Gratz braakjekk on rr7 <<33


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2005
Gratz, it was nice to see atleast one mid stealther solo instead of 99% of the time 4 mids jump you and still have to use battler debuff to beat you, anyway nice fight last nice mate, was v close and <3 numbfake.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
Thx all :)

Nice to see so much love from old friends, in-game enemies and fellow norwegians.

Like to thank some ppl for different reasons!

Pain is atm the only reason i still play, so thx to u guys! One bunch of nice Swe'ds (irl;) )
The main reason i started this game was Klonk, my irl cousine, many thx to u m8!

And ofc i need to thak all the buffers in midgard!

Realm buffers Nimroel and Defi!
Shadehawk-p that buffed me several times this last week. hehe...
Illusb that allways has some free conc to spare.
And ofc all in Pain :)

And at the end id like to thank all the enemies. Many nice fights, and several decent players! U all know who u are ;)


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