Grannoid the wanker



Watch out for this prick .He decided that he was going ot have some tk fun and he and mistacoopa started tk war.Then the sad cunt decided that since i shot him once with usp that I was tking and i was banned from server.

Not funny at all as I was having a good game with some nice guys for a change..until this tosser showed up.

Just warning yaz.

{{**Flame on**}}


Erm hello?

I was in #BarrysWorld the other night and someone came in saying there was a TK'er on the public FF server. So I don my admin hat and head off to the server - sure enough when I got there 2 or 3 people were gleefully wiping out their own team at the start of the round.

I kicked the 2 obvious culprits then settled down to see if anyone else was at it. Sure enough, next round 2 more people start it up, including you BagPuss, so I did my duty and cleared the offenders off so that people could play in peace. When certain people re-joined the server after being kicked and promptly started TK'ing again I resorted to a couple of 1 hour bans, of which you were one BagPuss.

You were kicked and banned because you repeatedly TK'ed even after being made aware that an admin was on the server. Now you may say "but I was only TK'ing people who started TK'ing me" but when you knew there was an admin on the server who was actively kicking TK'ers it was obviously the wrong response wasn't it?

I suggest you're more careful and considerate in future and if you are being bothered by TK'ers then simply come into #BarrysWorld and request some help from an admin.

As for any other TK'ers out there - you have been warned, you *will* get kicked if you TK. If you persist you *will* receive a time-limited ban. If you *still* persist then we have no qualms about permanantly banning you by your WONid, OK?



Oh and I never once fired a shot until all the TK'ers were gone - maybe you should also pay more attention to who's doing the shooting before running your mouth off eh?



no you were shootin me and i returned fire.....i asked you not to kick me again ..and you did...

power went to your head didnt hang around long enough to see who was defending himself etc...

if you going to be admin then pay attention and be more considerate in future.


You know what I wouldn't do?

I wouldn't argue with an admin. Stupid. ;)


lol, stupid stripey cat thing (or was that the cheshire cat? :))...

get some skillz :D


Wow! that is an incredibly horrible picture.

I was going to come here and suggest that arguing with an admin, as long as you keep to a point and do not 'flame' them needlessly should be accepted. The whole premise that it is a bad idea to argue with admin would only go to prove that admin are doing things wrong and are incapable of defending themselves.

Why should an admin be allowed to state their case while you are not allowed to argue yours?


Well i cant say its the person but its definately the same mentallity.
I had to go onto the FF server to remove some people aswell
why do people not get it through their head that there are 13 other servers for people to accidently shoot a team member.
God knows i have done it a few times at first. when you dont know what team you look like or the enemy you shoot anything that moves, only when the bugger doesnt die ya realise hes ya team m8 :)

FF is aimed at those people who have a bit more skill and are aware of what their team and the enemy look like so others shouldn't go round killing team mates.

The answer to this problem is simple:
If you have a team m8 who is shooting you instead of sinking to their level you go and get an admin from #barrysworld on IRC that way we can remove the offending people and you are level headed enough to know that you can play happy knowing justice was served.

If you however decide to fire back then you are no better than them and will be removed if think about it and enjoy :)



Fair enough m8 but when the very first thing the admin does is say " i hear you are having some tk trouble?" and follows that with a burst of fire at ME ,a team mate..who has just been reduced to like 5 health several times over for feckin 10 rounds in a row...what am i going to do?? shoot the tking bastard because if hes shootin at me hes a was i toknow that the real tk er had been kicked ??? Grannoid fired at me first yet i got removed!!!!

Who gives admin right to kick who he wants without say in it first?? What about the fact he was still alive and so hadnt been tked and so i was kicked for shootin him but noi killin!..Does that mean we can get kicked now for hurting out poor didims admin???

Grannoid was way out of order..he kicked like 4 peeps that night ...there was only one guy out of order and if ,like he said,he had been there for a while he would have seen that.I had +kills not - and so shows that i was NOT tking.

This is the sort of guy that kicks someone who calls his buddy gay etc...and not for real reason! This is notthe first time Barryworld admin have been talked about... the more i play the more i hear peeps complaining bout how BW cheats them etc. "we were winning cause of blahblah who was kickin butt until this guy kicked him for being named blahblah! etc etc etc

It dont do BW any good.

I use BW dial up right no but i am looking for another quick way to conect after this...its fuckin shite. No one from BW will even consider that admin was wrong will they?? NO! Bout says it have been warned.



There isn't a "code of conduct" for admins, it is a general common sense principle. I'm not listed as a public admin or liason for CS, as i am neither, but i have rcon and do respond if somebody comes on irc asking to have a tker removed or something similar.

