Great Momments in Daoc ( PvE & RvR )



So my question is:
What is your most Great momment in PvE in Daoc?

And what is your most great momment in RvR in Daoc?

I once saw 2 paladins take out Prince in DF
A savage and a BD allmost take a keep ( got in courtyard )

I really like when people do stuff that on paper seems impossible but still they succed :)

Any to answer my own questions, PvE was when i soloed a Umbroad warrior in Df as lvl 48 with my rm ( Buffed )

In RvR im not sure, have done meny funnny things in alb frontier like mange to kill a full group at ellys who mostly was above my lvl ( My GM got a Whine email from those albs, where they complained about me )


Can't really decide which would be the greatest moments but I remember these being very good ones atleast :)
There's probably more really nice moments that I've forgotten about too, probably mostly when we were noobs. Not that they would be great achievements in comparison but they probably were quite big things for us back then :)

When thinking about rvr moments, first thing that comes to my mind is the time when we killed group of 6+ yellow con albs in Sauvage with Belorfyn and Mortymer.
This involved quite lot of mezzing, running, remezzing, hiding and all that but it felt great afterwards, if I had had little more adrealine in me after that, I probably would had gone out and beaten up my neighbors when we ran out of albs :)

Not sure if it should count as rvr or pve moment when we breached into keep with Belorym and Morgyn, the hibbies from claimant guild didn't arrive until we were dying to guards inside anyway :)

Practically whenever I'm rvr'ing solo and manage to kill group of 2 enemies or more getting away with it, it's good moment :)

Not so much a moment but more like period of time back when we were running months around in Malmohus killing all named mobs with Belorfyn and Mortymer, it was much fun.
Malmo isn't exactly easy to navigate around without drawing much aggro or some scoutpulls so it was pretty sneaky business.

When we were pretty low level (around 10-20), we went to our first (or some of the first) venture to frontier and there was keep raid starting right then which we then attended.

After or before that keep raid, we were running in frontier and met our first albs ever. I was running on road and looking for Mortymer, evil Cliff Beetle had attacked and we had lost each other. I saw someone waving to me and turned to look around and saw an alb. I didn't realize he was alb and not middy however, until after he had killed me :)


My greatest rvr moment was in beta when i chased 2 greencon celts with my troll warrior and ganked both :D


Soloing 2 skalds right after each other with my arms
Taking most Caer Sidi mobs with just 35 people
Killing high RA FGs with just RR2s and no SCed sets
Necro lvling is insanely easy and fast
Legion raids which were all succesfully (once you know how)
Never a worm spawn when we are waiting for it (Beliathan)
Gunner parrying Behemoth
DVE in old days going RvR when mezz was the win (no RAs etc.)
Beating 2 FG Mids with 1 FG Strife (awesome days in beginning when I joined)
Seeing huge purple lizard coming up to Crim and aggroing albs while taking keep.
The cheater speeders and in the wall hiders.
Hotngoth (HotDog) visting us each time in Snowdonia while xping.
Beta days with a lot of good daoc players (SotL, Phoenix Guards and many many others) (I'm Dralewin btw)

But mostly thanks to the people I've known for a long time and still holding on :)


Greatest PvP moment?

Well the funniest might have been when i did a running pull in nisse with my skald. Full group waiting, i run:

Player 1: He's running quite a long time.

PLayer: 2: Yeah this is gonna be a big one!

PLayer 3: AFK

Player 1: Great timing :p

Player 2: LOL!

Player 3: Back...still running?

Player 1: YEah..hey there he is!

Me: Inc

Player 2: Duh :p

Player 1: Only two greens?

Me: Wait for it.

Player 3:!

Player: 2 "#%%#!

Player 1: Great pull :))

Me: I can do bigger!

Greatest RvR moment was a classic Han Solo thing when some guy ran around the CK corner after a caster, a few seconds later he runs back around the corner with 2 fg of albs :p


best moment for me........
think there was a hunter and 2sb's heading atk from amg,they were slightly dispersed, any way i was RS at the start of the fight and i flunked PA on the hunter but still managed to kill him rather quickly, then next SB came he hit me once then i think i did vanish and hit PA chain, i lost RS by this time, the SB went down in the PA chain i think, then i can sware the last SB nearly ran away in fear, anyway he approached me and i mashed him to death. greatest moment for me in the game :)
cant renember names but i think hunter was hatts

p.s sorry for my over indulgence :D


Greatest PvE moment.....

