


PEEKAY DA GREY! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



What happened to that whole "I am not whining" concept Chesnor?

- Odies


Yeah, I'm whining. I'm a Healer, it's my god given right to whine and bitch. If I didn't I'd go mad, very quickly.

I guess I should just accept that there are griefers in this game, but I am the anti-griefer. My class isn't well built for griefing, or for ganking anything for that matter. I play a team game, I'm useless solo. I keep people alive. I will NEVER be RR6 unless I spent 5x longer than Eleasias in Emain. Thats why you got nerfed, and I am glad.

I probably won't stop whining until 1.50+. All those who rolled archers PURELY because they are THE premier griefing and RP farming class will have gone to the next game where you can amass more points than anyone else in you realm then boast about it on the forums..



someone who has gimped their char totally and wishes he had a decent sized cock ;)


You play one of the most overpowered group rvr chars and you bitch about not being able to solo... would you like a nice warm cup of shut the fuck up?

- Odies


okies here it comes . scouts suck in pve rejuv cleric rocks rejuv cleric has hard time in rvr , scout owns rvr i say prettyu fair imo so shush ya arguing FOOOLS
as for ganking i give ne thing a go as for ganking :) purp red grey green ne thing inbetween if it moves you can kill it :) espec if it has "norseman skilvakten " on its head


shut up odies please this doesnt sound like a whine. i dont have that big a problem with archers coz they cant kill me :p sep those nasty lvl 50 ones. anyway i also like to know wat motivates them into traveling all that way to kill greys. emain has lots of blue/green people to play with for lvl 50s and its more fun. why do u put so much effort into going all that way?

also about the "purple to u may not mean ur grey to him" he musta been grey for a one shot really but greens is still kinda bad coz a lvl 40 is high green to lvl 50 and lvl 42 is blue thats for sure to a lvl 50.

okies u sound troubled btw. go outside or something


Hello, Chesnor, long time no see.
"Personally I think archers should be nerfed. I think they should remove the stealth line, and add a new line called GriefersBane. This will auto-train from level 5, and a large glowing arrow will appear above the archers head visible for miles around. All bows should be replaced with toy plastic ones, and the only arrows available should be the ones with suckers on the end we had when we were kids."

-- Chesnor doesn't want a challenging game, or any diversity in it, he wants a set of classes that oppose each other perfectly, everyone has got an antidote for the opponents weapon. It should all be based on incidents and luck, not about the player.
And if one class should excel in one thing, God forbid it get's through beta testing. (looks like it did, and now mythic has to deal with the consequence..) Nerf it. It's unfair.(after the game is shipped and people got their characters the way they wanted, don't bother about the months people have to wait for their characters to be usable again, don't bother with their expenses and time spent, as long as [chesnor] is happy.(insert loudest screaming people between clamps)) I would call this self-centered, he dares to call himself a teamplayer simply because he plays a healer.(I'm only drawing this conclusion based on how I feel he replies, and after trying to understand what he has written.) Now I'm the psychologist. Almost this very discussion has been in another thread, but Chesnor's replies lacked in the end so it died out. He was facing some storms ahead(read:logical answers/explanations)

"All those who rolled archers PURELY because they are THE premier griefing and RP farming class will have gone to the next game where you can amass more points than anyone else in you realm then boast about it on the forums.. "

-- Chesnor has, ladies and gentlemen, found the phenomena called life. And life is unfair. Let's nerf it. Not that it's a game..a game is only a timekiller, but it simply shows the human way. I think Darwin said something about survival..

Anyway, I am not supporting grey killing only.. but I feel that when you go through the gates that separates the realm from the frontiers, you have accepted that you might be killed anytime, anywhere in it. The gates are there for a reason. I will try to kill anything I can find in the frontier, though sometimes I take pity in a player and let's him off the hook(selection isn't predefined), sometimes I don't..that's me..I'm human like the rest of you.. However, when I do kill, I prevent the other realm from being at that place. If they are xping, I try to wait 'till they have finished a mob, even though I don't have to wait. When I kill an enemy xping, I slow down the opposing realms levelling, and thus I weaken that realm and making my own realm stronger. Methods will always be disputed as no rule comes without an exception. And simply because some people want to do things differently(Some people like the daugther, while some fancies the mother.).

