Gratz Albs



Again we lost relicssss....WEEEEEE

80% of albs r just slow reaction retards, i hope mids/hibs will take rest of relics also , and i will c u morons non rezzing tarts leave the game, so we rest 20% who even try to make effort have more fun playing this game =)


nothing to do with slow reaction imo . lack of scouting our relic keeps and to many small alliences is what lost us our relic .

a slow reaction would of been

/AS bloke#1 Hibs at pow relic 1st door 1/2 life
/AS bloke#2 Ok we just finish this pull and get a horse there "not bg"
/AS bloke#1 hurry we need people here
/AS bloke#4 its ok we got time we can do one more pull .
/AS bloke#1 ok u guys pulled to many and were to slow getting here relics now neutral

The scenario i saw in my /AS tonight was

/AS Guildy#1 Rumours of hibs at pow relic can anybody confirm ?
/AS Random person #1 Not sure ill try find out
30 seconds later
/AS CONFORMATION#1 yes ive been told its confirmed hibs on THIRD door now 6 rams up.
/AS everybody > Ok on our way

we or afaik NOBODY had any conformation or knew of the raid untill either 3rd door about to drop or relic was neutral , and due to all the dumb ass small allieneces "i agree ours is one of em" the relay of information was SLOW . there was nothing we could of done . relic was lost as soon as it went neutral because nobody spotted hib relic army in our frontier .

only relic keep that gets scouted reguler is excal and thats only mainly because people travel therte to goto df or pass there on there way to elyyls or epic quests . the way we defend our own realm frontiers imo is silly . we need to have more active people actualy in hads looking out for inc raiders. last time i made a post suggesting such a lookout scheme i got told it was already up and we had scouts reguler in position .
if i was a different class that was able to spend most the time in frontier i would do .

basicly is lack of scouts in frontiers that lost us the relics "by scouts i dont mean scout class i mean people purpossley looking for inc" . if we dont have reguler people scouting frontiers im sad to say things are only gona get worse and we are gona lose our st relcs also .


it’s a “the boy who cryed wolf” scenario you will only know if its true when it is to late, also it wasn’t like I even knew what was happening until our relic was halfway towards hadrens and on /relic our power classed as neutral, maybe there should be more warning like when a keep is taken, but on the doors or its location.


in 1.53 patch ALL claimed keeps have a warning ,

For example if our guild "Lod" had claimed Sursbrooke and enemys had passed through and had engaged our patrols or guards we will get this sorta message

Your Man at arms has just been killed "154 ENEMYS IN THE AREA"

so this will obviously be a relic army other circumstances would be fg raiding sursbrooke or small grps inc to pk people in our frntier . quick example

1) fg raiding keeps .
message would read
Your Knight comander has just been killed 12 enemys in the area
Your scout has just been killed 12 eneyms in the area
your man at arms has just been killed 11 enemys in the area
etc etc etc whilst they pull and kil guards .

small grp of enemy pk'rs in frontier
message might read
Your Knight commander has just been killed 4 enemys in area
Yoour man at arms has just been killed 4 enemys in area
your scout has just been killed 4 enemtys in area

no more spam would indicate small grp had run into a patrol . or a larg grp/army but it tells you how many are in area .

it does and will make it extremely hard for relic/keeps raids in futrue and it DOES bring a lot more rvr in ALL frontiers. icve witnessed these messages on usa servers and they do make for fun times . small grps of albs grouping at suavage tp go hunt a small grp who are on a killing psree "also easier to find out roughly were due to who's keep patrol/guards got killed and also tells you exactly which keepthey are at . so when a keeps guards get puled cos they havent even started on the doors there will be plenty of time to send out a keep defense grp . and with the NEW rvr dugeon also in patch 1.53 there WILL definatly be a lot more people in hadrians/suavage/pennines . + the green knight of course . all things that are making ALL frontiers a more rvr viable area .


Fin stop calling people retards mate, isn't nice.
How can you say 80% of albs are retards? Just look at how we took our relic back from hib, they weren't exactly up and ready 10 hours before the relic raid like you seem to think albions should be.


