


oh my god.

its the world's other Xbox zealot!

Do I win a prize for finding him?


Halo's meant to be good, but also hugely generic and quite boring.


Actually instead you get a slap

i have 2 playstations,a dreamcast and a pc and not an x-box

and its my opinion and a very reasonable one,i know plenty of pp who have played halo and think its great,you probably havnt went near anything other than your specially lubricated playstations so you wouldnt know good gaming on anything other than the playstations if your life depended on it.


that Wreckless game looks rather nice for the XBox

oh and get Tony Hawks 3 for the PS2 it r0x0rs :p

:clap: :clap: :clap:


Originally posted by jreal
Actually instead you get a slap

i have 2 playstations,a dreamcast and a pc and not an x-box

and its my opinion and a very reasonable one,i know plenty of pp who have played halo and think its great,you probably havnt went near anything other than your specially lubricated playstations so you wouldnt know good gaming on anything other than the playstations if your life depended on it.

Firstly, learn English and come back and say that so it makes at least a TINY bit of sense.

Secondly, if you'd actually read the thread and other threads, you'd realise I'm not a Sony fanboy like Bodhi.

Thirdly, note the "meant to be". I'm merely stating what I've heard from my games journalist pals.


That was directed towards bodhi..............

you need to read the thread just a little better;)


Originally posted by jreal
Actually instead you get a slap

i have 2 playstations,a dreamcast and a pc and not an x-box

and its my opinion and a very reasonable one,i know plenty of pp who have played halo and think its great,you probably havnt went near anything other than your specially lubricated playstations so you wouldnt know good gaming on anything other than the playstations if your life depended on it.

Give me a second to interpret this deeply incoherent rant.

Ah you seem to think that I think that anything not on PlayStation is crap? You are much mistaken Kemosabe. I was mulling over getting a Gamecube on import last week. I just would never touch an Xbox. As the games on it look so shit that they make shit itself look very unshit. Xbox - Attack of the clones comes to mind when I see the games touted for it.

In other words, fuck off lamer.


I have dozens of imports for the playstation and dc btw

Well i would argue but i feel sorry for you,you cant see outside anything but sony,even Soul caliber you argued against it being the revolutionary game it was,it came so early for the DC and blew everything else out of water,oh and dont take my word for it take virtually every gaming mag on earth's word,have you even touched an x-box? no you havnt have you,give it a chance after all as sony proved the new boy in town can win against the old favourites

and your rants just make you look even worse to be honest so before you tell me to fuck off or get bent again remember that they are making you look bad,not me.


Originally posted by jreal
I have dozens of imports for the playstation and dc btw

And we care why?

Well i would argue but i feel sorry for you,you cant see outside anything but sony

Er, what part of me mulling over importing a Gamecube didn't you understand? I decided not to in the end as more good stuff was coming out on PlayStation 2 imo.

even Soul caliber you argued against it being the revolutionary game it was,it came so early for the DC and blew everything else out of water,oh and dont take my word for it take virtually every gaming mag on earth's word,

1) It wasn't that revolutionary, being the sequel to Soul Edge and all.
2) I won't take you word for it thanks, I've played it extensively myself. It was a nice diversion from Tekken, but that's all it was - a diversion.

have you even touched an x-box? no you havnt have you

I have. I'm typing this on one as we speak.

give it a chance after all as sony proved the new boy in town can win against the old favourites

Sony know how to market stuff and get people to want to develop for their console. Microsoft know how consoles crash?

and your rants just make you look even worse to be honest so before you tell me to fuck off or get bent again remember that they are making you look bad,not me.

Just keep telling yourself that whilst you're playing alone on your Xbox.


Originally posted by Bodhi
oh my god.

its the world's other Xbox zealot!

Do I win a prize for finding him?
No, you win the prize of forum donkey. He's not a zealot for simply having an interest in decent games. Just because you have issue with consoles doesn;t mean everyone else has to be so blinkered and retarded.

I wonder what film you'll quote in your reply this time?? ;)


Bod the x-box dosnt have a keyboard yet;)

Ms have a 500 million marketing budget so i think you can bet they ll know how to market a console,after all they dominate the pc market,the biggest of all

Mulling over a GC,everyone thinks of this but you havnt actually bought one so you still havent a console outside sony

And finally i dont HAVE AN X-BOX you muppet,im merely stating my opinion on it

Soul caliber was revolutionary on the DC because it came out so early in the consoles lifespan,to date its one of the best pieces of first gen software on a console ive seen and ive played my fare share of playstation,megadrive,nes(yes the original) and the dc and pc of course so i know a good title when i see one.

