tsolias my long lost love.. we have had so much fun roleplaying and hugging, i also had mucho fun 2shotting u all the way to rr8 now u actually stand a chance, great person, keep up the good work.
Gratzzzzzzz i wanted to make the ding gratzz thread but i see that some1 else got me first.... Atm i am wayyyyyyyyyyyyy to drunk so the truth will speak up its self... before a couple a years i started daoc and i was simple a pure hunter... but Tsolias took me under his wings and guided to that i am atm...good player AWESOME real life friend (and yes even when he his pissed off) i wish every daoc player had a Tsol to his side.... i wont forget the nights i have spend playing lan with him and have the laugh of my life... i hope bro to keep up contact tilll the late years of our lifes...What can i say for my beloved tsol?? he is always there for u... helping u with ur pve ..... ur ra setup ... even he is there to talk for real life probs.... an examble for a TRUE Guild master...I think knowing u made me a better person bro.....
Over and out .... the gimp that was sitting at pc31 that fucking night....
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