Grannoid the wanker



Tking - Wrong
abusive/racist - Wrong
Making Teams Uneven - Wrong

The servers are for the public(Gaming) to play on but they are owned by BW and thus are subject to certain standards of play. These standards are maintained by admins and thus, should they see fit, can kick and ban players.


Is camping wrong Embattle? Should a player be kicked for it?

Is using the automatic shotgun wrong? Hell, probably as many people get annoyed by it as do by campers. Should people using the auto shottie be kicked?

Some people intentionally 'unbalance' teams to actually make the game more fair. Eg 8 CTs playing 8 T's, and the Ts are being absolutely annihilated every round. If I was a CT, I would probably switch to the T team (certainly if it was 9v8). Should I be kicked from the server?


Originally posted by Embattle
should they see fit

I have noticed something about camping and this is my conclusion on how most people view it. When others do it, its camping but when I do it, its tactics ;)


I gotta agree that it is a little off to kick people for "insignificant" reasons when they are legitimate methods of play (camping, etc) or kicking people for balancing out the gameplay of what is obviously an unbalanced game (even if the sides end up uneven in numbers).

But I firmly believe that people who join the Barrysworld friendly-fire CS server and proceed to deliberately spend the whole of their time there either killing or "weakening" teammates (especially at the start of the round in the spawn room which is just so blatent there is no excuse for it) is just so lame that it deserves being kicked for.

There is no legitimate reason for it. True, the "well, go play on a non-ff server if you don't like it" argument could be waved but I personally enjoy the friendly-fire server. It makes (normal) people less spammy and watch their fire and it's a good way to train yourself to do the same for league matches when the rest clan isn't around. So if someone is on there spoiling my enjoyment by deliberately being an arsehole then I'm certainly going to nip off to #barrysworld and get someone to have a look and, if they persist, kick them.

I have no comment on the ins-and-outs of BagPuss and Granny - only they will remember what went on and their recollections differ - but in general yes yes yes kick persistent deliberate teamkillers but no no no don't kick people for "tactical" maneuvers like camping. Never kicking people and leaving things be isn't wise imo otherwise some of these persistently annoying types will be on there all night...


god bagpuss you really are a sad, depressing grumpy old bag of fur aren't you? Get over it for gods sake, it was a 1 hour ban, how long has this thread gone on? You've only made yourself look like a right whining wanker.

sort yer life out and shut the hell up.

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