Grats to jupiter on RR8


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Presidentti Kekkonen pyrki osaltaan ylläpitämään ja kannustamaan kulttuurielämän kehitystä. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti liikuntakulttuurin harrastajana, mutta hän tunsi aktiivista kiinnostusta myös taiteisiin, etenkin sanataiteeseen, jonka erinomainen osaaja hän itsekin oli. Erityisen panoksen hän antoi tieteen ja tutkimuksen voimavarojen kehitykseen, mikä tärkeällä tavalla loi Suomen ja myös sen alueiden menestysedellytyksiä. Voimme siis liittää myös sivistyselämän kehityksen siihen, mikä Kekkosen elämäntyössä ja laajemminkin Suomen linjassa on pysyvää.

Avointen rajojen ja markkinoiden maailmassa kansakunnan tärkein voimavara on henkinen. Elämme ennen muuta avoimuutemme, rohkeutemme, luovuutemme, päättäväisyytemme, osaamisemme ja niin keskinäisen kuin ulkoisenkin yhteistyökykymme varassa. Sivistys on kansakunnan menestymisen edellytys, mutta - ja tämäkin on syytä muistaa - samalla sen yksi perimmäinen tarkoitus.

Urho Kekkosen elämänvaiheisiin liittyi usein suurta symboliikkaa. Yksi tällainen asia on hänen syntymävuotensa, tasaluku 1900. Koko 1900-luku oli Suomessa siten eräällä tavalla Kekkosen vuosisata. Hän varttui yhdessä nuoren kansakunnan kanssa, oli mukana sen eri kriisivaiheissa, näki koulutustason nousun ja taloudellisen vaurastumisen. Hänen pitkä poliittinen toimintansa ajoittui kauteen, jolloin valtio oli suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa voimakkaimmillaan. Kekkosen vuosisatansa ei päättynyt hänen kuolemaansa 1986, sillä muutos Euroopassa kohti vapautta, demokratiaa ja yhteistyötä, jonka sen jälkeen olemme nähneet, oli samalla myös hänen elämäntyönsä täyttymys.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger


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One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Jupiter revealed in his majesty!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
no1 gives a fuck abot jupiter... fuck his RR8 who cares

bring on teh shroooooooooooooms loch sept and p0x :D:D:D give more shroooms!! :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
There was once a great order of shrooms, named the Great Red Order, who made their main cathedral headquarters deep inside the green land of Shroomernia.For a long while they lived a happy life, randomly being shrooms and stuff, and occasionanly being grappled by unmentioned wardens, while the world revolved around itself outside of them. Now, one day, the Head Shroomer, as the leader of the order was known, decided to redecorate their cathedral, from red to bloo. So, being very direct, he went out and bought enough paint to cover the cathedral once, then left half of the order painting while he took the other half to the pub. After spending a good 5 hours getting very shroomily happy and beating up a few grapplers, they returned to find, horror!! the cathedral had been repainted but then a rival order of Grapplers Ltd had massacred the clergyshrooms and all the blood had sprayed up onto the walls, making them red again. So, the Head Shroomer, after suitable burials, once again went and bought paint, repainted the hall and left half the order to guard the great cathedral while the other half went to get drunk.

Sadly, on their return, they once again found their shroom comrades murdered and the halls covered with red blood again. The cycle continued for a long while, the order gradually diminishing until only the Head Shroomer was left alive. Being of a persisent if unimaginative race, the Head Shroom went out and bought paint once more, repainted the halls bloo and sat down, guarding the halls. Much to his suprise, a lone Grappler strode into the hall, armed with a machete! Now, while the Head Shroomer was still a shroom, he was slightly more intelligent than his brethren, so he ran as fast as his little.. stalks, could carry him, jumped on his bike and rode out of the hall, not pausing to notice the Grappler's bike leaning up outside. So! the chase was on, each straining to gain a lead or lessen the gap respectively. Now, both being fully intent on the chase, they had failed to notice a dead end coming up, over a 1000ft cliff no less! The Head Shroomer looked up to see the cliff and slammed down on his brakes, only just pausing at the cliff edge in time. He looked around and saw the Grappler try the same, but while he watched the Grappler never stopped enough, and flew over the cliff, to his death on the rocks below. The Shroomer, seeing this, sighed to itself and went back home and rebuilt his order, and never again repainted their halls.

And the moral of the story is!

Always check your brakes before leaving the house


Apr 5, 2004
Jupiter said:
yeah elendar come rl meet ur goona b my bitch for the nite:))))

thatd be fun. grappled in a corner being told endless storys about shrooms


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
Jjuraa said:
thatd be fun. grappled in a corner being told endless storys about shrooms

i feel special :)
although having someone hugging my ankles all night screaming grapple, grapple, grapple, grapple, might get boring
at least fireball, fireball, fireball! involves movement


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Elendar said:
i feel special :)
although having someone hugging my ankles all night screaming grapple, grapple, grapple, grapple, might get boring
at least fireball, fireball, fireball! involves movement

unless u 8 foot 3 i aint gonna b around ur ankles m8, can u squeal like a pig????


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Jupiter said:
unless u 8 foot 3 i aint gonna b around ur ankles m8, can u squeal like a pig????

less trying to cybor my bitch!! :( hands off!!
<snuggles elen>


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Onto a more pertinent question..

Got shrooms?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
nice too see all the ex prydwen tossers turning up, good to see u guys, u know i really luv u all, but hey havent u all grown up and moved on or u cant let go of the past when once u were probably great.... hahha i piss on yer graves tbh.... pleased to meet u, hope u guessed my name, ohhh what bustling u is the nature of my nameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee get down babeeeeeeeeeee


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Now it’s not time to make a shroom
Just relax, take it slowly.
You’re still naff, that’s your fault,
Grappling is the only thing you know.
Find a tank, settle down,
Now we know that you’ll just grapple.
Look at it, it is rooted, and unhappy

Daoc was once as good as WoW, but I know that it’s not easy,
To grapple shit, when other stuff is going
But take your time, think a lot,
Then press that button, the little dot
For you will still be here tomorrow, and so will they unless something else comes along and kills you!.

How can I try to explain, when all you do is grapple.
And it’s always been the same, same old story.
From the moment you could RvR, you were old enough to grapple.
Now there’s a way and you know that you have to go away.
I know that you have to go.

Now it’s not time to make a shroom
Just relax, take it slowly.
You’re still naff, that’s your fault,
Grappling is the only thing you know.
Find a tank, settle down,
Now we know that you’ll just grapple.
Look at it, it is rooted, and unhappy

All the times that I cried, pbaoe, grappled inside,
Grapples hard, but it’s harder to just shroom it [irony].
If you were good, I’d agree, but you’re just a random grapplepeon
Now there’s a way and I know that you have to go away.
Preferably to tanganika.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Jupiter said:
nice too see all the ex prydwen tossers turning up, good to see u guys, u know i really luv u all, but hey havent u all grown up and moved on or u cant let go of the past when once u were probably great.... hahha i piss on yer graves tbh.... pleased to meet u, hope u guessed my name, ohhh what bustling u is the nature of my nameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee get down babeeeeeeeeeee

who asked you? :twak: silly shrooooooooooomer


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Sparrow said:

Love at first sight?

amg what i'm supposed to be afraid..... hahahah i'm as big and fucking ugly as a troll m8... septina batardsing a joseph islam/ronan keating song wouldnt suprise me tbh u been bastardising this game long enough... but ty for ur gratz i still luv y'all... as bubble says jesus luvs ya

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