Gratz CM on alarmclock again...


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
alb well deserves it.

Hib good effort, nice try there, but poor fight 1-1.5 grp hibs still cant kill 1 fga. <some even have to flees>

Ah yea that was the thing wasnt it?:p

Invited some people when relic was removed after some hardcore PVE on 8.10 ^^
One druid one bard one bm and some roglords last effort made catching cm up cathed em up in agramon hib entrance lost fight not much more we can do;)


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Well CM made a lot out of stating that they would no pve relics anymore, but they would still pve keeps cause of the great fun.

Guess they can't even keep their own word but that's what U can expect, they have done their best to kill the english cluster, and now they give it another blow. :puke:
But hey they pve so I guees they are just trying to get rid of all the annoying ppl that kills them so they can do pve anytime they want, and fell good instead of getting rolled every time they go out.


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
/sing "Cry me a river.."

.... and while we are at it, - lets blame CM and Horner for the bad food in McD.

Now give Hibs the lats 2 relics back will you! ... And evryone synchronise your watch!!

IF you dont live in England... make sure you sleep during the day. Or else dont play in RvRzones ffs!



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2005
Rickie Mcd are not CM's fault or horners, because there make bad food allways... There are only do so this game are going to die :wanker:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
its hard to express how much AE and CM deserves each other , some sort of cosmic justice.

im dancing at the feet of my lord , all is bliss , all is bliss :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 2, 2004


:england: :england: :england:

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
CM lost any little amount of respect I had for them, hibs showed them that the relic can be taken primetime, CM take it AC, imho totally against sotg just shows how little respect they have for other albs and other realms.

Really let yourselves down CM, how anyone can be a member of CM still and be proud is beyond me.

proud? being proud of playing a game? i just dont give a flying f*ack and just enjoying the game :p (wasnt in any AC raids but telling just my thoughts about it)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2005
I love this Game !!!

I engoy last night when we get our relic back.

Get ready hibs and mids for stolen your relics also soon

Thats the life.

cu in game.

:D George
zorba + Toons
Albion-e Legendary Crafter Toons
Zorbas Travel


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
its hard to express how much AE and CM deserves each other , some sort of cosmic justice.

im dancing at the feet of my lord , all is bliss , all is bliss :)

AE are nothing like CM, we for one at least have skill, thus we roam. ofc we also camp now and again but so does everyone, only reason AE gets so much bad press is because we are capable of killing people and clearly people are unhappy about this. How on earth anyone can liken AE to CM is beyond me, as far as im aware CM have never roamed agramon. CM are well known on the cluster purely because of the constant AC'ing through most of the history of DAOC. Albion Exiles have been running for little more than a year. AE on the other hand are known for many things, camping/defending yes, bombing yes, roaming yes. I know we can put up a good fight in all of the three situation and im sorry but we have proved this time and time again. We have a good laugh and include people from hib outside of our guild. What CM did in the middle of the night was in my opinion very low and seriously damages sotg, however I dont think CM should leave the server, the less players the server has the more it will damage it, if CM simply took towers/keeps it cant hurt anyone, but by taking relics AC mode it shouts out to the server CM can only enjoy themselves and win when no defenders around.

By CM Ac'ing the relics it says yes hibs/mids you can do as much as you like, effort and arranging of takes primetime, but look we can effortlessly take everything back without defenders anytime (during middle of the night). So why try taking relics because we will just easymode them back. So people stop trying, whats the point doing a primetime raid if all the effort is then just simply taken away by CM or some other albs with little respect for their realm AC'ing back. Once people stop trying then they get pissed off with no challenge and either leave the game or move to a server where AC is not possible. If CM are happy with this then there is nothing we can do about it and eventually more people will leave. If there is no challenge or reason to try, why bother if CM will destroy anyones efforts.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
I love this Game !!!

I engoy last night when we get our relic back.

Get ready hibs and mids for stolen your relics also soon

Thats the life.

cu in game.

:D George
zorba + Toons
Albion-e Legendary Crafter Toons
Zorbas Travel


This would be more fun than pveing relics :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
ohhh the terror!....the drama! Hide the children and the women!...
A relic was big deal! get over it!

if it isent a big dead dont fucking take it ?:)and maby its fun fighting Npc if so, its not fare from Cm vs Npc on the server, then they have loads of guards and keeps all to them self to play whit \0/


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Over the last few years this is what has become of Alb RR 1 realm takes them at a resonible hour Albs AC them back people whine about server population on Dyvet and this is 1 of real reasons people have left this server.

