Graphics Card (video card) which is best out?



Hi whats the recognised best graphics card out there for under £140 (have a 8x motherboard)


what does that mean ? is that an actually physical card or just a chipset?


Geforce4 Ti4200, and it's a chipset rather than a specific card. Probably the fastest gf4ti4200-based card on the market atm is from Asus.

Madonion Slicer

ATI Radeon 9500 PRO, for the money will blow the GF4 Ti range out of the water. check here to read up on the cards, but for that kind of money i would go 9500PRO, if you can stretch it a little further get the 9700NP.


RADEON™ 9500 PRO it is thanks very much


Originally posted by Madonion Slicer
ATI Radeon 9500 PRO, for the money will blow the GF4 Ti range out of the water. check here to read up on the cards, but for that kind of money i would go 9500PRO, if you can stretch it a little further get the 9700NP.

lol ignore benchmarks since both ATI and Nvidia have been found cheating, making custom drivers for use with the benchmark programs. Sacrificing quality for performance :D


planning on geting the 5900 serie at some point. not yet tho

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by DocWolfe
no one got a GeForceFX yet?

Was going to get one but the store didnt have the full range, and the ti 4200 was better :p

Ninth Dimension

My vote has to be for the GeForce 4 Ti Range, I've got the 4400 atm, but would have gone higher if my budget had allowed it.

old.Gombur Glodson

The difference between ti4200 and 4800 is minimal for your information.


never buy the best, stick to the second best :) unless you have lots of money ofc :)


I have a 5900. With my 3.06GHz hyperthreaded cpu and fast memory, my system is speedy indeedy.

I still get lag but that's due to the shiteness that is NetImmerse 4.



Originally posted by DocWolfe
no one got a GeForceFX yet?
If you like to play with those hearing protection thingies on then its ok.. I seen one in action.. its as noicy as american V8 engine ffs


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
If you like to play with those hearing protection thingies on then its ok.. I seen one in action.. its as noicy as american V8 engine ffs

You're thinking of the 5800, the 5900 is much quieter.

Madonion Slicer


One set of drivers was released for the 3dmark03 engine which increased score for that one benchmark, which has now been patched and fixed. How about reading the full story before making a comment. is still the best place for graphic card information and 3dmark03 is the only way to bench a system for graphics.


FutureMark / Nvidia / Ati

Erm MadOnion, apt name for quote ;)

Its not one set of drivers, this is just one instance of long running argument between the 3 of them. It all started back in 2001 with Ati modding the 2.1 cats (if i remember correctly) for Quake 3.

As it has been pointed out ALOT in recent reviews, simulated benching is only useful for working out stress and limits of a card. Where as to get a real world gaming perspective, you need to test 4 randomly chosen games and actually run multiple session tests to get ave. scores for each card.

As to which card is best. For DaOC, your looking at 9500 Pro Ati with softmod to 9700 and then a bios update, or a Geforce ti4600 chipset card. You really dont need AGPx8, as we have only just got to bandwidth of x4 and thats with UT2003. If you are thinking about running DOOM III or anything planned for after October this year i would suggest waiting till July and getting a 5900 Geforce FX card or a ATi card based on the redesign of the R350 being currently listed as R360 modded chipset .

Although graphic's cards are not everything. There was quite an extensive test on Soundcards not long back, the came to the conculsion. That you really do need a decent one and not to rely on the chipset on your mobo. As that really does drag down your performance of your machine. For DaOC i was starting to think that HDD speed wasn't really needed. But then you only need to notice the accesses it does in RVR. Seeing as it is both reading and writing sometimes, having RAID would really be nice.

In Sept. i intend to update my system.

My current spec is:

AMD 2600+
Asus A7N8X deluxe Mobo,
1.5 gig PC2700 RAM, Corsair XMS Platinum
Geforce ti4600,
M-audio Rev 7.1 Soundcard
2*60 Gig Seagate Barracuda's 7200, 8meg cache

The above runs two copies of DaOC with 0 slow down in RVR

It will be:

Nforce 3 based Mobo
2 Gig of PC3500 ram
Geforce 5900 or Ati R360 card
(most probably Nvidia due to driver support)
M-Audio Rev 7.1 Soundcard
2*120 Gig Seagate SATA drives, 10k rpm.

I*Disclaimer, its 6.48am, and its then end of my night shift, so if spelling is crap then thats becoz.


GeForce FX 5400 (i think thats the one.. 119 quid)


Sapphire Radeon 9000 PRO 128 for £80 rocks my world. Was gonna go for a ti4200 but £130 ie £50 more no thankyou. The radeon may perform slightly less but for 20 beers or 10 blowjobs or an extra stick of 512 mb ram Ill pocket the £50 and stick with my pro.