I can't say I didn't lov 34-38 at Gobbos, some awesome fun there :D

Best RvR moment must have been when the Mids first came for our relics, and I was in Castle M. in Snowdonia defending, tagging Mids with my xbow, and getting my first 30 realmpoints :D


Greatest pve moment. Finding out that pygmy goblins are a whole new sort of mob. Refused to come near any of them for 2 months after that first encounter ;)


My memorable moments

PvE - Parth Farm as a high level druid, 1st time killing the Amalgamate Parthanon to free up the spawn of parths again, and people looking on in awe as the Amalgamate dropped - then getting all the 'thanks' sends afterwards.

RvR - only one moment stands out for me here as i've not done too much RvR....

An Orange con SB to my lvl 40 druid running about in Mount Collory, saw a death message, so went to investigate, for the hell of it really... He unstealthed and tried PA'ing me or something, missed it, and my pet started on him so he couldn't re-stealth... Suffice to say, my poison , pet, bashing away with my mace with no styles and Self insta heal worked wonders and he dropped soon after :) Thus ending my first and only solo RvR experience.


greatest RvR happened last night twice

1, being at beno with open doors and still keeping the misd out (fear my smite spec - 1)

2. charging thorugh hmg with my group and downhill, almost had the 1fg hibs killed before other albs at hmg noticed we had come through ;)

best PvE dinging 50 finally ;)

and all the times my heals has saved someones arse ;=) (too many to count)

Cavex ElSaviour

greatest pve moment: body pull contest with yussef at tanglers.
(didnt know it was possible to pull whole tree camp at once untill yussef managed to do so)

greatest pvp moment: me and a lvl 7 merc killing a healer end a sb. (both yellow con after death)

old.Gombur Glodson

Greatest PvE moment: My first dragonraid

Great RvR: hmm all 3 way fights ;o and our first succesfull relic raid.

Greatest combined RvR/PvE moment: Kill stealing Legion from hibs


me soloing 1chanter, 2mincers and 3infils at the same time ;)

edit: and me&wyborn soloing ninjastyle that jumped me with our lvl 30sm's ;)

and me and meekur killing a fg albs that attacked us, and me&lambs&meekur charging a fg albs head on and killing em all.

and a HUGE fight that was like almost 10mins against hibs near dcxroad, like 5fg vs 5fg was GREAT fun till albs came with 6fg's casters (i swear to god, there were like 2 tanks and a MILLION casters :D )


and a HUGE fight that was like almost 10mins against hibs near dcxroad, like 5fg vs 5fg was GREAT fun till albs came with 6fg's casters (i swear to god, there were like 2 tanks and a MILLION casters )

Was there too, insane fight! :D

hmm, me and Xarr doing guerilla style warfare in Odins, with the best taking out 5 hibs L50 with only a warrior and skald :D

also the runs at ellyls with various old timers from Odins Ærsgarde :)

best PvE moments.. must've been in varulvhamn when playing as healer and being the insane puller on those nasty purps I never pulled in less numbers than 4.. more often 8 :) (in the days before midgard had pbaoe)

Oh, and the first and one of the best RvR moments, back in the early days on a run to gorge with some L30's (me included) and charging LOADS of hibs exping around there, was kinda like a braveheart scene ;)



- Leading a legion raid, just as we got moving hibs took DF, we carry on and get to legion room and someone screams his inc behind!!! Alb legion raid vs Hib legion raid was mucho fun. Although albs won in the end :p

- Soloing a chanter, Blademaster and a NS at the same time with my reaver ! (was amasing, nb. the chanter went down before he could QC stun me)

- Being at that keep when Fatalitys got his 29 DM kill spam :D

- Going on a sidi raid for the first time and getting to apoc.

- Killing the undead apple treees and seeing new ones "growing" and being planted and the apple snatchers competing for kills me me, that was too cool.


/edit camping gorge with FC in "the good old days" when there were never any res sick hibs there. That was amazinly good fun.


errrm finding 2 hero's and wanting to log so i deside to fight them both at same time with my sb killed 1st an got the 2nd to less than 5% an he was in moose mode i died but damn did it feel good :D

or killing a RR8 BM when i was L48 r1L4 - we dueled after an i lost but won the initial fight :D

o h an killing Remi at AMG, Killing Azar the zerker in a duel and Zhadow RR5 SB in a duel (wimp :p)

PvE getting my hunter to 50 finally after soloing 48 level's

oh an Killing the dragon an getting one of the respecc stones was awsome :D


the greatest moments in DAoC.
they all probably involve the early days, when awe and wonder hadn't been replaced by knowing what to do and how to do it...

