Grats Eeeekamouse


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
TriggerHappy said:
jazzzz= eeek ?
can someone clear this up for meh pls ?

ye it goes like this, wen a man loves a woman..:twak:
STOP ADDING ON ME FFS...zzz real leet there m8, i got my master soldier by adding on everything...great /clap


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
(invisibletank) said:
ye it goes like this, wen a man loves a woman..:twak:
STOP ADDING ON ME FFS...zzz real leet there m8, i got my master soldier by adding on everything...great /clap

Wow...and the answer to eeek=jazzz is ?

Mate ur a fookin noob, wtf u jumped of the ck wall, u were on less than a hp actually couldnt see ne life on ya and i tapped u for KS... wat a gimp u would have been killed by and NPC scout or one of the 50 infs outside...

and u FOOOOKING NOOB came on to HB with a zerg of /lvl20's while there were 6 of us on bridge all sittin unstealthed or wateva,everyone od the random 20`s and people who crossed /waved and continued on to get farmed... but no there had to be one fkn noob (unless ur to slow to get this i mean u ) had to stop in the middle of the bridge and start nukin me.... had to kill me did'nt u ya fookin noob, well ur a gimp and i swear i will kill u everytime i see u in thid, if u think i add on u mate u would be suprised the amount of times ive let u off cause we are irl mates, but no more mate no fookin way,

and if i get master soldier its cause my toon is done out very well and most the infs in thid will back me up, well the duelin ones, and i do not add on fights, just on u, ask most on this forum how many times i have unstealthed /hugged and stealthed again....

also FAO incisers you are a true gent mate, ty for not only not addin last night but for also not killin me, wen them 2 infs popped u i gotta say mate nice work, wen another scout and inf added mate i was only tryin to help by killin the scout was'nt sure if u could take all 4 :p nice work mate /salute


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
k well still neva seen this eeekmouse guy. does he camp ck or ?
actually nvm im sure ill come across him :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
TriggerHappy said:
also FAO incisers you are a true gent mate, ty for not only not addin last night but for also not killin me, wen them 2 infs popped u i gotta say mate nice work, wen another scout and inf added mate i was only tryin to help by killin the scout was'nt sure if u could take all 4 :p nice work mate /salute

Thanks for the mention, I make it a point to not add, nice to get some 1vs 1 fights tbh.

Usually the one being added on by the fg hibs that appears from behind me, like last night when i waved at you and then you were steamrolled :(


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
When I last saw eeeek online he said he was taking a break and gonna do something else for a while .

So I wish he a super duper holiday :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
TriggerHappy said:
u would be suprised the amount of times ive let u off cause we are irl mates, but no more mate no fookin way,

I do hope u mean - but no more mate as in youre not gonna let him off anymore and not - but no more as in now your not mates in real life because that would be pretty pathetic over a computer game lol.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
knighthood said:
I do hope u mean - but no more mate as in youre not gonna let him off anymore and not - but no more as in now your not mates in real life because that would be pretty pathetic over a computer game lol.

no i mean im gonan add on everything :p
ahh cutri do u play alb also ? or a stealther ?
i remember last nite someone waving to me in alb land before i got steamrolled :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
TriggerHappy said:
ahh cutri do u play alb also ? or a stealther ?
i remember last nite someone waving to me in alb land before i got steamrolled :p

Nah I play Incisers, the Vamp :)

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