grtz albs :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
trying alb today was just silly. ran around in mid and about 5 mids in total, went to hib only to discover the albs had locked all the hibs in DC. ran a mid grp then and it was great fun :) although abit of realm population balance wouldn't hurt, i wanna play my cabalist!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Deja vu, we had the same whines shortly after NF release, it last about a month then everyone rerolled to the latest fotm hib/mid classes and mids started to dominate and alb was stuck with irvr.
Then albs start to whine and give up due to balance until the fotm phase passes and people trickle back and suddenly alb gets the back bone to fight again.

It all comes full circle.

But some things you can garuntee are:

* It wont last

* The game will not be 'won'

* Relics will be alarm clocked sooner or later

* No one will bother to relic raid again for another 6 months +

* The whiners will not all quit and will still be playing as much as they were before.


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
oh yeah? maybe alb have the population.. and the range, well sorc mezz is 1875 I think vs 1500 mezz range, afaik nuke range is the same unless you dont have 10% range to spell.. and you have stun, which is no purgable.. and mid have instants.. not to mention warlocks, and bainshee's.. and dont get me started on bainshees.. QQ i must..

I see your point, but try nuking someone (which ofc you really need to debuff first to do any real damage) while albs are still mezzing - and mezzing, and mezzing (which I don't blame you I would).

I have been mezzed at stupid ranges today knowing full well that if I try and nuke it will do like 200 damage max without debuff - wow, I'm sure I'll kill em with that.

And Kahvi - I will be on a load of the summer as a teacher, I shall try and imagine it's one of my pupils :twak: :twak:

On a side note: Christina Milian said "It's All Gravy" - please someone explain that statement (drunken musing).


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Ironfalcon said:
and you have stun, which is no purgable..
Vintage. At least learn the basics of the game before you make another clueless post.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2006
It dont have to deal with classes on each realm tbh, as in grp u will never met a warlock in a good grp but a banshee yes and aint so hard to kill tbh
The point is that in fg v fg now game is a bit ballanced
But yea its SO overpopulated on alb side and have to run in 2am 2fgs on stick and gank soloers :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
It's funny how every man and his dog whines about the advantage alb has at mezzing in keep seiges.

The amusing thing is:

(a) most alb sorcs being the rp horny magnets they are spend their time actually nuking stuff, since 80% of them are solo.
(b) Most sorcs are experts at mezzing stuff as soon as it comes in range.. really annoying is what then happens is the zerg stands at max mezz range, out of nuke range until it wears off and they have a minute of immunity.

It's actually no different to albs not being able to go within 80ft of a hib keep as they insta die to a shroom field they can't see, and if they survive that the 50% hib banshee population AOE'es on them.

The grass is always greener on the other side, although for albs that's actually true.. Just need to take a quick spin round Mag Mell to see hib have the better grass :)

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