Goodbye one and all


old.Trine Aquavit

Those not excited about SWG need to take a look at these screenies. I know it's only eye candy, but it's great eye candy! The 3D screenies of all the character races are particularly cool (though you'll need Quicktime & a decent connection for the download). You can rotate the images by clicking of the left and right edges of the image (the cursor will change to an arrow).

I'll deffo be there on release (if not sooner)!


Trine!! You forgot 1 other Darkstep... Psycho!!!

Sad to see you go Omen, always fun to play alongside. Will miss you.

and people, don’t be scared to embark on SWG... Fear leads to anger....


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Those not excited about SWG need to take a look at these screenies. I know it's only eye candy, but it's great eye candy! The 3D screenies of all the character races are particularly cool (though you'll need Quicktime & a decent connection for the download). You can rotate the images by clicking of the left and right edges of the image (the cursor will change to an arrow).

I'll deffo be there on release (if not sooner)!
Not exactly very impressive in my opinion. I have seen much more impressive screenshots in the past...
No-one cares about decent frame-rate anymore?
I admit they are nice, but so are the graphics shown in SI screenshots.


Originally posted by omen_darkstep
First of all the amount of time sony/lucasarts have spent developing SWG is AMAZING - they have really done their homework lets just say. Admittedly I am NOT the worlds biggest fan of SW - however, the mmorpg looks set to turn me into a full convert to the universe... the scope for RP is unbelievable - lets just say UO style RP capabilites (multiplied by about 10) with the gfx/interace of everquest/daoc (multiplied by about 10).
No matter how long they work on it (to an acceptable extent) there will be problems, this is a fact of MMORPG's established via previous cases.
RP could be quite nice, but what about the rest? Not all want to RP. Unless you also include a sort of "personalisation" of characters, as in the options are huge... UO had that. If they concentrate on RP aspects too much the community will not be as large as it could be.
Imho the graphics of SI will equal the ones in SWG, based on screenshots. Question is: which has better frame rate if they have a similar quality graphics, frame rates matter more in most people's opinions. The rare few have PCs to run the very very "next year's" top-of-the-line graphics of games. Problem there too...


SFX - I can't say much at the mo, but let's say the specilization of characters is AMAZING - 700 different skill lines, and each of those branches off into other possibilites for your character - a major part of the the game is crafting and the possibilites for that too are huge.

As for graphics - I used to play UO up until a year ago so I couldn't really give a shit about that - if the community is nice and the RP is nice it will be a nice game. Of course SWG is gonna have more than it's fair share of d3wD k1d$, but I will be ignoring most of them. Hopefully on release we will have a full RP server.

Also remember that this game is STAR WARS - it's gonna be the mmorpg that breaks mmorpgs to the mainstream. The userbase is gonna be FUCKING HUGE. Personally I have never really been a fan of medieval style RP games like DaoC, I'm more a cyberpunk kinda guy - which is why SW appeals to me... magic (the force), and technology.


But yes, there will be problems without a doubt - that's just part of life in an ever-expanding universe.


Neocron is more like CyberPunk, then again that game did not appeal to me although I loved CyberPunk.
The game could be fun, but all, no matter what the game is... it will have problems. Generally that is my point.


SWG is being made by the people that made EQ, Love it or hate it, EQ rocked in its day and now only falls behind in the grafix area.

A game like DAOC in Star Wars form makes me wanna.... Well you get the idea:p

Time will tell i guess, But im gonna play it for sure.

Oh and good luck Omen:)


A truely believe SWG will wipe the floor with all other MMORPG's, not because it's star wars but because of the company behind it. Love em or hate em Verant are one of the most experienced, if not the most experienced, makers of large scale MMORPG's out there and quite frankly, if it's only as good as EQ I'll still buy it and play it over DAoC. Imo EQ is one of the greatest games out there, I couldn't play it again now because it frustrates me so much how much time it takes up, but I had 1.5 years of fun getting to 50 in EQ and I will gladly do it again in SWG. and, c'mon, it's star wars!!!!!!!!!


You won't be able to get to 50 in SWG - it's not level based - YAY!

Skill based, like UO - so there's just as much emphasis on crafting as there is fighting!


Very sad to see you go Omen ... Hope wherever you end up is fun and come back for SI.

PS Not getting to 50? Well how about getting to your 'maximum learning capacity'? Still looks like some kind of more complicated levelling? From SWG faq below.

"You may decide to make your character a jack-of-all-trades by learning many different professions, though each time you add a new profession, the skill point cost for gaining new skills increases. Instead you may concentrate on just a few areas for specialization, achieving mastery in just one or two professions. The higher-tier skills are generally more expensive to acquire, in both skill points and credits; they also have more rigorous prerequisites. Every character has a maximum learning capacity (pool of skill points) so no character will be able to master every skill at the same time."


Originally posted by krill-nyd

"You may decide to make your character a jack-of-all-trades by learning many different professions, though each time you add a new profession, the skill point cost for gaining new skills increases. Instead you may concentrate on just a few areas for specialization, achieving mastery in just one or two professions. The higher-tier skills are generally more expensive to acquire, in both skill points and credits; they also have more rigorous prerequisites. Every character has a maximum learning capacity (pool of skill points) so no character will be able to master every skill at the same time."

Sounds like Ultima Online to me........


Originally posted by old.tRoG
always sad to lose a player.

especially one who isn't an l337 d00d :(

wh47 15 wr0n6 w17h l33t d00d5 ?

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