Great Momments in Daoc ( PvE & RvR )



Belsameth, I spend the whole evening yesterday reading Daoc forum, quite interesting I must say! Thanks! I really enjoy Daoc! Met so many nice people.. and some assholes.. but ahh that's life! :cool:

*off to the newbie forum*





at least give him a false sense of security before we rip him to pieces :)


Originally posted by Belsameth
at least give him a false sense of security before we rip him to pieces :)

at least give her a false sense of security before we rip her to pieces :) <---Please :p


Some rvr moments i will never forget.

Running to uppland with my lvl 41 inf and get jumped by a redcon sb. Dot him and sprint away, hes running after me, I apply new poison and stealth and PA him and then i run again until he dies :) Felt great after killing him :)

Mezzed by a sorcer when running solo with my savage in apk area. A friar, a inf and a caster + the sorcerer starts wacking on me. I kill sorc and the other caster fast, use IP and kill the friar and inf. When im doing /victory to the dead albs two infs jump me, somehow i manage to kill them with 1% health left. With six dead albs beneath me i do /victory again and a fg albs comes from amg and beats me into meat :) But I didnt mind that at all :p

Worst moment in rvr, loosing to a myrmidon Paladin in duel with my savage :)


Originally posted by szerena
at least give her a false sense of security before we rip her to pieces :) <---Please :p

oh, excuse me. I didn't mean to this case :p

too often I fell in the trap of judging gender by name tho (and getting it wrong, so I just slap a he on, sadly, most of the gamers still seem male...


Re: Hm

Originally posted by szerena
Btw, my first post on this board! Please, be gentle to me, lol! ;)

New person...


Yum yum!

*shakes head*

Yes, well, umm...i should do the classic welcome thing but...i'm in a too good of a moody thingy to bash you to the seventh hole in the big holes in australia...

Well..that's about it really. All in a nutshell and one more to go on the road, it's not that strange really, just one extra you can use when you're away. I's like "Hello!" or a "Hey there!!" but more in my way, not the song ofcourse, but my personal way.

Yeah, time to pack it. Anypoop, hey there and be Yeah.


Besameth, no offend taken! I know how it work.. when gaming everyone seem to think you have a d**k between your legs.. lol Well sure I have.. sometimes.. but I wont go there right now, lmao! :cool:

Tohton, Ehm, I guess I should say thanks for that ehm... welcome thingy you wrote there ;)


Originally posted by szerena

Tohton, Ehm, I guess I should say thanks for that ehm... welcome thingy you wrote there ;)

You're welcome :D Just call before. Wouldn't want to stand behind a door, you know all: "What? Not here?" and then go away and call the poodle next door a son of a gun rotten excuse for a fluffy cute animal.

Sarum TheBlack

I feel I should say something about the biting thing.. and the gender thing.. but since I only just got up, I can't think of anything even vaguely useful to say (not that it stops me talking of course, little does that)

So I'll just /wave to szerena instead, it's always nice to meet genuinely new people, rather than the 6th plvled alt of some lvl 50.


Originally posted by szerena
Besameth, no offend taken! I know how it work.. when gaming everyone seem to think you have a d**k between your legs.. lol Well sure I have.. sometimes.. but I wont go there right now, lmao! :cool:

Tohton, Ehm, I guess I should say thanks for that ehm... welcome thingy you wrote there ;)

No comment <wink>

and ignore Toto. he doesn't even try to make sense anyway :p


Originally posted by Belsameth
and ignore Toto. he doesn't even try to make sense anyway :p

I make sense! I make sense like i make breakfast for the tweetiebirds every day. Hmph! I don't make sense...humbug! And let me tell you a humming bug is nothing to mess around with :D

Sarum TheBlack

Seel almost makes sense, but then zigs off on some random path which usually confuses you. Sometimes, if you try hard enough, you can find his point.. sometimes it's even a half good one.

