


Hi all,

Well I decided to play CS again after a couple months off I just got back into it and heard of the new release comming out in a couple of days. Downloaded 1.3 and you all complaining about lag etc etc?

I found it exactly the same, except with voice. I played on a couple of servers and it was exactly the same, the voice was clear.. with the whole team in voice it didn't cause any lag. I noticed a drop in lag actually. I played smoothly on a 56K and found for the lower machine spec players it improved.

The net code is improved! The hit boxes are much improved!

I've always maintained anyone who cries 'lag' when they get shot with a ping < 150 when I'm running around on a 350 ping should cry out 'I suck at this game and I blame it on lag because I gotta feel like I'm good at something, as the rest of my life sucks!'

Here's a big STFU to all the whiners!




hmmm back from a couple months off, ne chance of taking another couple off? :p also about the ne1 complaining of lag with a sub 150 ping should just say they are shite, hmmm yea right m8, have u used a lpb connect? u do still get lagged sometimes, ie. freeze it comes back and your dead, your ping jumps momentariy to about 400 and your sick as a (u kno what), u then proced to complain about this to your fellow players, however by this time u aren't lagged ne more, ie. ppl look and think omg what a moaning bast he's got 70 ping he must just b shite. yes nice ping after the lag death.

cheers? nps :)



old.(_(_ Bandit

yea i am on ADSL and i still get lagged sum times :touch:

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