Castle Myrddin is in a dumb place fullstop. Its literally 500m from hib pk in hadrians. Unless we get in the habit of camping MMG/HMG in hadrians for incoming, they can take it almost anytime they like. The odds of being detected by chance are very slim. No matter, gives a reason to make the hibbeh skum pay another 16plat+. In fact I think we should break all 4 doors just for the hell of it :p
Just wish the mids would pull their finger out and have a crack at the power relics. We've proved we can do it. They aint (oh except at 6am).


Konah I agree with u 100%, more rvr in hadrians is the best safety we can have.
I even made a post about it - which got...
<hold breath>

an astonishing _2_ replies...

Shows what is most important to the majority of albs; emain ganking or our relics.


Fin why u be so nasty babe :(
I take great offence in u calling us "retards and morons" tis not very nice :( and u have hurt my feelings now <sniff sniff>
Tis just a game babes. so plz cut out the nasty comments, maybe keep them to urself.

Qte Eth

I and my group were very pessimistic with raid to be honest - really expected we find 200 albs SOON everyminute.First thought well find em in relic ,then in hadrians ,then in collory-never saw any decent sized army -just few dms in hadrians.
I really thought u have spyes everywhere and know everything beforehand -was mistaken:)
And raid was REALLY easy to spot u just dont bother yourself in walking around your frontier coz its faster and easyer to port to emain -well u have paid for that.
And it would help if u ever rvrd in hadrians or 1! scout went in hadrians -thats true
And i saw a yellow avalonnian at relic keep before hibs were even on first door -dont remember name of that guy but he seemed to be able to use /gu /as etc to tell u about danger..


Hmmmm Finny

The MORE u continue to put dumb ass quotes like that here.

The MORE peeps can see who the real retard really is.

As each Day passes u continue to insult more and more Albs.

Its true some Albs think u r so cool !!

But by my reckoning an equal amount think you are a Twat !!

An Old Friend


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Merge some alliances

We have 10 alliances now which consist of 2 guilds. The largest alliance is The Fellowship with 15 guilds at the moment, no other alliance has over 10 guilds in it. The majority has 2/3 guilds. Aint doing Albion any favours that.

GM's, contact other GM's and talk about merging. It's good for everyone that way.


Why should I care about relics? I don't RvR. I'd LOVE to do RvR, but as long as RvR is the never-endning mezz'n'kill cycle, the neverending camping and zerging by all parties, I'm not going to bother.

So... I don't CARE about our keeps. I don't CARE about our relics. Let's see some strategy, some actual sense of honour and it might be fun... Stop whining and start thinking about how you play.


one of the main reasons if not the main reason we lost that keep is alliances, we have lots of small alliances yet no big alliances. The only problem is some of the bigger guilds wanna be alliance leaders and wanna take charge always and the fact that too many people have access to /as and it gets spammed at times is also a problem.

What we need in albion is a new alliance, one big alliance that will help defend and raid for relics, this is one thing that we suffer with badly, as stated before though some of the bigger guilds i know wont do this cause "they cant be leaders".

If we want albion to be effective in any sort of way then we need organisation and communication and we wont get that with the 10 biggest guilds on albion all in different alliances.


both hib relics are like 2 mins away from their frontierkeep
Our myrddin is at the other side of the map in a corner.
why do you think they went of our power relic and didnt took their strenght relic back.
myrddin is just ubereasy to take.


yes i know it is but still with a well organised and communicating alliance we may have had chance of spotting this, when hibs take 2 of our keeps that tells me there up to something as they usually sit in emain waiting to farm rp's


Fin, you've done a lot for albion in the past, but ffs mate, tone your posts down, that's unnecessarily abusive. Myyrdin is undefendable.

Fangrim: Hah. I don't see you roaming our frontiers much either...
If everyone sits on their ass piously saying "i don't RvR because emain sucks" rather than going and actually RvRing elsewhere (/me indicates Daivana, some of Shadowlord's Society, the whole of Cutting Edge) then RvR would be more than just emain zerging.


Originally posted by old.FIN
Again we lost relicssss....WEEEEEE

80% of albs r just slow reaction retards, i hope mids/hibs will take rest of relics also , and i will c u morons non rezzing tarts leave the game, so we rest 20% who even try to make effort have more fun playing this game =)

Hmm. let me see.... how much has Alb power relic actually been in Alb? Ohhhh, nearly never since the game went live?
And by comparison, how many times has Castle Excalibur been empty?
Well, admittedly quite a few but that's due to those months where the Mids hadn't realised the hibs had relic keeps yet....


