Gratz Middys (b@st@rds)



Well done you horrible trolls n dwarves.

We were hoping you would get ganked by the Albs at the last moment, but you kept at it, several times we thought you had given up.
When your first party got killed by the Lord we thought it was over (some even logged off for bed).
By the way Albs it was wide open for you at that point, where were you?
One of the best nights fun ,that was how it should be.

That was an unbelievable barrage at the door, couldn't get a single pbaoe in.

Anyway your Lord is an ugly bugger.


Duh... we have the keep now?? I would never have guessed. Yesterday was tough, with Hibs and Albs taking turns at running over us for hours and hours. Logged about 9.30... too early apparently. I have to give credit to the Hibs for their cohesion and speed up to that point. And, of course, cred to the Mids that persevered.


did we get the keep?


wishi coulda been there guys!

nice 1

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:



U DID give us a hard time, and a lot of times we lost hope seeing ur big numbers at the beginning of the night.

Yes, thank god Albs didnt show up at the last moment, they could have ruined our day :D

It was a very fun night.

Diab <Heart & Soul> lv23 Warrior


i got my castle back

well done all the mids :) was craftin in gna when i got bored a decided to go thidranki when lo and behold theres a mid keep raid on the go, wahhoo :) helped to keep the tree huggers off the wall shot 1 for 400+ think it was a luri:p /curtsey.
and generally made a nuisnace of myself ( esp to u moesty i took great delight in stalkin u ur fun to try and kill sendin that elf out wont get me to show myself tho hun i was w8in for u i wud have got the elf later :) /curtsey /flex /kiss
when the doors came we rolled in rolled em up and rolled em out
well done midgard special thanks to eversor,medi,jammie,gleipnir,
creek and charlie black dragons reprezentin in thid
and diab and everyone else too numerous to mention
gna loves u midgard /kiss /kiss /curtsey
( and i got my castle back gna duchess of thidranki now to:) )


I wouldn't have worried about any sort of organised resistance from us Albs, most of us were probably waiting for rezzes from last assault.

I've noticed in BG that whenever a battle goes on, Hibs and Mids in particular are rezzed almost as soon as they fall, or before the main group pulls out. The same doesnt seem to apply to the Alb fallen and I don't know why.

The only possible reason I can dream up is that our attacks are so ridiculously planned and excecuted that we a) all die (clerics included) or b) we attack from such stupid places that the rezzers cant get anywhere near us.

Last night we seemed to continually attack Hibs from Mid bridge!!!
I'm no Sun Tzu but doesn't that expose us to being attacked from both sides at once.

I sat and watched stealthed at the bridge as our injured ran onto the bridge to heal and regen much to the delight of the many Mid stealthers waiting for them. I got fed up of trying to ward of SB attacks in the end and went looking for Hib casters.

My point is why attack from Mid Bridge when we have no intention of besieging the keep?

If you see one of your casters die in the middle of your defensive group to an Infil it's probably me, I've taken to kamikaze style attacks as its often quicker for me to die, release and return to BG than wait for a rez:)

Grats on the Keep take Midgard, if while in ownership you could move the keep gates to face Alb bridge it would be most appreciated :)


Lurkalot wrote
My point is why attack from Mid Bridge when we have no intention of besieging the keep?

Funny isn't it what you thought was stupid, we thought was all part of a very cunning plan. :cool:

Of course you turned out to be right :)

by the way Mids, i was that pathetic Enchanter dead on the floor as you killed the lord.


Originally posted by bigtrolldiab

U DID give us a hard time, and a lot of times we lost hope seeing ur big numbers at the beginning of the night.

Yes, thank god Albs didnt show up at the last moment, they could have ruined our day :D

It was a very fun night.

Diab <Heart & Soul> lv23 Warrior

Gutted I couldn't be there, but I'm glad you made use of the siege gear!

Well done all. Glad the organisation worked this time round...tell me, were many people in the cg running around yelling CHARGEEE!!!!1 this time? :D


I did alot of /who tarn and /who breni yesterday to c if ya were online, but helas...
Missed ya in the action m8 :(
Thanks alot for the ram parts u gave me the day b4 the siege, they were used properly :D
No "CHAAAAARGE!!" messages in the cg, might be because we suggested the siege actions in the cg in a NON caps lock fashion and a NON spamming (repeating) fashion, imo a thing that helps to create a more relax atmosphere in the cg ;)
Tho I think it was suggested a lot in grp's, to charge around because of ppl ignoring regroup orders in cg....
But nps; ppl learned that that didnt help take back the keep, and eventually we regrouped anyway.
Special thanks to Iorek, who helped keep the morale up all night :D

If ya are on tonite Tarn m8, we'll have a drink & a bud on the Thidranki keep's poch to catch up :)
Things are back to normal.

