Grats popov 1000+ SC



Hahahaha Piotr, you are funny.. silly noob
Am i the only one accusing? Damn idiot, its obvious that he uses a prog to do this, everyone knows there is one. Saw his buffbot stand at the spellcrafting table when he was in rvr with Popov, GG.


Originally posted by Carn-
Hahahaha Piotr, you are funny.. silly noob
Am i the only one accusing? Damn idiot, its obvious that he uses a prog to do this, everyone knows there is one. Saw his buffbot stand at the spellcrafting table when he was in rvr with Popov, GG.

erm lol?

1) He crafts with his alt Bobafrets who is on same account as Popov.
2) He has not been RvRing since the day before patch afaik.
3) His "buffbot" his a friends account who is not playing atm which he uses to help him carry stuff.

Stop lying :lol:


Originally posted by Carn-
Hahahaha Piotr, you are funny.. silly noob
Am i the only one accusing? Damn idiot, its obvious that he uses a prog to do this, everyone knows there is one. Saw his buffbot stand at the spellcrafting table when he was in rvr with Popov, GG.

The crafter char is on same account with Popov, you silly wanker :)


Isn't popov the char a 1100+ tailor?

Thought it was strange to get rid of that for another craft :)


Originally posted by Wuren
1) He crafts with his alt Bobafrets who is on same account as Popov.

Read before you post, etc :)


grats and if you used a bot program then uber grats you wouldnt feel the need to if goa made the fuckign game fun instead of a who has the most time on there hands contest if i could cheat on crafting i would if i could cheat on xping id be tempted and if i could cheat at rvr i wouldnt cos then it affects other people

why couldnt mythic had made crafting fun in some way ...?
least then the time you put into it would seem fun ...

and why are sad little people saying things like i expect a hibbie to cheat ... so if i play on alb pryd as well that auto makes me a non cheater ... lllllOOOOOOLLLLLLL ::) :(

have a nice day ye all


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu

Waiting for GoA/Mythic to fix the realm respec issue

you mean a pala respec so you can get the endurance chant ? ;]

Tank Init

Unless it he was crafting 24/7 since patch ( possibly 3+ ppl playing the account? )

aint other ppl playing your account breaking the CoC and god help him if he decides now to leave the guild hes in ( wonders how many ppl got is password) can see another account been hacked in the future


Originally posted by cjkaceBM

Not bad.

Try 99% AF102 RF legs.
+16 str
+16 dex
+16 quick
9% body

32/28 = 4 point overcharge by a 756 Spellcrafter using 2 x 99%, 1 x 97%, 1 x 96%

13% chance of success.

CJ,, That the wep I imbued right? well erm,, im still 725 sc ;) so I wudve been about 650 when I imbued that :p

so thats 8% chance ;)


Firstly, grats Popov.
Secondly, hahahah @ Glottis, you truly are a sad git.


oh well even if it is on his char on his main account i still think he uses some kind of prog, everyone else that been crafting as much dont have the same amount, but what do i know of


Originally posted by bracken_woodman

Did he hit a raw nerve :confused:

would you be pissed off if you crafted 12hours a day intensively since patch and then someone accused you of cheating :uhoh:

grats to popov imo. he's a 1100+ crafter already so i imagine he knows the optimal ways to craft fast :)


Originally posted by Carn-
oh well even if it is on his char on his main account i still think he uses some kind of prog, everyone else that been crafting as much dont have the same amount, but what do i know of

Not much about this really, Albs first Spellcrafter hit 1000+ about 24 hours later yet I dont hear anyone screaming "CHEATZ0rR!1". I can only tell we had it paid already and I know for fact Popov been online almost 24/7 and crafting trying to get it as fast as possible. He hasnt been playing Popov at all except the few times I forced him to make some tailoring stuff for me.

People will always be jealous on other who does things better/first/before so im not really suprised to see stuff like this.


Originally posted by Arrows
why couldnt mythic had made crafting fun in some way ...?

More of a question of how than why.


Wuren im not jealous really, i dont craft and will never ever be crafting either, im alting so why should i be jealous :p
What im saying is that i could have been some haxx prog, as i know there is some availble out there, and have seen screens on it to, well well...


Originally posted by Carn-
Wuren im not jealous really, i dont craft and will never ever be crafting either, im alting so why should i be jealous :p
What im saying is that i could have been some haxx prog, as i know there is some availble out there, and have seen screens on it to, well well...

Stop trying to cover your tracks, it's annoying.


You said this guy used hacks, then got flamed and backed off, and don't give me that eh? shit because you know perfectly well what Im talking about.


grats and if you used a bot program then uber grats you wouldnt feel the need to if goa made the fuckign game fun instead of a who has the most time on there hands contest if i could cheat on crafting i would if i could cheat on xping id be tempted and if i could cheat at rvr i wouldnt cos then it affects other people

aww, when the HELL will you tards understand that GOA hasnt made this game?

Gah, the inability for you to understand things piss me off

FYI: .&, =your friend at the end.



A bit late, But GRATZ and thanks for imbuing my stuff :)

And to everyone accusing him for cheating.

His bot must then also be able to answear sends at any time of day within 1 min.

I know he saved alot of time by using another acc to buy materials while crafting on the other.

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