This game is about disputes and controversy. This is what RvR is about. Three realms fighting each other, trying to bring their own realm forward and into victory, by all means necessary.

Ps. Psychology lessons can be offered whenever I'm online, currently only open for the forces of albion.
Pps. Expect high rates as I'm crafting as a second job.


lol tzeentch.

"Hello, Chesnor, long time no see.
Ps. Psychology lessons can be offered whenever I'm online, currently only open for the forces of albion.
Pps. Expect high rates as I'm crafting as a second job."

what drives people to write such a long post? penis envy? well i'm better of to sleep.


anyway i also like to know wat motivates them into traveling all that way to kill greys. emain has lots of blue/green people to play with for lvl 50s and its more fun. why do u put so much effort into going all that way?

Wake up and smell the critshots, noone goes out of their way to kill greys, you are a comic relief when hunting in the frontiers, a speed bump at best, quit thinking this game revolves around you specifically cause I can garantee you that no archer will remember the name of some grey schmuck he killed who was exping in the frontiers.

also about the "purple to u may not mean ur grey to him" he musta been grey for a one shot really but greens is still kinda bad coz a lvl 40 is high green to lvl 50 and lvl 42 is blue thats for sure to a lvl 50.

I oneshot blues 90% of the time if they aren't buffed, greens 100%.

- Odies


whats the point in whining about getting killed in a frontier?

you don't have to go there, you dont have to go back after being killed there.

you do not have a god-given right not to be killed just because you are grey to people.

if you go to the frontiers someone will try to kill you, its human nature.
so if you dont like being killed by other players DO NOT GO TO THE FRONTIER.

as for archers, i think they're fine as they are (me being a main target for them), but they have low hp's - okish armor, and so are fairly easy to kill.


Well, Phlobin, I can assure you it's not penis envy, and that didn't take long time to write down, I don't sit and ponder that much on what to write.


when iam in any frontere i kill anything that comes in my way. and the main reson coz i do it is that iam a non spell casting of any kind non run fastish and cant kill anything alone char .... so if iam in ygdra alone (will prolly never happen cos of the boring run there and then a fast /releas home) and i would see a grey green exp squad ide go there start bashing all that i can see before all run away coz of my loss of end (one slam and about 4 cs shoots later) i have no chance of catching up with them later ....

classic ungrouped pure tanks life in rvr ..

encountering alone ones = noone attacks you unless they are certain they can kill you .. no rouge class goes even close to you execpt some minstrels that want to have fun and mess and run .. (only mallus FB and mus have ever tried me :clap: :clap: to you ) solo tanks often try duel you (hey that happens often .. one solo tank encountering another :sleeping: ) then the one that gets the stun in wins if he cant stun you win .. hey i got some rlmpts :clap:

encountering low con group = they put on speed and run or try kill you and 4 ppl die and the rest runs

encountering 2 ppl of yellow con = with a little luck your not stunned and can kill one or you stun one kill the other often depleting you complete end . thats if he dont stun you = a dead celt heroine . with one killed you cant run and have to kill the other that has full end and at a 99% certainty kills you or run

encountering more then 2 ppl = dont even wanna go there


so thats the main reson why i kill every thing i can get my hands on and if your gonna keep whining here ill gladely go try find you out there :wub: (not that i have so large chance of killing you when you prolly has those runn fastish skaldus ppl in group and spot me and run :( )



Originally posted by nerys-wychhazel

No you are just a lamer xp killing and fresh rezzed killing griefer. Period.

*picks up nerys' toys and puts them back in the pram. ;)*

Well that's a very strong comment from someone I don't recall ever meeting (though you didn't give your charname so I'm not certain). I wonder what it was I did to evoke such strong criticism.

