Gratz Albs




Any 1 thought about a frontier guild,jus to watch and monitor them constantly???silly idea maybe but could work if ppl were dedicated enough!!!!!!

(Any abuse tell my lawyer,im not intersted)-Anon


Re: !

Originally posted by Pickles14113
Any 1 thought about a frontier guild,jus to watch and monitor them constantly???silly idea maybe but could work if ppl were dedicated enough!!!!!!

(Any abuse tell my lawyer,im not intersted)-Anon

Excelent idea imo but it wouldnt work . to many people WOULDNT leave there present guild because they dont wana miss out on talking to there guildmates on Gu , If i were guildless i would join such a guild but ive been in Lod far to long to up sticks n leave for a Frontier Guild . and i presume 95% of present albs would feel the same .

if ui had a char that was able to wander frontier all the time im online i would . but a caster aint the best char for this job so hence i cant do so :( if i had a mins/inf or scout id be in our frontier 95% of the time . its not as if our frontier lacks enemys . there ALWAYS seems to be mids/hibs in suavage . so if one of above chars i'd be able to scout them and mayeb kill one that slacks behind . and of course spot the relic armys comming through . without myself being spotted by there scouts 1st .


The main problem in rvr is people, if it were say 2vs 2 all the time rvr would be more enjoyable, but because people are people they like to win no matter how little the gain, and low the zerg strategy is born, why bother having quality rvr when your 8 groups packs enough fire power to wipe smaller groups out 40 times over, then to combat a zerg an even larger zerg is made, then we get theses boring and quite frankly pointless middle gate and portal keep camping sessions sure it gets you rp hell even I do it but I wish I didn’t, but because people follow the zerg there is little rvr elsewhere.

I am put off rvr because and more importantly exping in rvr because…..
1) it’s a “zerg rules” area, 4 people exping have very little chance vs 12 opponents even on a good day.
2) rvr is fast becoming “below 45’s need not apply” because they can hardly scratch a lvl 50 ( casters excluded :p )
3) Its hard to even make a rvr exping group, mainly because a) the routes to theses places argottaculer, and b) pulling spots normally have big view restricting hills in front of them or really funny lvl 50 wondering agro mobs.

And so all theses factors make me exp in lyon, and even for a super minstrel like me it takes a good 17 mins to get to CS then another 3-5 to get Excalibur or hib/mid then another 17 mins to get to hardens or a hib/mid frontier keep, so this in total means unless I am in rvr it is pretty damn hard for me to act on relic raids before the action is over/to late

Basically to sum up my muddled words and opinions.
At the moment rvr is quite bad for exp there are a few nice places like ellys but thay are to much hassle to get to and make a group for, and until this is changed or made better I will continue to gain exp in out of the way places like lyon that offer stedy exp, and so making it very hard for me to be of use in rvr unless at lest 1h notice is given.


Fin: Dude I reckon 80% is a bit high.. maybe 79%. And also the choice of descriptions: "Morons" & "Retards" were pretty mild I thought... There are many that would deserve titles such as 'wanker' or perhaps 'Kuntus Maximus' for want of a contemporary theme =/

I had not played for about 3 weeks due to moving house and when I come back it seems the worst side of Albion attitudes has totally spilled out. At least, before, many of the mature and caring players tried to keep the less civilised amongst the albion population in check but that has gone completely now.

Fin's point about 'Moron non rezzing tarts' - all too true. I only had to be back for 1 hour, take our guild out for a bit of RvR fun in Emain and lo and behold to have 50 albs standing around not rezzing anyone at all. Normally I would have been gob smacked and started to remember all the selfish bastards that stood idly by to leave over a dozen dead only to find themselves outnumbered later. But, sod it. I am very very close to making it guild policy to resurrect only people we know that are not socially impotent.

It is also funny to see when players with self awarded stature slag off Albion in the 3rd person sense. As if they were not an Alb themselves.

Albs Suck ? = We Suck ! = I suck, you suck, he sucks, she sucks. Are we all not Albs here ? Perhaps self assessment might be the 1st steps to working out what is wrong with our Realm... (I'd be happy to be the 1st to talk about my 'inadequecies' in this game - anyone else dare to ?)

Now onto the boring bits...

1. The problems with Albion. First of all let me list some of the more popular reasons why people here think we fail as a realm.

Lack of Non Zerg Experience.
Lack of Scouting in own Realm.
Lack of Co-ordination.
Lack of Communication.
Lack of Community Spirit.

