Good SBs and bad SBs



Good SBs and bad SBs (and other Thid ramblings)

(note, talking about honour, not skill in the thread title)

Was in Thid with my merc Roselyn today.. Got tired of alb zerg, so went off on my own.. Had 2 run-ins in a row with SBs. One was the highlight of my DAoC day, the other made me wonder why I even bother with BG and RvR in general..

Mortes: Tested if I was alone with a snare + run routine, then came back with a friend, despite him being buffed, me not. (was the rp worth the loss of a fun, challenging fight?)

Micklas: Dared to 1on1 me. Best fight of the day for me. (you would have beat me easy if dirty tricks hadn't been up. Even blocked once with your little shield =p.. I was unbuffed though :eek: )

Now you know what the /rude and /hug was for, respectively =)


Actually had a few fun 1on1s now, mostly with NSes. Thanks to Kedac's group for not adding on my fight with Loxly (shame you missed your opening move, or that would have been really close I think).

Nice PA Neula.. Good thing I missed that last bow shot while you were running away, eh? =)

Anyways, gonna stop hanging out here and start playing ball (or poke-the-stealther or whatever it's called) for real. Keep up the fun fights =)


Was one of the funny situations that keeps you playing. Had like 1 hp left and saw you get your bow out. Chanting 'dont hit dont hit dont hit' on your head and spammin stealth button :D

That get so on nerves that went to get something cool to drink and some stealther had killed me when i came back. bohoo.

Its nice to see some solo albs. Salute!


It's a bit like you and your friends teaming up against a solo SB, isn't it?

Sweep before your own door before you complain about other people ruining your fun.

I've just spent the last 6-7 ports to Thid on jumping a solo alb only to have at least 4 other albs charge into the fight. Your merc included, mate. :)

Oh, and tell Heffers that at some point I will hand him his overpowered infil arse to him on a silverplate :D


You got your kill. Was I supposed to let you run off to pluck some poor helpless caster (Gods know, I've been through the "just want MCL" horror show enough times)?

If I'm having a 1on1, and get swept by the zerg just as I kill the guy I've fought with, who cares? But if they come in blazing while the fight's still undecided, that's what bugs me. And it doesn't really matter if it's friends or foes then ;)

Anyways, what I was originally complaining (or whining, whatever) about was the methodical "check if she's solo, yes, bring friends anyways" thing. That's all well and good if the only thing you want is to farm rp, but at max 4 points per kill, I'd say go for the fun instead.

Maybe that's just me though :eek:


On a related note, /salute to Ruffled, Aquatic and Adaptive. Decided I might as well not fight, and when savage sat down to watch, I was already closing on 50% hp, so would have been pointless to start then. Brought laughs and smiles when that turned into a hug-fest, and you let me go =)

Love fighting you Loxly, even if you are buffed and I'm not. Always intense, close fights, thank you ever so much for jumping me. /hug =)


ROFL Neula, now we know what happens when I don't use dirty tricks at start of fight, but have baseline buffs. Killed by last tick of poison miliseconds after you died =)


Hehe, and i missed pa on you. stop making sudden turns ;D


Have to keep an open eye out for zergs heading my way hehe. Anyways, would have popped dirty tricks at once if PA had gone in ;)

Anyways, was glad we had that fight, shows how evenly matched the two classes are in straight melee (you were winning before I used dirty tricks, but had speclines, which I didn't), meaning a fight comes down to how we each use the different tools available =)


Originally posted by inertia
On a related note, /salute to Ruffled, Aquatic and Adaptive. Decided I might as well not fight, and when savage sat down to watch, I was already closing on 50% hp, so would have been pointless to start then. Brought laughs and smiles when that turned into a hug-fest, and you let me go =)

Aha so it was you who we ran into at apk ;-D
Got quite suprised to find a solo alb tbh.
Excuse me for denting your chainmail, but I finally got the point when you just stood there :-P

/cheer to all jolly emoting Zerglings at mb btw


Thumbs up to Budhog he makes me larf with his risky antics


/cheer roselyn
Im Micklas :) it was a really great figth i had with u, and damn those dirty tricks really are dirty :D i must say the better figther won, (reminder to self)" dont jump ppl who uses dirty tricks"
:) ill get ya next time :D

And btw its all ways nice to see a alb who dare solo keep up the good work roselyn.


Roselyn /wav /kiss unstealth ment i wanted to duel u :/

was unbuffed and all i wanted was a fair duel. not some caster pbaoing to find me :D which he didnt ;) even though i was so close that i got have placed my sword in your back at any time or any other member of the group u was in.
well see ya out there



I cant understand that you are calling me a BAD SB.

First of all a SB uses every chance he gets to kill the enemy
even if it is with a friend !!

The second thing is that "M8" you are a Merc ! how do u even get it in you mind that i want a 1 on 1 with you DIRTY TRICKS.

Mortes GreyKilla


Was in Thid with my brothers armsman and all you done all day was PA me then run Mortes :eek:


Well Mortes is missing the point, you are not supposed to win all encounters with your shadowblade. It is never meant to be shadowblade (or any stealther) > all. What you think is, I dont have any chance of winning from a heavy tank so I hit them and run away, come back and try my luck again. Well only thing that I can say to you is, when you pick a wrong fight you deserve to die imo, so keep on killing easy targets like casters and never touch the other tanks again then if you cant kill em :eek:


It'd be nice if they could set up a little arena in BG so 1v1 could take place. Then all the honorable stuff could happen there.