Originally posted by Rasp
I have a 5900. With my 3.06GHz hyperthreaded cpu and fast memory, my system is speedy indeedy.
Gf2mx400 + 1.33ghz cpu, phear!


for that price range ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB. But shop around now the UBER MONSTER new radones are out the 9700 Pros might drop in price, dont think they are much more than 170 as it is.

I wouldent go near nvidia for a while, they stunk up the place with all their ranges of shit cards and fucked up detonators drivers every week, they appear to have become the new ATI! and ATI pulled their fingers out their arses, sorted their drivers and now have some VERY sexual cards indeed, just got a 9800 pro which is very nice indeed.

Another range of nvidia cards are on the way tho, very high spec and performance but even higher price (built on water cooling). If people dont buy these i can see nvidia being in deep shit. Gfx cards should never hit 600smackers. If nvidia want 600quid from me i expect a free 3ghz cpu and mobo and a shitload of ram + the gfx card!



nerf is make worse, no we want better thanks....

Nvidia are not releasing water-cooled gfx cards, they do not actually sell gfx cards to the mainstream market. The water-cooled option card, is gainward building something special for enthusiasts. Which is only copying what so many mod-experts have been doing for over a year now to gfx cards.

The FX series of cards, is exceptional series. Its just slightly ahead of the market, as the 9800 Pro is. There are not any real dx9 games yet. You wont see many until the end of the year. Thats when these cards will start to stamp all over the dx8 cards. What the 5900 FX has over the 9800 Pro is Intellisample HCT, which decreases bandwidth requirements from bus to memory by using enhanced compression routines. Ati will pick this kinda compression up soon, probably by R400.

Things you need to remember about Nvidia, are when they go from card series to card series they go too far to quick every time. The first card they release, is nearly always a prototype model and then they decrease to the clock speeds to actually make it stable. But those that have had everything from the first RIVA 128 cards, its been the norm are use to this practice and avoid the first model and opt for the second edition in the series.

There are further things to be point out as well. Nvidia are not just in the gfx market they build chipsets in all sectors now. And by doing this, you are best sticking with an nvidia card if your mainboard is an nforce chipset. As its going to talk better with it. Nearly everyone agree's the Asus nforce2 board is the best AMD board on the market. And so its a sweet gaming combo to use.

All in all Nvidia have alot of money siting in the bank to move a lightyear in front of competion when something presents itself. In the first quarter alone they put 60 million back into research.

As to dets, week in week out. I dont think so. You only get an official det release probably every 4-6 months. Sure there are alot of beta det releases. But unless you know what you are doing. You shouldn't play with test drivers. The exception came in the last month with 2 det releases. But that was to be expected, as they 43.51 dets were based around the geforce4 family and the 44.03 dets were based around the geforce fx family. Ati have never got there cats to smile. The amount of times cats have failed to work on games are obsence. When you can't issue a set of drivers that work with the biggest multiplayer FPS engine around you have problems in your programming department. It came down to Valve to write a patch for the game to work with the card. When it should be the otherway around, when it worked on the previous cats and they stopped on the new cats. To be honest you can see why nvidia went around making sure they helped out big game software houses, Mythic included. So there cards work all the time with games. I've never had a single problem with a game and a nvidia card. Yet i've had problems with ati cards.

As for the price matter, you can blame alot of the pricing on the OEM's and shops. I know the 5800 FX was only 100 quid to buy by most retailers, yet they sell it for 250-350 quid. When things are in sort supply, you will get a feeding frenzy. And silicone is currently at a low yield, not to mention SARS impacting on freight charges. As for the estimated price on a 5900 256mb card, its expected to enter the market at $499, so 350quid. Currently the 9800 Pro 256mb is at $496 or £350 for the 128mb version in the UK. You need to remember these cards are not suppose to be for everyone. They are enthusiast cards, for those people with high spec machines and money to burn *cough*me*cough*. If you want a good card for cheap money, the FX5600 256mb card is only $186/£139 currently and will last you for over a year without suffering while playing.

Dont get me wrong, i want ATi to do well, it pushes the market forward. Two companies fighting makes for a better time for us. Esp. seeing as my gamecube crashes once in a while because there is a defect in the ATi chipsets for gamegubes.

I'm at work and bored, so i thought i'd rabble ;)


Just bought a Ti4800, runs like a dream. Also got a FX5200 on 2nd PC, and for a £60 card is damn spinky.

Dont get a Radeon they really do suck balls, ATI drivers support is crap.


Oi I love my radeon performs perfectly well.


Originally posted by kameh
lol ignore benchmarks since both ATI and Nvidia have been found cheating, making custom drivers for use with the benchmark programs. Sacrificing quality for performance :D
futuremark released a patch sometime last month and cought ATI & n'VIDIA with their trowsers down. (meaning - should fix it)


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Just bought a Ti4800, runs like a dream. Also got a FX5200 on 2nd PC, and for a £60 card is damn spinky.

Dont get a Radeon they really do suck balls, ATI drivers support is crap.

Nothing wrong however with, for example, Hercules drivers.

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