I also play a fair bit on our servers (CS is about the only game i play in public) and not often much on the FF server. I have kicked people for racism / spamming, and also for unbalancing sides to play on the same team as their clan. I understand people wanting to play on the same team with their clan m8s, but it can at times make the game vastly unfair on other people and is obvious when its people doing it intentionally and not just being ignorant.

Granny should have warned he was going to kick you, if he didn't then you have every right to be annoyed at him.


Just read all the above.
Very interesting and lucid points there.

One question:

WTF does TK mean?


LOL Bigfoot! I am now fully vented and calm now :)

Ono..TK(er)(ers)(ing) =Team Kill/Team Killer/Killers/killing


Actually Emb I wasn't joking.

Being someone that never does any "TK -ing" I would never have come across such a term.

Anyway, hardly play the FF server.



As usual my rotund friend bigfoot is wrong and there is a code of conduct for liasons. If you have not read it yet I suggest you read it.


Well i've never been shown it, and i'm a public admin for 2 / 3 games.


Sheesh, go away for a couple of days and you all get carried away on this thread :D

Nothing else to say about the event that started the thread in the first place - I've detailed what happened, no need to repeat myself.

Only things to clear up are that a) warnings were given - nobody was banned at all until after they persisted in TK'ing after the clear warnings, and that b) I have no problem at all with people arguing with me, you help yourselves, I have read and adhere to the BW admin/liason guidelines, it takes a lot more than that to deserve a kick ;)

old.Strangely Brown

I thought there was an automatic kicking (!) feature for repeat TKers built into CS:-

mp_autokick (default 1)
Enable automatic team-killer banning and idle client kicking.

Perhaps setting this will stop the tossers...



A valid argument you would think eh....that on FF server if I HAD been Tk'ing then why was I still in server with autokick on?? Grannoid you never once warned anyone that you were admin and that anyone who persisted in Tk'ing would be removd from server.Not once.

You joined near end of round ,in which I was still alive and had managed with the other guy alive,to win round for CT's.Your first action at start of next round was to put 2 or 3 bullets in me,in back of head,and then I was kicked.

Anyway..I'm bored with this now...I KNOW what you did and you were out of order..period.

/Goodnight Veinna


mp_autokick (default 1)
This only works if you kill the team mate. It is often the case that pricks on ff servers just take your health right down, therefore not invoking mp_autokick.
The admins have my full support on this. The TKer's are immature little boys who can't play well so just TK.

old.EVIL naz

Im not a TKer, thats all i have 2 say!

N.B. my comment is pointless! ;p


*whaaa whaaa* the mean man smacked my botty! Mummy do something!

Sheesh, get a f00kin grip man! So you were kicked, too bad, just hop on another server and get on with your life!

Amazes me the number of people who take up whining for a living and for some reason think the rest of us give a stuff.




You obviously do otherwise you wouldnt reply to this thread. And I am entitled to my opinions here.

Would you like to be kicked for fuck all???



In reality i think that the admin should never get involved, the other players in the game should group together and vote the disruptive player out.


hehehe, I'm used to these threads :)


This is notthe first time Barryworld admin have been talked about... the more i play the more i hear peeps complaining bout how BW cheats them etc. "we were winning cause of blahblah who was kickin butt until this guy kicked him for being named blahblah! etc etc etc

hehe, all too familiar - Difference is, granny had a reason :)




1) Every time I've spoken to/played granny he's seemed a reasonable chap. And he doesn't seem to have had much reason to shoot at you. I'd suggest you're probably mistaken.

2) Having said that, it seems to be that whenever an admin joins in on an 'incident' on a public server and starts throwing their weight about, it usually ends in tears. The public servers are exactly that - public. However annoying someone's activity on that server is, they have every right to be on there and play the game as anyone else. Otherwise where do you draw the line? Everyone might agree that TK'ing is very annoying... but changing sides to play on the same team as your clanmates (as bif said he had kicked people for)? What about camping (which Kryten has kicked people off BW Q2 servers for, although later admitting that it shouldn't have been done)? I think only if a player is being personally abusive/racist should they be removed from a server. At the end of the day, if the servers are to be public, then they should be just that.

Unless there is some kind of BW "code of conduct" for people using their servers that I haven't seen, that says you have to play in a particular manner and style authorised by BW.


Simple common sense dictates that they are their servers, with their staff running them, they are paying for 'em and if they want to set my arse on fire and make me dance the fandango when i'm playing they can, and I can either log off or put up with it.

It's not like there isn't a million servers out there to choose from.

Sure, it sucks to be kicked, but sheesh, I'm not paying for this service, I have no right to bitch or moan, i'm just happy there's a bunch of places I can enjoy my CS gaming.

Take a chill pill man, being an admin is hard enough, (like looking after kids 'he did it!' 'no he started it!') give the guy a break.


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