Guestbook Script - minus spam!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Fed up of my guestbook getting spammed. Here is a script I found and altered which should put an end to it once and for all. Simple 2 file script and can be acquired from here:

My little guestbook

Although bbcode was available for the smilies there wasn't any method of posting them or indicating how to go about adding the code too so I added additional code myself. You can see how to do so here:

How to add a smilie box

if you want to see it working (shows when you click on New Entry) then see my own guest book here:

My guest book


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Sooo, the $1m question. How come it doesn't get any spam?

Also, you might want to remove the code that publishes people's email addresses in the guestbook entries. Y'know, spam crawlers and all that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Oops - Just reduced the amount of code added and also altered the colours to suit my own site.

Well I had a Ako Book installed before and apparently the spamming script they use searches for part of the name - ako. It then picks up on that and homes in to start spamming. The guestbook script I am using now consists of 2 files. One holds the code and the other the entries. You can call them anything as long as you make the proper associations. Can't see how any spam script will be able to detect it from now on.

Also, you might want to remove the code that publishes people's email addresses in the guestbook entries. Y'know, spam crawlers and all that.

Well I could do but then again it is just an option.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
MKJ said:
Can't see how any spam script will be able to detect it from now on.

It will protect you from any specialised attack against particular software, however there are some cruder spam crawelrs out there.

Fundamentally, all you need to post spam is a form with a text area. A script working as simply as that will find enough public comment forms/guestbooks to make it worthwhile.

As such, whilst you'll be safe from any targetted attacks against that particular script, I wouldn't bet on being safe from all spam.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Oh well I will alter the names of the scripts I think so no guestbook is mentioned anywhere. Already stopped the robots from crawling the directory holding the script. Might alter the Guestbook name on my site to something else too. See how it works out. Must say I have other similar comment scripts and not had any spam on them so hopefully this will be the same.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Couldn't you add one of those questions that a human has to answer, like was mentioned a while back for my email forms? Then you'll only get your normal everyday human spam.

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