Grand Theft Auto 3



Maybe i should get a Ps2 before i get the games:eek:

Testin da Cable

thing I still hate:
  • if I tell my mates "heeh guys I gotta cool new poota game!!4" they go "that's nice"
  • if I tell my mates "heeh guys I gotta cool new ps/2 game!!4" they suddenly come 'round my place toting beer and crisps

Sir Frizz


imo, i dont see how this game could flop, alot of contreversial games in the past (ground breaking/original ie:carmageddon 1) sold by the bucketload because it was A) fun and B) Original. Both these points sell games like carma 1 and GTA1, the third incarnation will sell:cool:


Originally posted by SomeGuy
Looks like GTA3 will be released on the PC around March/April 2002. So they say.

They'll have to work hard to beat the likes of Colin McRae Rally 2 and Midtown Madness, imo.

It looks just like Carmageddon 2 and that was released three years ago. Doesn't have the polish of modern driving games. A flop on the PC, I reckon.

I cannot begin to fathom the logic behind an argument like this.

GTA3 will have to work hard to beat the likes of CMR2 and Midtown Madness?? Ah I see, you drive a car in it, obviously there's a direct comparison between the games. Perhaps we should compare Max Payne to Track & Field since both games clearly involve running!

You can't even really compare CMR2 with Midtown Madness despite the fact you drive a car in both games. One is a rally game, the other is a "drive around a US city" game.

And as for passing judgement on the graphics of a game that's not even been released yet, and isn't even anticipated for release until sometime in Q2 2002, well I'm not sure I even need to comment on that.

If the above graphics are anything like what we should expect on the PC version, then the game will fly off the shelves - I guarantee it.

Clearly you have never played any of the Grand Theft Auto games, otherwise you'd have a slightly more informed opinion with which to pass authoritative judgement off with.


Little side note, 'loose cannon' a game in the same vain as Gta3 is now Xbox only. Another shaft, leaves me wondering how long it will be before 'freelancer' gets stolen too:p


I agree with Durzel about that comment Someguy.

Moving Target

Originally posted by Durzel
You can't even really compare CMR2 with Midtown Madness despite the fact you drive a car in both games. One is a rally game, the other is a "drive around a US city" game.

Since when has London been a fucking "US city"?


speaking of london, the 'london 1969' addon for the original game was pretty good :)

the only bad thing if i rmember was that there were no roadblocks(i think there wernt), so it were a bit easy.


Yeah, that was cool. Like the mission where you gotta go blow up a football team's coach, steal a cab, pick up the midfielders, and deliver 'em to your boss for a beating. Classic stuff :)


Originally posted by Ono
So only Bee has it and he likes it yeah?

I like it alot, looks better on a TV screen compared to the screenshots.

Like most third-person games the camera is getting on my nerves!
Sometimes i havent a clue what and where im firing my gun at :/


Durzel, you patronising cnut.

You clearly missed my later post which said 'My views on this game has changed since I first posted in this thread.' I also said I appreciate that CMR2 and MM2 are different types of games. You miss that too?

Originally spouted by Durzel
You can't even really compare CMR2 with Midtown Madness despite the fact you drive a car in both games.

Um... Surely for that fact alone, you can, but I appreciate and had already pre-empted your point. In the context my comments were made I was referring to the technical aspect of these two games, not the types of games they were. CMR2 does an excellent job of providing a fast-paced driving experience, MM2 attempts to provide a greater level of freedom and, as you mention, career round cities.

GTA3 will have to work hard to improve both these aspects as it will touch on both of them. As the game has already been released on the PS2 I think the current screenshots give a reasonable indication of what the game will look like on the PC. Granted, it doesn't give you an indication of how the game will actually play, but that wasn't what I was talking about.

This is all largely irrelevant now as I had already changed my mind.

Same goes for you too, Embattle. :p

Downloaded a video of GTA3 and have to say that this is now on my 'eagerly anticipated' list after Medal of Honour: Allied Assault. There's some snazzy looking stuff in there, such as the ability to kick, punch, knee and headbutt pedestrians. There's a shot of a guy climbing out the door of his up-turned car, a grooveh flamethrower, and some lovely sounds of crunching metal. Even the way the heavy American cars dip down when they take a corner at speed.


Moving Target

no - im confusing MM 1 with MM 2....silly billy :)


Originally posted by SomeGuy
Heh. Those 'dodgy monks' are Hare Krishna's. Gouranga is a derivative of Sri Gourang and forms part of a chant. Don't know no more.

(Tsk. 'Dodgy monks.' In this day and age... ;))

Actually one day when I was bored and couldn't be arsed giving them dosh I had a long chat with one of them in the middle of town about their beleifs.

They are taught that the Moon is actually further away than the Sun. Being quite quick that day I asked how Solar Eclipses might occur. He replied that Soloar Eclipses were caused by another object whcih is closer than the Sun that we can't normally see.

When I started to enquire into the details about how this might occur and if the Moon and the 'close-moon' did a real quick swap so that noone would notice he started to make his excuses about having to be elsewhere quite soon.



Guest bs.
seems these monks are pretty dodgy (of course not in the way someguy thinks, but then again i dont want to know what he thinks is dodgy).


i don't care if they believe bullshit. Most people in the world believe 90% bullshit imho. It just made a refreshing change to have one of those people who bother you in the street desperate to get away from me :D


they can beleave bs if they want, its just when they try to impose it on me (of course the real reason i dont like them is because i have to say something, or else ill look ignorant just ignoring them)


Ah man brought it the other day, this game pure rules!!

I cant believe its only an 18 to say the freedom of stuff u can do. Cant wait to nick that boat when I progress to the next town.

I havent tryed that hooker thing yet but I read today that she takes your money. Apparently when u drop her off u just beat her up and get your money back :)


yea..if u pick her up and drive to a private area the car starts to rock about and gets faster :D ...and then your health goes up to 125 lol :)


Just played it last night. Couldn't pick up no hoes tho. j00 trying to make me look foolish ? :)


Where can i download a video of this game from ??



Originally posted by ShockingAlberto
gah, i should edit my post for tis but i cant be arsed.

did you know 'gouranga' is totally true? in nottingham its written above several bridges, and a year or so ago my sister explained about this dodgy 'monks'.
you give them money(most likely about a quid in the street), and they then say 'gouranga' and its meant to give you good luck or summit :/

ive seen them once, (on 'clumba street' in town if anyone ehre lives in notts), and they were annoying, and looked like a bunch of students after free money. :D

i was allright cus i had no change on me, he still pestered me...


Thx SerialKilla :clap:

edit : just watched it - that does look good indeed :D


I found this drug you can take on the game which makes you dead ssslloowww. I never took it again as I didnt know what it did. Untill my mate took the drug and then punched someone. Man they fly a mile! Even the person on the receieving end kinda moans in slowmo. Really funny.

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