Not usually tho. :p


*drags it back on topic*

my first moments on Albion where quite great as well..
Keltoi stands out most...
Zerging the place together with Jeradon and Addlcove...
2 defensive paladins and an armsman are a dangerous combo indeed....even before the end regen


When i make sense, i usually do it in a way that is clear and very wise. Then the little critters in my mind get their hands on it, slice it up with some onions and add a few seasoned spices. Now by the time they are done, it's time for the boiling pot of everwisdom to make it's mark on the very intellectual comment on the current subject. Now, after all this is done, the bread is baked and the cheese is all out...i get to this point. Now this point isn't the point i was trying to make but infact the point you people usually see. Ergo... When started, the point is clear, when the point is written it's allready transformed into a ´ or a ; and by that time nobody is having any fun.

So if you're trying to say that i tend to travel into a strange and untold path in my own logci Sarum, i'd say you're quite right instead of the left where everyone else is.

You get my point..sometimes...but then again, i can't always write in such a way that everyone can understand.

Roo Stercogburn

All my biggies were as Roo. There's proabably more but this is what I can remember...


Doing the entire series of mystic epic quests from 43 to 50 to help Priri with just the 2 of us and Betty as bot.(Priri/Betty switching between both as appropriate). Betty thought I was off my rocker even suggesting we try but it was a load of fun. Killing Kellic and all his entourage without any casualties was an awesome high, never done an epic with so few people.

Killing the dragon recently with close on 360 Mids. It just simply felt right to take the dragon down that way with so many of Midgard there to see her fall.

Gandalf moment with Iggy and Scamper in Skona Ravine. Less than .1 to ding and we got purple con agro so I nuked everything and told them to get lost.


A series of conversations with various Guildmasters and officers that started roughly like...
"Hi there, got something you might be interested in."
"Whats that?"
"Proof that I'm a real git."
"lol how so?"
"I want to do a relic raid on the day the PvP server goes live."

And we did and we got 3 relics though it was more down to others than me but it was sooooo sweet :)

Urgat Rip-Eye



The Ragnarok event at the end of beta was cool. Must have been nearly a hundred people outside mularn fighting the zombies off. All levels ranging from 5 to 40ish. Epic fight.

Tuscaran glacier, is stunning.

My first sighting of the glacier giant s a mere 20 somthing. Awe inspiring!

My first up close sighting of Gjalpinulva, (right before she ate me) brilliant! those glowing eyes!


My first ever solo kill as a shaman. An even con ranger. We saw each other at about the same time, he drew his bow, i side stepped behind a tree to break LOS. When he started to move, i stepped back out and started casting the bolt. DD followed, then root, then desease, then DOT. He died just as he reached me, his spore ravaged body dropping at my feet. The rush, and feeling were awsome.


PvE = Getting accepted into a group of level 49's when i was only level 40 :)

RvR = When i joined the original group to retake 2 of our keeps we ended up taking both keeps, 7 midgard keeps and 3 relics.... good day i'd say :D

Also i have had a few occassions where i solo'ed, once a NS, second a SB, third a Skald (i tricked him into thinking i was a smite cleric then he tried to leg it)


greatest PvE: was dinging 50

greatest RvR: was recenly in when my shade went to odins and took out 3 orange casters one by one lol just kept killin and runnin


PvE: First Princeraid I lead

RvR: Fighting some orange con minstrel in uppland, can´t remember did I kill him eventually but at least he got away couple times. And came back to pick a new fight ofc ;)

Also in the old days when Cradle was running the finnish FS groups were allways fun.



Best rvr: Hunting in Callory with my lvl 30 hunter in the early days of daoc

I allso had some great fun with him when they added the BGs, still miss those nice fights in BG3 :)

Me and my bb killing a total of 15 albs charging my savage in princess room :clap:

Duos and small groups with Arnor, Lorhals, Angrykid, Xarr and all my old friends from OÆ is always great fun :)


Best pve moment= Bartar(sousi) pulling 50-60 tanglers haha:D this was not over counting it was LOADS like an alb zerg on excal probably:p

Best rvr moment=Killing my first mid in rvr at lv37 or so in may last year(oldbone).:D

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