Grrrr Matt



Ok guys i have read what you have all said and i see peoples points......

I personaly have respect for a lot of SOtL members like bofgrey goumber ect..... but wht i dont get is why some members of SOtL are such asshols that they wont even give you a bog res in RvR me and my group was wiped out at MMG and we called the only other group we know was out their and it was a SOtL and they wouldnt come res even when they were at DC and their was only one mid left in that group we killed.

All i ask is why do some SOtL help people and why are some of them like that even if it was just a pallys res on our cleric only we would have been greatfull. this is the one advantage the Mids and Hibs they stick together and help eachother out in RvR and PvE.

Their i have said my peice................


running across a zone to rezz someone is a pain in the arse, we're talking about if people are right next to you or not.


Originally posted by Turamber
It is annoying for Pally's also when we spend our mana and time to rez people and then get a bollocking from the person rezzed, or the cleric who was making their way to come rez their mate. Sometimes, yes, we are at fault as we do it as the cleric is standing there motionless like a statue next to the cadaver.

But giving people grief for trying to help ... well, bit sad innit?

if a cleric is making their way to come rezz, they dont have to accept the rez so they are just being silly - I personally would always accept the rez cos the cleric might get sidetracked or summat :D. Also if you're not a caster than getting rezzed by a paly and then getting healed by a cleric is like fine.

Well you can see why people can get annoyed, ever been killed by a just mezzed mob (or troll) cos someone was trying to be helpful and kill it for you?


it is not the only time you should res people meatballs.

You should always help your fellow albion and even my level 30 cleric resses who she can in RvR. DC and MMG are close to eachother compaired to if i was at MPK..
i wouldnt have minded but they ran past us just as our autorelease timers kicked in.
I wish that people would do to thoughs in SOtL what they to the rest of us dont res em........(only ones that havnt ressed you befor because you wernt SOtL)


Rah, Lochlyessa has ressed me more in RvR than any other cleric. She even came to res me when I told her that there was a champion and ranger camping my sorry ass :p


i bet half the time you run to rez someone with your level30 cleric you get ganked senseless by someone solo/group/zerg tho.


I usually find its faster and a lot less hassle to /release and port again, especially with the BindStone in the BorderKeeps. Ive personally had no problems with Sotl, sure they have one or two members i would like to stear clear from, but doesnt every guild?

I dont mean to start a Sotl debate, but most Sotl members i know will try to help if they can, and will go out of there way, thats more than i can say for some people ..

My 2 cents :)


Originally posted by geniusdaoc
same for you,
agreed with taggart btw
I went midgard? News to me...

I agree with Krillin btw.


tbh i was one of teh first active rvr clerics top have full ress bar genius and im damm glad redb and lochy are around its nice to have less to do they do ress and have ressed me.

There are almost no clerics that wont help regardless of guild.

I cant play much now cause of work :( but im glad there are clerics like them around to ress.

Quit moaning at them and other clerics. Itsa tough char to play try and understand what tehy do rather than moan.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Wow Taggart does it take a big effort to come forth like such a big idiot?

how could YOU of all ppl say something like that?


Lochlyessa & RedB do res!
though they do it a little smarter then most people = not when they need mana to safe living ppl and need to win a battle

<flame mode>
off course it is no fun lying dead when rps are scored but don't expect a cleric to stand 20 seconds still and use half their mana pool just to get you more rps
</flame mode>


Originally posted by Lochlyessa
Puri, yes I have heard of him, still wondering when he's gonna get 50 :p But he's done very well so far to get 700k? rps at 47, but we're still more active then him :)

just heard of him? Knudden is the god him self and he plays better than many 50 lvl clerics. He sertenly deserves the rps he has.


Gonna throw my 2 pence into this, being in Lochys group quite often I get an ear bashing off her for rezzing people that she is, yes it's not nice being dead and a rez is always helpful, no matter where it comes from. Thankfully all rezzes will have the same cast time soon, so it wont be a race for Lochy/Red to beat us ghetto rezzers.

And as a side note to Taggart, hope you aint callin me an asshole :flame:
And to those who think bad thoughts/moan about SotL, take the time to get to know them first, they are a great bunch of people and very good at what they do.


The mans a genius

No disrepect intended to all the other clerics I have grouped with along the way, But Redb`s skill in saving butts is second to none
many times I have grouped with him on our upwardly climb to 50.
Every time when things get tight his cleric skills would save the day,time and time again.

/salute Redb.


Originally posted by liste
because youre a jerk, of course :p

Guess i'm a jerk then.

But hey.. it only happened three times in the space of an hour by the same people from Sotl.. not been RvR much since that day as i find it boring as hell.. more than happy to be helpful to realm mates and help them exp in DF/Barfog/Barrows.


Yes, the SotL clerics are that good, they even heal you when you are sitting in front of a viking archer without any armor on trying to suicide, thanks Nee :p

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by dareanen

how could YOU of all ppl say something like that?

im not like u sotl assholes that have there own buff bot kept away in a pk.

I called Taggart an idiot based on how he generalised the whole guild, saying we're assholes and that we use buffbots.

Would you care to explain how I come forth as an idiot? Either here or in a pm?


Seems a good moment to thanks Redb for all the (many, many) times he ressed me in Emain and Odins... and not only now that I'm in an allied guild but also before.

Thanks my friend, much appreciated.

<smiles and bows>


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