TBH I never know whats on the other persons mind. You think they want a 1v1 and you get ganked by a zerg, or you bring friends and they whine "I was solo."

You talk about honorable. If you were so then you wouldn't use Dirty Tricks. It's not honorable just by it's name .. lol.

My SB Hollygo wont take ANY non-caster class solo. But if I see 2 tanks whacking one another I'll hang close and watch. Unless I want to get back to Aeg for more poisons then I'll whack a tank (or i mistake a friar ... blushes .. see earlier post).

Why wont I take non-casters? because my skill isn't/spec isnt good enough. I realise my weaknesses and play accordingly. As I am in no rush to cap out I have as much fun purely taunting the Zergs. Now and then it panics them enough that they start hunting me and leave a caster behind. Bingo.

BG is the place to try out your new-ish toon. People will make mistakes/fight differently... Dont get so mad if they do.



Well i think that you guys are missing the point in BG. The point in BG as to gank as many as u can ! there u choose a shadowblade !

as for the tanks i hit and run is in protest "why can a paladin hit for 100 dmg per hit" so i just want to make bg sucky for them !


Only 2handed paladins hit for 100 a hit, and you wanna make it shite in bgs for tank classes??? cos in bgs these said classes are "overpowered" compared to stealthers!




Mortes, QQ !

I wtfpwned ur silly kobby lots of times you gimp!


Re: Hmmn

Originally posted by Mortes
Well i think that you guys are missing the point in BG. The point in BG as to gank as many as u can ! there u choose a shadowblade !

as for the tanks i hit and run is in protest "why can a paladin hit for 100 dmg per hit" so i just want to make bg sucky for them !

Oh my god, why cant paladins stealth? Why cant paladins apply poisons? Why cant paladins PA a caster for 400 damage = 1 hit them? Why oh god why? Cry more imo, you deserve to die as a stealther if you attack a plate tank, and you will die almost 99% of the time if that tank is a paladin (and you are both buffed or both unbuffed). Paladin end & heal chant will kill you easily. And I got owned by warriors/savages who I missed backstab or PA on, I didnt run away like a headless chicken, I still tried my luck. And yes, I died..But I didnt cry like you nor bring friends, so cry me a river please and next time kill easy 1 shottable casters (and me hopes that you hit a friar by accident...)




Well Zonder i dont mind beeing killed by chars in BG but what i hate is ppl that while about Hit and run caurse that is what SB's are all about 1 Hit casters and Hurt Tanks in hope of that some 1 else will kill him fast.



BTW Roselyn the reason why i hit and run fron u is becaurse my armor is like made out of paper and i dont know if u are calling for help while we are fighting and personaly i dont want (BigBlue-BlueHammer) <--- Paladins to come with his iconnu Sorc friend and Mezz + Beat my ass up for no reason ! so plz stop the Whining...


Re: Roselyn

Originally posted by Mortes
BTW Roselyn the reason why i hit and run fron u is becaurse my armor is like made out of paper and i dont know if u are calling for help while we are fighting and personaly i dont want (BigBlue-BlueHammer) <--- Paladins to come with his iconnu Sorc friend and Mezz + Beat my ass up for no reason ! so plz stop the Whining...

How do you want a sorcerer to mezz you if you dont unstealth? Imo get some skills, you really sound like a 10 year old noob who plays daoc for the first time. Stealthers are made to pick fights, not to kill every moving thing in sight. You need to chose your fights carefully or you will end up back where you was bound and also end up here for the whining...I say again, cry more and get some skills...



The only Fucking noob here is you !
And can u plz add 10 more years to that age thing !

but of caurse u have to defend alb when u play there !

and it is easy for a SB to be mezzed is i am near a grp of mids then that mezz also hit me fool !

Get a fucking life !


Ieewww you sound really retarded now, you are talking 2 different shit that doesnt have to do anything with each other. First you talk about you being solo versus another tank, that you hit them and run away. You also tell that you are afraid to get mezzed by 3 albs when you hit someone, now you tell me that you always walk in a group so it is normal that you get mezzed? Are you stupid? How big is the chance that 3 albs pickup a fight against a fg of mids, and why should you be afraid then if you get mezzed? Do you think that the 3 albs can finish a fg of mids off and destealth you within the 20 seconds of time the mezz lasts? Lol...You dont have a clue about the whole point of this topic, someone calling you not honourable because you are running away like a headless chicken from 1 vs 1 fights, then you cry about that and want to let us believe that you are not a 'bad sb' by telling us that shadowblades pickup every chance to win, even if its with a zerg....Now you telling me that you are always running in a group..How come that you can fight a merc 1vs1 if you run in a group? Now drink your milk and sleep well...



Yes 3 albs can take out FG ! as i have seen my self and the mezz is more then 20 sec u gimp !

The grp that took out a FG was BlueHammer + his Sorc m8 and some other Alb !


Get some spirit resistance you noob. Mezz only lasted about 7 secs here!



Well dont think that any resistance can make a 46sec long mezz into 7 sec. This mezz comes from a mind sorc. so 20sec mezz is the time it takes with good resistance, so zonder ill gues u are a alb, and gets mezzed by pac healer ae which only mezz for 34sec ae or a skald with 18 sec mezz. And stop the bitching in here m8s we all just play for fun... Rigth?

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