Diab <Heart & Soul> lv23 Warrior


at the end of the day...

...every1 has their methods Diab.

spamming a CHARGE message in the cg, and through a /yell does have a wonderful way of focusing the midgarders.

i respect your methods......but thats not to say other methods dont work, both of us have led succesful keep raids, so i guess...the relaxed, and the CAPS LOCK methods both work.

the bottom line is......that people will listen if you prove by your actions that you know what youre doing, and thats where a succesful keep raid helps us both out now.people will be more ready to listen.

levelling my berserker alt fast, so i can lead a keep defense/raid with a dwarf, and as unyet tried experience.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


Charge is effective ,cos even the most level headed Hib will scatter when 10 big trolls come running.

I think once you got to the keep, we just couldn't do anything about it , I'm only a poor little lvl 20 and pbaoe at the door when I could I was only hitting Diab for 1 point lol.



I never said other methods arent good m8, pls dont put words in my mouth :)

The point u missed (maybe because the reply was meant to Tarn), is that IMO (ooops caps ;p), yelling to charge and repeating stuff (in Caps), is a method that may be effective on a short term.... were u have big chance of ppl copying that style, what makes the atmosphere look like a mindless zerg just wanting to use brute force.
But in the long run, I think ppl will have the feeling not to wanna listen to u cause u want to do all the talking.

And I know when Trolls charge all life in their way makes sure to dissapear....

Its just that I like to explain ppl the upcoming tactics, and explain why it would be best to do imo, for example, a charge....
I believe none of us could be pointed to lead the entire scene..
Its a team m8 :)
so If I explain why I suggest the next move, ppl have time to think with me and may even have better suggestions or alter mine for the best :)
I really like to hear other ppls opinions.
Tho a lot of time we dont have time to sit, think and chat, I believe this way ppl will be able to wanna listen to ya the next times u play with em, because they know they are a part of it too. so we can do the thinking b4 we handle.
We can only win as a team, so I like ppl to think as a team.
Its not right imo, for example, to think u can lay upon orders on others in a caps lock way... kinda forcing them to do what u say w/o giving them space to reply....

I know this sounds idealistic, and that there are a lot of peepz running around liking to stir up the place... (kids)
But well.... those ppl are easier to spot, so it looks like they are with more...
I also know I'm not the only one with this opinion, for example, H&S is based upon human mutual respect basics, to be willing to really listen to what the other has to say, for this is just a game, and we all play to have fun. RL is stressfull enuf as it is.

Thanks to have read the above untill here, lol.
I respect all methods other ppl use (till certain height ofc), and might learn from them.... I just hope my way of looking at things will be respected too :p

Disclaimer: I said what I wrote, no more, no less.
So I havent said that other ppl do/dont do the upper, and that its the best/worse way to handle/think Hmmmmmkay :)

Ok I'm filling up waaaaay to many space here

Diab <Heart & Soul> lv23 Warrior


That was an excerpt from the top selling book


By Elton John

only kiddin


sorry diab

just a slight over reaction on my part, because A) i recently led a succesful thid keep raid...............and the fact that B) i had to SPAM alot of /yells to get the tanks off the doors we could put the rams up.............and C) a comment you unknowingly made the other night to me, saying "here is our glorious leader".........i have no idea if it was genuine or sarcastic

tone of voice is impossible, obviously, on that small chat box

being a leader is tough, u get abused alot (not by you) so when you do see something that (MAY) fit your description.......well you can guess the rest.

the fact is we own the keep, ncie 1! in short order 2.

i agree with some of your points.......they are admirable...........but also think.........they sometimes they are just not practical...........thats the bottom line...........when first door is down, the ram 2 cant go up, because the tanks are not listening to clear space for the ram team.......its time to CAPS LOCK YELL........time is of the essence in situations like these.

having said that........when attempting to lead a raid, i field MANY /sends and accept alot of opinions and info on tactics and such.

sure its a team game, btu it works better (IMHO) with a focal voice........commitees debate............generals (and their armies) take keeps. sterling work!

regards to all



It's ok m8 :)) ppl are hard to bother, I know...

and u think if I reply to either u or old.job... we'll have and endless discussion ??

Oops I just did :/

well, hope this is the end of it, it was useless imo anyway


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