Kagato/Horner/CM should really ask them selves is this sort of action Albion prefer being left out of a raid gain a little spirit etc in doing a Realm RR instead of same old motley bunch of wankers doing it all time Surely there must be some Albs who would like a new title of Relic Soldier or at least participate in raid ??? Ah no not these people they prefer to NOT let they realm benefit in anything and would rather do this while even they own realm mates miss out on any kind of action dam selfish I suppose.

At least with Hib RR other night it started out as a keep take and involved 90% of Hib realm in end where fun was had by all but it seems these people would rather have all fun to them selves nice going again shows they selfishness.

Enjoy you Spoils you few selfless people would of been nice to have defended but then again it seems Mids/Hibs always seem to be on attack and never defence maybe 1 day these people will cotton on that they actions are derogatory to this server and not in the Spirit of the game.

Gratz on killing guards again CM tho I think you would of noticed by now you don't get any titles for guard killing unless mythic introduce it for you.

(Member of the CM and Horner hate Club)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2006
may i just point out one think its a game

hibs on killbury have all 6 relics btw some of them ACed and not one whine

peeps on dyvet server are looking to blame someone/thing for the death of the server, and mayb people should stop whining and bitching at players and maybe take it to goa/mythic


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
completely agree with all of what brackus said.

You cant compare AE and CM together in the slightest.

CM enjoy what they do (im assuming they do, and they dont do it to purposely get alb and even more worse name)

but the way in which they do it, im not sure if they get off on AC'ing or on the whine threads that get made, but they seem t enjoy it non the less.

My opinion has changed alot of AE since the other day, I was like every other alb/mid who got killed by them, moaned/shouted about dying to them.

I was on my ickle bainshee the otherday (only level 45) and ask in eras if any aoe buffs availible, and a kind member of AE completly buffed me, 5mins later i get an invite to there group (only lasted 30mins). My perception of them changed, as i got a first hand glance at how they played, they enjoyed themselves, left soloers, were efficent in the way they did things (only reason why ppl prolly dislike AE imo)

but the differance is, they didnt go out of the way to give hib a bad name, which is how myself and everyone else see's CM doing.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Wee Albs took one of their own relics back. Short time after hibs made a prime time raid....

We seem to know the situation from early January when we had the same fun with the albs for a week or so.

Now one could wonder if we as mids should pity the hibs, the underpopulated realm, all should feel sorry for. Especially when they have taken 2 of our relics.

How comes in the first place that an underpopulated realm can have:

1: their own relics
2: The midgardian relics
3: One Alb relic and perhaps both if alb did not respond fast

I simply think it is incredible, or maybe the hibs are not as underpopulated as we all think, goa especially.

We are really paying the price of the cluster here, cause we have so many ppl with lvl 50 chars on 2 realms.

Only conclusion is that most hib players atm are what i normally call turncoats, meaning players jumping relam like grasshoppers to the next field which look greener than the one that they are currently feeding on.

I really dont have much sympathy for those, you do a job in helping out in pve and making their chars ready and suddenly you dont have relics, they jump to another realm. (This feature is multi relamish and happen everywhere)

I am one of the boring ppl that only play one realm, and i would not spend time getting other chars lvl 50 CL10 ML10 on another realm, of cause i have tried other realms out, but not on this cluster, as i do not want to participate in kicking ones own prime realm in the butt.

When ppl logg to an enemy realm fighting their guildmates, it is all but funny, we are some players that hate this utterly. We play DaoC not Counterstrike or another shoot em up game, where you dont need to spend a lot of time lvl'ing chars making template etc.


Regarding CM i quite feel you have fallen off this time, you could have taken the mid relics aswell, as it is easier to fight albs with extra relics than the overpowered hibs.

you really could have done better, hope you move the relics away from hib so we can get a normal mid situation as i am afraid more mids have hib alts than alb alts, so it would mean you would get more mids to fight in the frontier, and we would raise in population again.

