I would like to take this oppertunity to write a little presentation of Smacksterius.
Smacksterius was created in the euro open beta, and reached the level 16 (+/- a few, cant remember). He was a glorius trispec, mostly because i had no idea what skills to train (i guess noone really had back then) I remember that i had a huge runemaster envy, when i saw a (guessing again) RC rm bolting his way to famous outside vindsaul while exping at some fairy lookalike mobs there (dont know what they are called, havent been there in ages). But whats made Daoc stick for me was the action in Nisse´s Lair. Exping in Nisse´s and once in a while reaching Nisses Room with the zerg is probably the most rewarding gaming experience i ever had. I know memory tends to distort the bad things and you only recall the good things, but in nisses there werent any bad thing, everything was pure fun
At the time beeing, I studied at the university, and my study moral has always been low, so i knew that starting to play Daoc wouldnt be the best thing to do, so i waited.
A while after i finished at Uni i decided to buy my copy of Daoc and let Smacksterius loose once again. I got my copy at the same day there began to be some trouble with the subscription pages or something along that line. I just remember that i was quite annoyed because it took a week or so til i could get online and play. This must have been sep-oct? 03. I wasnt allowed to roll a BD or a Savage by my guild, because they were to OP and i would be considered to be a chicken (aaah the irony) so Smacksterius respawned as a Spiritmaster again. I started out as full darkness spec, but was forced to spec Supp at 20 by my guild, because dark was gimped and nobody would like me etc etc. (When im saying my guild, its really just one person, same person that stated the rule, "no trolls ever" making our guild having gimp tanks) Exping was quite a breeze, we had two other Supp SMs in the running to so malmo made my trip to 50 pretty easy.
So it was out in emain and start to rip things to pieces. I here noticed the drawback with daoc, its fking boring to sit at the pk looking for groups. So i started to solo a bit. Started to die alot. Here my guild Das Liebers had its peak thou (atleast during my daoc time) we actually got a set group going. We were gonna run a pbae group (probably MM inspired), only problem was that we had one SM to much and no skald. So i rolled a skald and problem was solved. This wasnt so long time before toa was getting released.(Dont know how many runs we did actually, think you could count them on one hand, ToA came and killed us) But i still had the problem of having to yell LFG at the pk when there wasnt any guildmembers online. So i figured if i had the skald for group play, i could respec my SM to darkness for soloplay, MoC+LT must be a good combo right? At the time beeing i knew 1 Dark SM, Roo, was probably more but wasnt that many. Then toa hit europe, and casters got love, and alot of it. I tried to stay out from the ToA frenzy and just enjoy the game and not worring about getting all the artifacts and all the MLs. It took me 10 months to get the cookie cutter caster template, and 12 months to get ml10, but i have never really felt so sick about ToA as i know others have. Not much left to say, still enjoying the game, even thou its frustrating from time til time to be a speedless class out in the open. But then again, it must be pretty frustrating to be on the reciving end of a intercepting pet or a mocLT combo
Again thanks for all the replys and remember, its just a game, enjoy it
I ran into you a couple of times in OF/TOA with my infil and well it was death often . Think I killed you once orso cause I was lucky with CD crit just when you mocced
you always moc ADMIT IT
Grats and keep having fun with your char
Note: I just started mid on a us server cause bored of Lancelot action heh and I tried the RM RC to like lvl 22 solo and it was just soo funny doublebolting
I just noticed you got rr10 when I met you near DC t4 today. We have had quite a few long and interesting caster duels lately, congratulations! Well deserved.
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