As for the actual comment, I rarely xp kill - I like the RPs, however few. As for fresh rezzed, it's annoying yeah but it makes your resser burn power so why not? :p

And though he's an damn annoying mid I have to agree with Xanetea... kill all! :D


this is getting off the topic now.

its not whine about getting killed.

its why archers do all this effort to do it.


Why archers do what they do?

... Read my last post.

- Odies


Yeah this is getting OT. I am NOT whining about getting killed. My first healer (who was 46 when I got pissed and deleted him) was getting plucked by a very purple Hing in the frontiers months ago. He was also killed by the finest archers out there....repeatedly, and I didn't whine....

This topic is about why some players feel the need to go out of their way to grief greys (Alb tk to Yggdra or Upplan is a long walk after all). Thats all. Stay on topic please........


Yeah Odies and Odysseus have confirmed my attitude towards archers. You get nerfed pretty hard in the next few patches lads. Perhaps killing greys is all you will be capable of then

Possibly, i doubt I'll ever know as i seriously consider retiring and moving to another game with patch 1.50. Then u'll be rid of me.


This topic is about why some players feel the need to go out of their way to grief greys (Alb tk to Yggdra or Upplan is a long walk after all). Thats all. Stay on topic please........

2 things, first, no archer goes "out of his way" to kill greys, we camp spots where we know people will pass and while moving there we check all the exp spots we come across on the way. If you honestly think lvl 40+ archers purposefully only kill greys in the frontier you lack a fundamental understanding of how archers work in daoc.

Secondly, you need to define what you mean with grief killing, exp killing is a whole discussion on its own but if you are defining grief killing as killing greys who are too low lvl to fight back you need to stop crying.

- Odies


Originally posted by Dannyn

*picks up nerys' toys and puts them back in the pram. ;)*

Well that's a very strong comment from someone I don't recall ever meeting (though you didn't give your charname so I'm not certain). I wonder what it was I did to evoke such strong criticism.

As for the actual comment, I rarely xp kill - I like the RPs, however few. As for fresh rezzed, it's annoying yeah but it makes your resser burn power so why not? :p

And though he's an damn annoying mid I have to agree with Xanetea... kill all! :D

I have seen you waiting until characters over 20 levels lower than you were half dead from fighting mobs, mobs still with some health, before you could bring yourself to attempt killing them.

Then when somebody maybe 18 levels lower than you turned up, you ran away.



Speaks for itself.

Coward too.


why do u have a lvl 20 healer? whats wrong with the 4X healer?


Originally posted by nerys-wychhazel

I have seen you waiting until characters over 20 levels lower than you were half dead from fighting mobs, mobs still with some health, before you could bring yourself to attempt killing them.

Then when somebody maybe 18 levels lower than you turned up, you ran away.



Speaks for itself.

Coward too.

No I think you have me mistaken for someone else. 18 levels lower than me is 25 which is grey to me so looks the same as 20 levels below. People that low I only kill if I'm bored, and I don't do it while they're fighting mobs. I don't kill anyone while they are fighting mobs. I even waited for an orange con elf to finish his fight with a mob before.

As for running away, well if a full group of 45+ chars comes out, sure I'll run; I'm not utterly suicidal, if I wanted an impossible fight running up to a fort would do the job. Running from greens? I think not, I'd probably attempt a full group of greens (though possibly not blues, they interrupt mez too much and really being outnumbered 8-to-1 isn't that good odds).

Since you seem to have all these claims, do you have an evidence whatsoever to support them? Even names / levels of people I have allegedly killed / run from?


dannyn is fucking lamer wanker imo ever since he killed my poor Lurikeen alt in collory after i /wave to him then /laugh at me :'(


I did? Well you deserve it for killing me Nova. :p Don't recall doing that - I never bother to emote in collory, I'm normally trying to get back into stealth asap. :p

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