Greetings From Wolvon


wolvon fury

Hello All,

For the past month, ive been trying few chars in Midgard/Exel,

Just to get a feeling of what people are like on the server,
so far, am very pleased and am happy to stay,

My old char was from Midgard/MLF,

I see my self as a player of experience, and a good loyal team mate,

From tonight, ive made my Char of my trade-mark name,

Wolvon Fury(tm) he will be a Troll Berserker,

Only wolvon at the moment, as he only just been made, lev 10 untill second name,

I just wondering, if there any Guilds out there, willing to take on a Experienced player, Starting a fresh,

Just a note, if any Guilds who are willing to to have me, but plan to move to PvP server and leave Midgard, I staying on Normal servers,

After haveing a Friar to lev 40, on Andred, ive had my fair share of Nuggys and beating hehe.

This Wolvon Fury signing off,

Wolvon Level 1 Troll Viking


Welcome mate! saw you around Gna Faste this morning, to bad I'm a armor crafter so I couldn't make that great axe for you :)

good luck and have fun here in Midgard :)


Yay! one more piece of meat between me and the zerg

...oh wait did i say that outloud?

Welcome to middy m8 ;)

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