Dont take me wrong i don't like albs in particular, i just respect them as one should respect an enemy, whereas hibs could be left out of the game or nerfed to ground especially when we fight them in sieges they are redicously overpowered.

just a little stomach acid from a mid, that is sitting on the side, watching the happenings in foreign frontiers.




Fledgling Freddie
Jul 4, 2006
completely agree with all of what brackus said.

You cant compare AE and CM together in the slightest.

CM enjoy what they do (im assuming they do, and they dont do it to purposely get alb and even more worse name)

but the way in which they do it, im not sure if they get off on AC'ing or on the whine threads that get made, but they seem t enjoy it non the less.

My opinion has changed alot of AE since the other day, I was like every other alb/mid who got killed by them, moaned/shouted about dying to them.

I was on my ickle bainshee the otherday (only level 45) and ask in eras if any aoe buffs availible, and a kind member of AE completly buffed me, 5mins later i get an invite to there group (only lasted 30mins). My perception of them changed, as i got a first hand glance at how they played, they enjoyed themselves, left soloers, were efficent in the way they did things (only reason why ppl prolly dislike AE imo)

but the differance is, they didnt go out of the way to give hib a bad name, which is how myself and everyone else see's CM doing.

well that style of play is obviously working for them isnt it, they havent really got a bad name :eek7:


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2005
CM is actually doing something creative anyways.
Instead of the hibs (thats bitching the most) CM is actually taking back the relics, while the "hibs" are just relic-jumping. I mean, whos the worst hipocrits here?
Its quite fun reading though! :drink:


Loyal Freddie
Jun 15, 2005
Its not like its awesome fun beeing stun+nuke+nuke=dead, its way better when you have to throw in a debuff there between the stun and nukes..


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kagato/Horner/CM should really ask them selves is this sort of action Albion prefer being left out of a raid gain a little spirit etc in doing a Realm RR instead of same old motley bunch of wankers doing it all time Surely there must be some Albs who would like a new title of Relic Soldier or at least participate in raid ??? Ah no not these people they prefer to NOT let they realm benefit in anything and would rather do this while even they own realm mates miss out on any kind of action dam selfish I suppose.

For your infomation, I have taken no part in any recent relic raids, alarm clock raids or even most sieges or zergs as i've been busy IRL. And even when I was active full time I think in 5 years i've taken part in maybe 2 raids past midnight.

However that does not change the fact that I think people whining so much over something so bloody insignificant as a relic really need to get a grip. If you place that much value on something so unimportant in a computer game that it's causing you this much stress, you really aren't mature enough to be playing in the first place, it's just not good for you.

As for the population, yes it's low compared to last year, but its not noticebly any different from a week ago, a fortnight ago or even a month or so ago.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Its not like its awesome fun beeing stun+nuke+nuke=dead, its way better when you have to throw in a debuff there between the stun and nukes..

You mean like the firewizzy's. 3 Bolts and the first nuke hits when the second bolt hits aswell and if you survive that, there's always some random scout/sorc shooting/nuking you.

Go buy purge instead of wp4.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 7, 2004
Alb are cowards like allways and we was not 1½ fg there so i think u need ur school money back again marlyn :twak:

We where only 7 peeps, defending the keep. And like i said above Marlyn, u should have ur school money back, cause after u enteret, another grp appeared, so either Albion must be REALLY special to get up to 16 peeps in 1 grp, or else something u said doesn't make sense.

But anyway.

Con. Gratz. Kzn, Marlyn and the rest of the Custodia Gang. on another succesfull Alarm clock raid. U did it flawless as always... :wanker:

Haha! Saliandra, you really sure there is 2fg a there? I wasnt talking about keep. Stop getting yourself too smart while you cant count there.

There are max of 10 people from albs during that keep fight and only 1fga were running to agramon.

But it is nice to have a last try there with 1fg+ hib fighting 1 fga outskirt of agramon.

Btw sailandra dont become smart to say cm are your emenies. As you were begging to join CM again and again.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
CM is actually doing something creative anyways.

Love to know what you been smoking it must be some good shit that all I can say.

WTF is creative at taking a relic from a keep at Shit o clock in morning when they know defenders on this server will be near to Zilch
how the hell is that creative.

At least Hibs did it at a time when you could enjoy it.