Killing the Rabbit Wolverines between Mularn and Fort Veldon with a full group of what would've become my guild...

my guild...both the upsides and the downsides....tho we didn't last, we had a hell of a time just being there. at least, I did...

as for RvR, I am sure it was the first time I decided to wander off into the fronteer with my icle 32 healer..
walked all the way to the Hibernian Borderkeep (Breifine, I think?)
over the road no less....(not a guard or hib in sight. can't believe my stupid luck now that I looked back at it...)
found 2 other highbies there who took me under their wing..
managed to kill a few, till I got brutally slaughtered by Revminster.

oh, and the Caledonian keep takes I lead on Excal...when the BG's where just there and people actually bothered to go the eto have fun, instead of to test their latest SC template...


Greatest PvE Moment...

Using the final res for the first time (it was on a lowly little lvl 14 dude, he was in total awe :D) restoring 100% health with a res in a time when most healers only had the 25% version was so cool!

....then spread heals came along and now loads of other wanna-be's are creating pale imitations of my spec :rolleyes:

Greatest RvR Moment...

Going to FS for the 1st time, if i recall our group made it too a tower (the one near the Albi version of Svausd) where 1/2fg of FoM (yeah, they still looked like they'd blown each others noses with their armour. Some things never change :D ) there were 3/4 fg of Albis attacking the tower getting pushed back (bear in mine, no PBAE... no end regain) for arround half an hour or so. It was my 1st real taste of tactical RvR and to date its still one of the best times i've had fighting in RvR outside of a guild group

Sarum TheBlack

Very much doubt I could pick just one, or even write down a handful of my greatest moments.

The "first" time I did most stuff was usually a blast.. first time in Camelot, first time in RvR, first time in a PBAoE group, and so on, all back in Beta mostly.

Had some really fun fights for Beno with GoP. It's ours! Ours you hear?!?



Defeating the Lyn Barfog epics
Defeating Dartmoor named mobs
Defeating Golestandt
Defeating the Princes + Princess in DF
Defeating Legion
Defeating Grand Summoner and 2 mini Summoners
Defeating Scueryol Hyde and other Krondon bosses
Defeating everything except Apoc with 27 people
Defeating Apoc


My Legion force killing a hib Legion force in DF, only 3 albs standing at the end.
Taking out multiple level 50's at once


best rvr moment? naked seer mmg camping in emain :)


PvE: Defeating the Hib Dragon

RvR: My 10 Minute Epic Battle with Alpha near Ailline :D


PvE: Killing Apoc

PvP: Killing an rr5 sb in pure melee with my scout ;)


ah, a couple of new ones:

Raiding TG for the first time was ubar

and me&xarr killing Zana in gorge when we were lvl 20 and she was 34 or sumt, waaay back in 1.35 or sumt :)

edit: lol another one: me&xarr meeting alpha in emain, we were lvl 46, he mezzed xarr and I take him out alone, was so close I thought I died but he fell! :D


forgot some:

- Locking in Mids between doors of Benowyc (mostly tanks) and then kill some of their support
- Taking a keep (level 10) with 6 people (before that BD class)
- Zombie invaders at end of beta
- Huge red demon in emain killing everyone
- Seeing first glowing weapon
- Finster leading albs into battle
- Seeing a lot of albs jump side (known ones)


For RvR.

1] Killing a same Level SB with my cleric (before smite nerf)
2] Having a troll run up to me, hit me when i have BOF on and then run off cause i'm outdamaging him.
3] Killing the same Hunter 3 times in a row 2 at Elleyl Camp and once on Excal road.
4] Running u to 1fg of mids sitting in DF and mezzing them all with my PDAE.
5] Getting RPs for rezzing :)
6] Beating 1fg of hibs without any CC (except stun).

For PvE
1] Soloing my first redcon undead.
2] Exping in Avalon City without an tanks in our group.
3] Zerging the Suwers.


Without doubt my greatest RVR moment was the first time I took my lvl 19 Bard to Emain and watched from a hill, lvl 40's battling it out, lightning, hammers, AOE....awesome:cool:



:( Have not played much though.. but best so far is to ding and go from 19 to lvl 20! Great feeling! :)

Btw, my first post on this board! Please, be gentle to me, lol! ;)


oooh, the first time you reach that magical 20...
seems like an eternity ago now....
what I wouldn't give for your fresh outlook on the game, szerena

have fun...and don't worry, we bark a lot, but don't bite all that often...:)

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