All true. Anyone that says otherwise are being incredibly naive. Yet, big deal. Welcome to the real world. Those problems are not unique to this Realm, Server, Game...

Every society has them and yet they survive and even thrive. How ? Because instead of repeatedly blaming failure on one or more of those things, they come up with methods and organisations that can eliminate them as much as possible. That basically means if you are indeed a guild that is trying to be one that encourages Team Work throughout the Realm, make the initiative and shed yourselves of those offenders. Sure it's nice to have a guild with open doors to allow every Tom, Dick and Harry into it but there will come a time where the conflict in playing styles will ruin it for everyone. If you have such contrast within your own guild and cannot even organise yourselves effectively, what chance have you got in working well in an alliance with a dozen other guilds ?

I am not saying alienate those players who wont play as a team completely, but force them together, give them chainsaws and let them tear each other apart and perhaps they will see the assholes around them are merely reflections of themselves.

2. Realm Defense.

What is with all the eloborate so and so guild or person can scout this area or that area ? Sure if that is being done, fine but surely it makes more sense for guilds to encourage their members to level their characters/alts in areas other than Tanglers ? And since Tanglers is one of the worst Grief spots in game, surely encouraging your members to level say in Snowdonia (Angry Bcawas, Teg Hunters, Ettins, Hollowmen, Arawnites) and in the Pennines would mean more people to keep their eyes on our own backyards and less friction in said hot spots ? Now if you have someone in your guild who regularly leads mixed groups and takes them to try other places out, that's 8 people from various guilds/alliances who will all be made aware if something fishy was going on in our own realm.

Another sure sign is when one of our own keeps get taken. What happens ? A handful of Albs in Emain will say - "Um we lost a keep..." The silent response to it could only mean "They've only taken one but we got a zerg going here and racking up lots of RPs!"

Now I dont want to point out the obvious but..

If they have taken one, they can take 2, 3, 4...
If Hibs or Mids have taken a keep... that must mean... wait for it... drum roll... there are Mids or Hibs in Our Realm ! Now I dont know if everyone was aware that killing enemy Realmers in own realm is worth more RPs ? Nevertheless, they still give you RPs when killed, not cornflakes like some people must imagine... since they are set in only wanting to kill enemies 'abroad'.

3. Wait a minute...

I just remembered that I dont give a f*ck...


Originally posted by Negura`
Erm since when did CE never go rvr?
/em thinks about the farming on your doorstep last night

Good fight in the end tho :m00:

you don't zerg Emain, is what he said.

anyway, I think all the small alliances aren't that much of a problem.
the problem is we have too many "leaders" and too little followers
everybody wants to be the next big hit, seemingly unaware that you need followers to attain that. follow for a bit, it's actually not that bad. even tho you don't get reconized and cheered at every second step you take.

I put leaders in quotes with a purpose too, as the few times I knew there was a relic defense, and could've gotten there in time (I refuse to suicide for Albion. I cannot be arsed seeing how the realm is now) the self proclaimed leaders turned into the Drill Seargent from Full Metal Jacket. instead of trying to be halfway decent. might be me, but I don't follow somebody who can't put out a single order without at least 3 times FFS

kinda hopped around a lot I see, hope it still makes sense :)


Hard not to agree with almost everyone on this thread.

1) Myrrdin is not defendable.

2) My experience of past Myddin raids is that even if you jump on a horse immeadiately at the first warning you don't get there in time and threads like this are generated due to you 'not caring' /sigh.

But on the other hand

3) Since AU collapsed there is no warning system the average player knew to be reliable (and when AU was going strong there was still no warning system the vast majority (ie. those not in AU) knew to be reliable).

Not sure what the best solution is; moving random rvr to HW is probably the only constructive suggestion made here so far (though apart from a general bias toward emain there have always been days with many people in alb, days with many people in mid, and days with uber zergs in emain - so I'd be interested to hear how people suggest we go about attracting hibgard targets to HW (and it's targets that will attract albs above all else)). Any others?

Oh, and clock another vote for no more slightly pointless 'insult all albs' posts, they are getting old.


taken from a funny post somewhere in the general forum, giving a few guards here and there a lowbie buff can work as a sortof warning. as the buff will be terminated when the guard dies.

also, as lots of people have second accounts. let one of your alts on the unactive account camp one of the milegates, or the relic keep. this does require 2 PC's tho, which might make it slightly more difficult

and as far as the "insult all albs" threats go. the people posting them are dumber then average alb imo :)p)

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