Finally ty jay:)


Originally posted by Jayminator
No, you win the prize of forum donkey. He's not a zealot for simply having an interest in decent games. Just because you have issue with consoles doesn;t mean everyone else has to be so blinkered and retarded.

I have an issue with consoles? Funny that, seeing as I've owned a Mega Drive, a PlayStation, an N64 and currently a PlayStation 2.

I wonder what film you'll quote in your reply this time??

Fuck you, asshole ;)


I've owned a PlayStation, N64, Sega Saturn, Dreamcast and PlayStation2.

PlayStation 2 > all of them.

I actually really liked the Saturn. Fighters Megamix + Virtua Fighters owned.


Arguing over games consoles..... it doesnt get much sadder than that


Originally posted by Bodhi

I have an issue with consoles? Funny that, seeing as I've owned a Mega Drive, a PlayStation, an N64 and currently a PlayStation 2.
Oh well I obviously read you all wrong, you don;t have an issue with all consoles, just new consoles that you can't afford and that are competing with the one console you do own.

Fact of the matter is you seem to have an irrational hatred of Xbox - even though it has good games. Surely any serious gamer would want to play ALL good games??

To be honest I don't know why I reply to anything you say, you only respond with rudeness.


Originally posted by Jayminator
Oh well I obviously read you all wrong, you don;t have an issue with all consoles, just new consoles that you can't afford and that are competing with the one console you do own.

Wrong again. I could afford all three if I chose, and there's still a good chance I'll pick up a Gamecube when it comes out. I just don't want an Xbox for one reason (and its kind of an important one) - None of the games out or in the pipeline even remotely interest me. Plus I'm looking forwards to Microsoft running out of the console market with their tail between their legs.

Fact of the matter is you seem to have an irrational hatred of Xbox - even though it has good games.

Halo - out on PC soon, so why buy a console when I can play the superior version right here on my PC.

DOA3 - reskinned DOA2, which played like a pile of poo anyway. Plus next year on PS2 I'll have the choice of Virtua Fighter 4, Tekken 4 (dribble) and Soul Calibur 2 (wasn't impressed by the first one, but the second one looks uber).

Project Gotham Racing - I'll stick to Gran Turismo 3 thanks.

Munch's Oddysey - Er, thanks, but no thanks.

What I think seems to be being ignored in this Xbox hype, is the fact that while it may be the most powerful out of the three overall, the games just don't seem to be there. Sure, Sony's launch lineup wasn't exactly stellar (I wouldn't have bought one at release if it wasnt for Tekken Tag), but then, they didn't really have any competition. Dreamcast was waning, GC and Xbox were a long way off, basically Sony had a captive market and there was no great rush to get the titles out.

Something I found interesting about last week in the US when the consoles came out was that while GC and Xbox were fighting for the limelight, PS2 sales actually went up by 83%. Now you'd think the public were more interested in the latest tech than some dowdy old black box that had been in the market for a year, but it seems that they weighed up their options and Sony's catalogue of AAA games lured them to the monolith.

anyway that's just my incoherent ramble of thoughts on the next gen console race. I didn't actually go to bed last night so if not much of it made sense there's your reason :)

*me toodles off to get more coffee*

Fuck off and die

I love you too Embattle ;)


Personally I'm quite looking forward to most of those games :)

Moving Target

Ive played the demo of Devil May Cry but its not that good


It's brilliant! How could you not like it :|


Originally posted by Nighty
Devil May Cry.
End of.

Only it's not quite end of. Just cos that's a great game don't mean I shouldn't buy any others :/


X-Box = Smelly Black Piece of shyte

X-box is a lame crappy oversized scrap heap of over expensive shyte....:upyours:

The x-box makes me sick:puke:

nuff sed.. go back to whatever it is you do..

Bodhi kicks ass may i say... he has got most things rite...

but if u and i quote "Arguing on the Internet is like competing in the Special Olympics. It doesnt matter if you win, you're still a retard. "

why are u arguing u retarded llama:whip:

:flame: :flame: :flame: Markeh Rules Da Urf :flame: :flame: :flame:

mmm flame :D

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