Erm since when did CE never go rvr?
/em thinks about the farming on your doorstep last night

Good fight in the end tho :m00:


Myrddin is tactically undefendable, I could do a little test and put it more exactly in numbers how long it takes an Alb group to get there from our "civilization", because lets face it there is NO civilization north of Ludlow Bridge. I've seen the test in effect though, spotted Hibs pulling the first relic guards, had the message out to the (then) major alliance instantly, only to at best give us a slight chance at HW interception. That time around I used to sit in Snowdonia constantly but to what good is it...
you can't defend the crappy castle and why bother. I for one don't have another penny to spend on it's doors and I know most other Albs don't care to give.

Please Mids, take it? Enjoy our incompetence if you like, but Albion can't hold the castle nor can Hibs get to hold all 3 power relics. It needs to be sorted.


Qriginally posted by Lanshark
Fangrim: Hah. I don't see you roaming our frontiers much either...

Umm Chera... I just said I don't do RvR much... Which is why I don't roam our frontiers either. I don't like to do exping in Had's or Pennines. The chance of getting killed by something uncontrollable (read: Mids or Hibs) is too large for me to do it.

RvRing sucks everywhere for me. I am sorry, I don't like RvR as it's going right now - so I guess I must be some kind of demented freak or what? Seems like if you're not an RvR person, you're a bad player, according to the posts here.

Have anyone ever thought of the possibility that there IS other things than RvRing in this game? If you want to go do RvR, fine! But leave me to choose NOT to! (And I promise you I won't nag about losing relics or keeps).

I DO enjoy RvRing when I'm in the mood, but sadly, that mood's becoming rarer and rarer, as everytime I GET in that mood, it's quickly taken away from me by a mezzer or a zerg, or a bunch of Albs yelling at each other, each trying to be in charge.

As long as people doesn't know how to follow orders, how can we expect to be successful?


well even if we get the msg on time that enemy is attacking Myrddin..

we have to approach the castle from the front side where hib/mids are bashing the doors. even if we move in groups of 40
we still have to pass the +100 hibs/mids.
I see no point in getting back that relic.. better go for the other str one.


some info from teh US servers regarding albion power relic and how hopeless it is to defend.

Power Relics in Albion Possession:
Pendragon - 2
Bedvedere - 0
Pellinor - 1
Bors - 0
Iseult - 0
Nimue (RP) - 0
Tristan - 3
Palomides - 3
Kay - 0
Igraine - 0
Gawaine - 0
Galahad - 0
Percival (RP) - 0
Lancelot - 2
Morgan Le Fay - 1
Merlin - 0
Guinevere - 0

(excluding Andred and Mordred)

Seventeen servers.
Total Power Relics possible: 51
Total Power Relics actual with Albion: 12 (24%)
No. of Servers where Albion has no Power Relics: 11 (65%)

Conclusion: Myrddin is just too difficult to defend.



I said long time ago, i turn my self to evil, why?

asked, tried , begged peeps to help something, what happened?

answer was: Nah i go to emain, i need RP's , who cares about frontiers anyway.

after 8 weeks taking backyard keeps every single day, with always the same peeps, taking 3-4 HOURS to gather peeps, getting bitched about why take them, they dont give RP's or XP, answer was also a lot, nah, i need to XP, peeps r PL me, or i got good group at tanglers, cant come.....

and yes its only a game, and have u ever thought how much peeps have insulted and bitched to me??? called with names what ever they can think of, while i still try to smile here???

and when i give something back, with little humor, because there is a reason, and different accent , and misunderstanding when i say something, i might be hard to understand, but its not my fault, its the accent and finglish, and stuff like that, u gotta understand also that.


80% of albs r just slow reaction retards

well maybe after i read the post, retards is maybe wrong word, MOFOS would be better, and what i mean for that is something happens, 1st peeps r talking BS, chatting not important things and not listening, and i dont mean listen to me, they ask irrelevant things, and not reading whats just been posting before they ask it, thats the biggest error what u can do..


I take great offence in u calling us "retards and morons"

that 1st word is explained above
2nd word , it was ment to like that..