If CM and Horner like Pveing Keep/Towers/Relics then Cumbria would be they sort of server to play on then they can do wtf they like on there.



FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
For your infomation, I have taken no part in any recent relic raids, alarm clock raids or even most sieges or zergs as i've been busy IRL. And even when I was active full time I think in 5 years i've taken part in maybe 2 raids past midnight.

However that does not change the fact that I think people whining so much over something so bloody insignificant as a relic really need to get a grip. If you place that much value on something so unimportant in a computer game that it's causing you this much stress, you really aren't mature enough to be playing in the first place, it's just not good for you.

As for the population, yes it's low compared to last year, but its not noticebly any different from a week ago, a fortnight ago or even a month or so ago.

Go buy a cluepon mr. bridge camper. The whinge is not about AC'ing in general, it's about the constant, for over a year, grief playing by certain albs. I place value on my gaming experiance, which has bin utter destroyed by some dickheads who find pleasure in grief play.

About the population, wtf you want. A week, a month a year perhaps? The mid population died out the last time CM/albs whas on a rant, taking every keep and tower there. Same happend last time CM/Albs raided hib every morning and hib's even released every tower (TT incident rings a bell?), yet still you don't give a fuck about the server.
It's time to wakeup Kagato and do something as a whole (every realm ye) about this bullshit we're in. Unless you wanne keep pve'ing, cause GoA isnt gonne do fkall about it.

Stop talking about we don't care about relics in the first place, why do people insist on going for them time after time. Even if it where just for epeen purpose, it apperantly has some value.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
CM is actually doing something creative anyways.
Instead of the hibs (thats bitching the most) CM is actually taking back the relics, while the "hibs" are just relic-jumping. I mean, whos the worst hipocrits here?
Its quite fun reading though! :drink:
creative as in starting at 1 am cet? fighting the same low realmranks over and over, dieing to those low rr's when they face em all at once instead of always duo's and trios they whiped? (i was prolly the only high rr with my bain but even then i havent played bain for a while)
IT IS NOT AN ACHIEVEMENT fighting low realmranks at 2-3-4 am with a fg of all high realmranks that are loaded with rams and a warlord(this is not smth i know for sure, tho their siege is fast)

why can u defend people that avoid primetime intentionally to do raids (and dont try calling on late work etc cause i've seen all those twits in primetime b4)

really funny is ur attitude cause the reason why we could take ur relic is due to rp-horny twits camping blendrake instead of defending beno


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Oh god...Dyvet is doomed, we're all going to die ! a relic was alarm clocked....

Oh wait a minute... didn't they say that last time? and the time before that? and the time before that?

And funnily enough, nothings changed still, and we're all still playing, funny that.

Quit whining drama queens, it's only a bloody pixal lol :kissit:

And no, I wasn't involved, I was at work.
Eh...yes, and they were right werent they?

Oh I forgot Kag, you are still having fun! Feck it if anyone else is...
It boggles me how one person can be so egocentric and still be able to comingle in society.

I couldnt care less about the AC raids of CM anymore, but that people like you still havent gotten that you runied the game, and yes KILLED it. (you just havent gotten it through your thick skull that it is dead yet, much like a worm, still wriggling after its been chopped into tiny pieces)

The english cluster is dead, its just been put on the respirator for the time beeing, but all we are waiting for is for GoA to pull the plug. And the AC raiders and their attitude towards everyone else was the ONE big reason it died this fast.


ps. But in the end, those who get screwed over by this my way or the highway attitude of yours will be the ones with the last laugh. They will have fun long after you are alone on Dyvet, on a server with alot more pleasant people. ds.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 23, 2006
Love to know what you been smoking it must be some good shit that all I can say.

WTF is creative at taking a relic from a keep at Shit o clock in morning when they know defenders on this server will be near to Zilch
how the hell is that creative.

At least Hibs did it at a time when you could enjoy it.

If CM and Horner like Pveing Keep/Towers/Relics then Cumbria would be they sort of server to play on then they can do wtf they like on there.


I agree with you 100% it's no fun at all. All the decent raid leaders are giving up and leaving the game. I will never get a rvr group with the likes of CM and Horner, because I am no where near their expectations. RR4 is far too low, to match their obvious greatness. Still, we can take some heart out of all this - it might not be that easy when the servers merge.

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