every time you see that guild you would see it.

Then comes problem no1 as soon as u allow that it would be mins before someone comes up with some sort of offence emblem. Halflife cant check what you have so unless you go on a server where there are admins you can spray your fav page3 girl all over the place.

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