"morons non rezzing tarts" , ment those peeps who just ran , and never ever even try to rezz peeps, it takes 3 secs, 12 if u wanna rezz a caster good, is Albs life really so tight that 3 seconds is so long time that they cant afford that to other alb???

eating crass for 10 mins when 30 albs ran past u 2 times, and not a single enemy around, and all what they wanna do is get RP's , and after asking from 5 different peeps to get me a rezz, 20 secs away from where albs camp it will make u fucking pissed, why? as a pally, i try to use my mana for rezing as much as i can, even though of the peeps have insulted me more than enough long or short time ago. and sometimes even get bitched about that i rezzed, because im pally, u ever thought what that feels like???


tone your posts down, that's unnecessarily abusive.
hmm, maybe on your opinion, but after what happened to me, i counted to 50 and made a post, should counted 100, admitting

As each Day passes u continue to insult more and more Albs.

well sometimes my meter comes full 2, i have eaten shit and insults to me 10000000000000 times more than i give sometimes back, and when i give something to return, u call me a twat?
maybe i act like it sometimes, and i do it even so that i know it , and i know its damn irritating, but i do it for something, i dont know the english word....but meaning to do so is to make peeps angry and pissed, and after few days/ weeks they know why i did it....some kind of psykologic, cant specifie that in english

But by my reckoning an equal amount think you are a Twat !!

i dont care

Its true some Albs think u r so cool !!

i dont care that either

my doings aint for me, i dont do things because they would advance me.
i do them for other reasons, if u dont know what it is, then i cant help it

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Merge some alliances

Wont work, because only thing most of albs r posting to different AC's is "Dont Spam" or they post on AC something about bananas.


Myyrdin is undefendable.

so what, this aint about myrrdin, its about THIS

Let's see some strategy, some actual sense of honour and it might be fun... Stop whining and start thinking about how you play.

this BW is just flaming/moaning site where every1 moans on something

and when i do it for let some steam out, u all take it so seriously

Fin out

P.S. and if i offended some1, i say sorry to u, i hear is selling Finglish-English dictionary


Originally posted by old.Odysseus
Konah I agree with u 100%, more rvr in hadrians is the best safety we can have.
I even made a post about it - which got...
<hold breath>

an astonishing _2_ replies...

Shows what is most important to the majority of albs; emain ganking or our relics.

Totally agreed. BUT..


No roads, lots of aggro.. no one comes in alb-frontier :(


If the goal is to defend a power relic, I see moving the rvr to hadrians as only plausible solution.

We have seen before that watching Myrrd itself isnt enuf.


Originally posted by Aussie-
both hib relics are like 2 mins away from their frontierkeep
Our myrddin is at the other side of the map in a corner.
why do you think they went of our power relic and didnt took their strenght relic back.
myrddin is just ubereasy to take.

That... aaand 50% of hibies are casters? Oo


Originally posted by old.Fangrim
Qriginally posted by Lanshark

Umm Chera... I just said I don't do RvR much... Which is why I don't roam our frontiers either. I don't like to do exping in Had's or Pennines. The chance of getting killed by something uncontrollable (read: Mids or Hibs) is too large for me to do it.

RvRing sucks everywhere for me. I am sorry, I don't like RvR as it's going right now - so I guess I must be some kind of demented freak or what? Seems like if you're not an RvR person, you're a bad player, according to the posts here.

Have anyone ever thought of the possibility that there IS other things than RvRing in this game? If you want to go do RvR, fine! But leave me to choose NOT to! (And I promise you I won't nag about losing relics or keeps).

I DO enjoy RvRing when I'm in the mood, but sadly, that mood's becoming rarer and rarer, as everytime I GET in that mood, it's quickly taken away from me by a mezzer or a zerg, or a bunch of Albs yelling at each other, each trying to be in charge.

As long as people doesn't know how to follow orders, how can we expect to be successful?

Me too mate, me too.

I now go to uppland, or likely, if i want to rvr.

Remember the tie, when u ran around in emain for hours, without meeting enemies? And finally u met a ranger which was soloing, fun fun fun :).

Anyway, started to craft, and u are more than welcome to come sit next to me. :)

Fin: God you are even worser than Karam.


/emote posts something in the hope that next time someone goes fishing, they don't catch a 'FinTheSensitive OnForums' again :clap:



Fin: God you are even worser than Karam

Stop picking my nose every single time, get some1 else to bug.

now get ow my back u T...

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